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lifeisasimulation- t1_jbxxd7n wrote

If both are locked at 60fps then it's the same either way

However are you playing them on the same display? Because for instance a 100hz or a 144hz display isn't a direct multiplier of 60 and the display itself can cause jitter or ghosting. Even if the display is 240hz which is a direct multiple the processing of adding extra frames can make it jittery


bakedbread54 t1_jbyh6yu wrote

Framerate is an average amount of frames produced per second. This doesn't say anything about the pacing. With consistent pacing, a game running at 60fps should produce a new frame every 16.7 milliseconds. However, for instance, if half of those frames took 33.4 millseconds to produce, and half took 8.4 milliseconds, you are still getting 60fps, but it will feel choppy as the frames aren't being produced consistently.