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Thin-Mobile-5969 t1_jbpj4f0 wrote

I mostly stand my consoles up cuz it saves space


THEY_CALL_ME_FACE OP t1_jbpye6v wrote

It just seems like consoles weren't meant to stand up.


Thin-Mobile-5969 t1_jbrmvvu wrote

Depends on the model tbh, but I mean the Xbox x was def designed to stand up lmao the fans literally at the top


THEY_CALL_ME_FACE OP t1_jbrnigb wrote

Yes but you still have to insert the disc sideways. Thats annoying and inconvenient. The only console that should be standing up is a desktop PC in my opinion. It does not fall over and you can insert a disk the normal way.


Thin-Mobile-5969 t1_jbrnoq2 wrote

Insert the disk sideways? Yeah? Like some PC’s and the wii, i don’t see a problem there, I’ve been doing it for ages, cuz whenever you get a shelf you have to put consoles on their side to fit. Not rlly a problem as long as you know which way to put em in


FunkinDonutzz t1_jbsaqgr wrote

Someone seems to forget that the PS2 launched 23 years ago, was usually displayed standing up, and even the PS logo on the disc drive was rotatable by 90° so it was orientated correctly when stood up.


THEY_CALL_ME_FACE OP t1_jbsbgep wrote

The rotating logo was just an option. It does not necessarily mean the console was meant to be stood upright.


FunkinDonutzz t1_jbse0kg wrote

What sort of dumb logic is that? I could just as easily say it wasn't meant to be laid flat.


THEY_CALL_ME_FACE OP t1_jbsfm03 wrote

You're the one with the dumb logic who suggested it was meant to be stood up right due to the pictures and rotating logo. All i said was that is not always the case. Only Sony can confirm if it was created to lay flat or upright.


FunkinDonutzz t1_jbsgpzt wrote

So they just put a rotating logo on it and released an official vertical stand for the LOLs? What about the plethora of PS2 Slim packaging that shows the console stood upright?

And oh look, it's the PS2 shown in both orientations at the official reveal by Sony themselves in 1999.

You're also more than welcome to peruse the instruction manual and read the section detailing that you can position the console horizontally or vertically.. It even details the fact you can rotate the logo! Almost as if they planned for it to be stood upright...


THEY_CALL_ME_FACE OP t1_jbsh8r0 wrote

"Almost as if they planned for it to be stood upright"... Is that an official confirmation from Sony? No. You just made yourself look like a fool 😃


FunkinDonutzz t1_jbsicra wrote

So in the INSTRUCTION MANUAL that I linked you missed the section that says "you can position the console horizontally or vertically", so yes, that is in fact official confirmation from Sony.

What was that about making yourself look like a fool 😀


THEY_CALL_ME_FACE OP t1_jbtbpz5 wrote

I know the manual says "you can position the console horizontally or vertically" but you did not confirm if the PS2 was created to be an upright console from the very beginning.

"For example Sony might say "The PS2 can be be stood upright, but it was created as a flat console from the beginning because upright can scratch the disk or cause the console to fall over"


FunkinDonutzz t1_jbtyp7b wrote

So the manufacturer explaining in the fucking instruction manual that it can be stood up somehow isn't confirmation that it was designed to be stood up? You also ignored it being stood up in the 1999 reveal.

It's also no more likely to scratch a disc than when horizontal, and the vertical stand was also shown at the reveal.

Don't reply further, because I am done wasting my time replying to your idiocy.


THEY_CALL_ME_FACE OP t1_jbua3vs wrote

Hello? Anybody Home?

What I'm saying is can you confirm that the designer said "im going to create a console, it will be specifically a stand up console, my first concept drawing of the console will be of it standing up"

(well all know the console can be stood up but thats probably because Sony decided to include the vertical stand afterwards)


FunkinDonutzz t1_jbualwj wrote

The vertical stand was shown before the console released.

>What I'm saying is can you confirm that the designer said "im going to create a console, it will be specifically a stand up console, my first concept drawing of the console will be of it standing up"

What the fuck does any of this matter? You still seem completely fucking Ignorant to the fact that yes, yes someone designed it to be standing up.


