Submitted by Umbruhh t3_11ssey0 in consoles

So I bought a PS5 around January 2021 after finding one in the wild, I was originally going to wait until God of War Ragnarok (before it was announced for PS4) and I decided to get it mainly because at the time enjoyed PlayStation exclusives and wanted to play some of the new ones like Demons Souls or Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.

Bare in mind I mainly game on my PC (1440p R9 5900x RTX 3060 TI 32GB) and I also have a switch). But I bought it mainly because I fell for the “appeal of having the newest console.” But as time went on, I became more and more disillusioned with PlayStation as a company, the decisions they make, and how I simply wasn’t enjoying the exclusives enough to feel confident in my purchase.

I mean I’ve been playing some epic exclusives, PS4 exclusives here and there. Bloodborne and Ghost of Tsushima especially. Although I found God of War Rangarok now where near as good as I thought it would be (imo) and that was demoralizing since that was one of my main reasons for getting a PS5 before it got announced for last gen. And currently the only PS5 exclusive that I’m interested in is Final Fantasy XVI, but it’s more than likely to come to PC.

And then there’s the fact of more and more exclusives coming to PC, making me wonder if it’s just better to wait to get the better version on PC rather then getting it day one on PS5. And I mean I do like the PS5, at it’s core it’s a good console, I LOVE the controller, and experience. But I’m wondering if it’s really wise to hold on to it since I usually play on PC more often and the exclusives seem to be ending up on there nowadays, or how I feel like I’m being continuously let down by PlayStation’s lineup that feel less like games but movies or over the shoulder walking sims charged for $70.

I would love some advice on where to go about this situation if possible



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Nawara_Ven t1_jcfwig6 wrote

It seems fairly easy to argue that "launch" is, by all accounts, the absolute worst time to own a console. For me, personally, it took about two-and-a-quarter years to see value in the PS3/360 generation and the PS4/X1 generation respectively. We're at the two-and-a-half mark for the PS5/XS gen, but I'm going to say that some of that time "doesn't count" due to one of those global crises whatchamacallits.

In other words, the machine is presumably just starting to take off.

That said, you've only mentioned AAA exclusives, which are going to be pretty few and far between (and fewer and farther as time goes on, as budgets expand). If you're not looking at obscure Japanese exclusives, or not getting any use out of PS+ or PS+E, or don't have any PS4-centred pals with whom you play online, there's nothing really that necessitates you having that device.

So you might as well just lock it in the closet till The Uncharted Last of War IIII comes out if that's something you wanna play in like a year or two, or give up on that sparse sprinkling of games and get rid of it, if you can still get a good price for it in this climate.


wh0else t1_jcfwe3l wrote

You do you! There's no point in childish tribalism about platforms, you've decided it's not what you need and that's that. I'm still using mine, since I have less time to game these days I'm still working through HFW with a few games queued behind, and now a few good psvr2 titles too. But I've owned pc, Xbox, switch, and it's all down to what suits your needs.


LiteratureNo4594 t1_jcga1cc wrote

I've got a steam deck which is awesome. Still got my pc, switch and ps5 which I'm going to keep! All have their place in my life and I use for different purposes


celcius_451 t1_jch1h0g wrote

What I learned from these kind of posts in the last year is in anything recreational, what matters is you being happy. You could argue that buying an original Xbox is better than PS5 today and actually have some valid points. There will always be someone with a counter argument with valid points too.

So unless you're asking something like "which gpu will render my premiere project faster" it all boils down to what makes you happy, you can just like the physical design of the console and go for it because of that.

If you don't want to read my rambling, in short, asking something like "do you think sony will release good exclusives every year" instead of this would greatly improve what we discuss here. Your question has been discussed many times, maybe check that posts.


Douchieus t1_jcigeck wrote

The Demon's Souls remake was worth the price of the console alone. I have no doubt a Bloodborne remake is next and I'll be there day one lol.


