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Mynameisgustavoclon OP t1_jbomhx2 wrote

It’s an old laptop my Brother gifted me ok?


n1keym1key t1_jbonm3z wrote

Couldnt care less about your choice of laptop dude. You do you.

PS5 = Oversized

Switch = Drifty



Mynameisgustavoclon OP t1_jboqfhy wrote

They are good consoles tho


n1keym1key t1_jbotwaf wrote

That debatable about the Switch, underpowered at release and every Joycon develops drift. I have 6 sets of Joycons that all drift so I don't use the Switch anymore at all. I also feel its Nintendos worst console ever. Hopefully the Switch 2 or whatever comes next will sort the drift issues. I also kind of hope for a full on home console from Nintendo next time, no more hybrid shit.

PS5 is probably a very good console, I will take your word for it. My PS5 has never been out of the delivery carton it arrived in. Its just to big for the TV stand, maybe one day they will release that one game that makes me really want to open it up and play.


Mynameisgustavoclon OP t1_jbouilo wrote

I think you are a Xbox or pc fan


n1keym1key t1_jboyz8y wrote

No not really.

I may be leaning more towards Xbox this console gen but that's down to the way Sony have been behaving towards their customer base in general since the PS4 became dominant. I actually own every gen of Xbox and PS, plus pretty much every other major console released from the early 80's onwards.

My RGB modded NES is actually my super fave console, closely followed by the Gamecube and SNES... (I do have a soft spot for my PC Engine and also the 3do too) So if anything I'm a Nintendo fan whose very disappointed by their current broken offering. Even piracy being super duper easy with the Switch doesn't save it.


Mynameisgustavoclon OP t1_jboun9h wrote

The Nintendo switch has some good exclusive s tho


n1keym1key t1_jboz7qx wrote

Exclusives I cant play due to crappy hardware (Joycons).

Tbh that's not strictly true, I have played some of the bigger games on my PC through emulation. Its better than buying yet more shitty Joycons that will just break again.


Mynameisgustavoclon OP t1_jbozsk7 wrote

Just buy a pro controller and you are good to go

and it’s been 2 years since I have my joy cons which came in the box and they never broke