THEY_CALL_ME_FACE OP t1_jbub3ee wrote

You couldn't understand or confirm anything in the end and made yourself look like a fool lol 😃

Im outta here. Peace✌️


FunkinDonutzz t1_jbv4yfq wrote

It's literally the instruction manual, therefore confirming it, you cast-iron moron.


M-O-O-N-96 t1_jbxks31 wrote

Lol if you read his post history he’s actually just dumb man


FunkinDonutzz t1_jbxndg0 wrote

Oh sweet titty-fucking Christ above, you're not wrong. One of those people that has a brainfart and decides to post it on Reddit.

I also loved "I want to play a modern game like Streets of Rage online"... I dunno, maybe consider Streets of Rage 4 lol.


M-O-O-N-96 t1_jbxnqii wrote

Hahahahha right?! That post specifically had me laughing. 😂😂😂 almost seems like a bot tbh


FunkinDonutzz t1_jbxobux wrote

The polls too man, the polls 😂


Cold_Kitsune t1_jc1a8e8 wrote

On god, that guy has to be clowning. I think their point collapsed into "if the first draft wasnt presented as standing then it shouldn't" but that makes no sense anyways... Can't believe you give him hard evidence and its blatantly disregarded, like this thread is literally the Patrick star meme. Good luck surviving the migraine that this part of the internet is


M-O-O-N-96 t1_jc1pxrq wrote

Dawg I’m telling you I think it’s a bot or a child. Look at his post history. Suspect to say the least.


Cold_Kitsune t1_jc3wqp3 wrote

Could be either, Hella entertaining to read through though


No_need_for_that99 t1_jbqj77h wrote

I have ps2 and 3.
mind you they are lying down now, since I have more room, but other then that I have always had them standing. plus it looked cooler.

But it wears on the disc trays.

If you don't have a disc tray, then it's fine.
That's why many xbox 360's would stop reading disc unless they were laying down.


Simple oversight I suppose


Vinconex t1_jbrjcxy wrote

Back in the day consoles had two positions, upright and laying down it was touted as a "new standard" on the Americas but was a common thing in Japan.

In the Americas however they just used the same or even cheaper parts for the standup consoles so tue bottom (lol literally sometimes) fell out of the market and users felt that laying down was the better idea(bit nobody decided to reinforce the top to be able to hold a few pounds cuz we all pit stuff on top didn't we lol)

Tldr: Americas are too cheap to provide decent hardware


THEY_CALL_ME_FACE OP t1_jbqk2jt wrote

Wow. I never knew that a console standing up wears out a disk tray and causes it to stop reading disks. I will never stand up another console again and to be honest I will probably never purchase another console that uses CD's. I will just stick to digital consoles from now on to avoid disk problems period.


No_need_for_that99 t1_jc26ex2 wrote

Well, the disc trays were created on machines intended to lie down... the standing up part was simply a niche feature.... But the trays were never reinforced to be used at that angle.

But most PS3, Wii, Wii U, Xbox one and later are fine because they have no disc trays.

Makes sense when you think about, the plastics trays are flimsy in most cases. Not like Computer based Disc trays which are solid plastic and made for any orientation


googoogaga1120 t1_jbqr5kq wrote

I once put a disc into my 360 standing upright when I was younger and it was scratched beyond repair.... all because of seeing an upright standing console on tv or something


Cold_Kitsune t1_jc1au0v wrote

Look, a big factor is space management and presentation, and in addition to that, horizontal consoles encourage ppl to put things on them like monitors or games that can cause heating or ventilation issues. I prefer horizontal disk trays to vertical personally but there's not a big issues, they both still work.

You honestly just need to think what functions better, looks better for photography and what it's designed to sit like. Also, common sense is applicable


THEY_CALL_ME_FACE OP t1_jbp12k8 wrote

For example the Playstation 2,3,4,5. It's hard to insert a disc and the console falls over in general.


zomenis t1_jbugqb5 wrote

That's just not true lmao.

The PS5 even ships with a damn vertical stand


G-man200281 t1_jbtwll9 wrote

My Xbox series X only stands up there’s no other option