Euphoric-Ad-9303 t1_jcgazk6 wrote

If I were in your shoes I’d keep it just to get that ps5 experience, But it all comes down to what you want, maybe you’ll sell it and upgrade your pc more, it depends on what you decide, and like you said the exclusives are coming to pc And depending on your pc might be higher in quality. PS I’m not a Xbox fanboy I enjoy PlayStation


Upstairs-Toe2873 t1_jcgtmpx wrote

I'd keep it. The console is a fantastic value product and will only improve in time with more decent exclusives. I also don't think it's worth selling unless you sell it privately for a decent price.

..but sell it when the PS5 pro comes out. If that console delivers on Sony's original promises, it'll be a game changer once again.


theus-sama t1_jch176r wrote

You do you man. I have both a gaming pc and a ps5, and I daily drive my ps5 and hardly ever game on pc. I mostly use it to work.

But I like it better to play games on a console with a controller than on pc with mouse and keyboard (except for shooters, gender that I don’t really play that much).

But if you don’t really use it. You do you


Captobvious75 t1_jci8akb wrote

I have a high end PC (7900xt) and a ps5. You’d have to fight me to try to take my ps5 from me.


Subject-Proof-3309 t1_jcjwn68 wrote

Just don’t buy a Xbox they literally have no games or exclusives and everything runs better on the ps5. Mostly small trolley children online aswell not a overall good experience . Ps5 is better all around . The gf experience is jaw dropping now with the vr2. If u extra cash .


Supers8ntDavid t1_jcod35d wrote

Completely agree. I think Sony are using the brand to just rinse. PS plus used to be OK value, before GamePass became what it is today. Game prices are ludicrous, and at the moment truly great games are few and far between, and invariably not only on PS. I got mine on Launch day, I think it’s fine as a console but poor value and shitty attitude from Sony meant I just used the power and HDMI cable from the PS5 and upgraded by XB Series S to an X.

I might keep the PS just in case, or might find it’s way onto EBay


GamerTMTDK t1_jcf9olz wrote

I had a ps5, but restly sold it because my main focus is pc also (I run a RTX 2060 super, 16GB ram and i5 9400F) I think Playstation is very expensive both regarding the consol, but also their games in general, now, yesterday I actually orded a ps5 again because it's not all games I'm interested in, my pc can run propely, but still I'm concidering canseling my order, because like I said, it's expensive.


nathanwyer t1_jcgfm4i wrote

You don't need advice, you're the one with the answers here. Do what you want.


MahatmaAndhi t1_jcf9mag wrote

I sold mine after a few months. I already had a Series X and a decent PC. I'd like to play the exclusives, but they didn't hook me enough to justify the price tag. (And Jim Ryan is a bellend.)


Umbruhh OP t1_jcfh3lg wrote

Thank you! I used to be on team Xbox for many years but I eventually left for PS4 because I loved the exclusives namely, GoW 2018, Detroit, Bloodborne, Ghost of Tsushima. The latter two is one of the reasons why I'm a bit hesitant to sell my PS5 (that and Stranger of Paradise FF, but the epic exclusivity ends next month)

But while some of them have been decent, others have really been disappointing to me (Horizon FW and GoW R), and I'm in a bit of a strange spot rn


Original_Ack t1_jch6j08 wrote

I think you should consider selling the ps5 now while you can still get decent money for it. If you wait for the pro version (as someone else suggested) then this one will drop considerably in value. As you mentioned, most exclusives are coming to PC and there are so many options on PC (steam for example) where you can get the games at crazy cheap prices. IMO if you game on PC, there is no reason to own a console. I personally prefer consoles and play on a Series X but I also have and can play with my controllers on my PC if I wanted. Also, with Microsoft buying up all the gaming companies, I see Sony exclusives dwindling significantly.


IndependentNo1814 t1_jcfqfft wrote

Yeah ps5 is disappointing. So few titles, all the good games are from ps4
