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Sl1pz t1_jcuj1tb wrote

In the PS4 version of Undertale, I got four trophies for taking Monster Candy titled:

"Don't Worry, I Have Lots Of Ideas For Trophies"

"Like Getting Items"

"Or Getting More Items"

"Help Me, I'm Out Of Ideas"


only_JONDIS t1_jcxpiiw wrote

I read that the creator of undertale was forced to add trophies to the ps4 release but did not want trophies in his game… so instead he just took the piss.


InferiorTeaComplex t1_jcv4mcy wrote

Lego Harry Potter - turn down the volume in the library.

But I love that one.


hornwalker t1_jcv9zcy wrote

Stanly Parable has the best achievement-“don’t play the game for five years” lol


serenehide t1_jcvszpe wrote

I like trophies that motivate you to engage with parts of the game you might otherwise have skipped over. Like say in fighting games when there's a trophy for getting certain character endings, or completing survival mode. Normally I might not do those things so that's nice.

But crap like in the OP? Why? Sometimes it feels like there's zero thought put into them, like they got the unpaid intern in the office to make up a list because they couldn't be bothered. It's so weird to put zero effort into a part of your game like that.


Equivalent_Rock_6530 t1_jcup05f wrote

Ghost of Tsushima's photo mode trophy, as much as the photo mode is great, It didn't rly need a trophy.


Gonch76 OP t1_jcvbcao wrote

I've played a few that do this. The crew 2 did it right as you had to work for that trophy in photo mode as you had to take pictures of certain things around the US.


_InsertNameHere-03 t1_jcy0dbh wrote

Moonwalker (walk backwards for 50 seconds) and Passive Observer (do nothing) from Everybody's Gone to the Rapture are two that come to mind. I love simple games like this though so i don't mind too much.


iLoveCummingonFeet t1_jcz9aci wrote

Love these participation trophies and how insulting they feel lol


Gonch76 OP t1_jcy2xx9 wrote

Stay - sleep for an hour. Didn't get this one as I refused to leave my console on for an hour without being played.


Sl1pz t1_jcyf60j wrote

Also Angel Goat from Goat Simulator, where you have to not break anything for 5 minutes. Admittedly this one is pretty difficult as the second I'm in Goatville I suddenly have a hatred for fences, cars, and people's windows, but it is definitely still of the same vein.


Sl1pz t1_jcyf71s wrote

Also Angel Goat from Goat Simulator, where you have to not break anything for 5 minutes. Admittedly this one is pretty difficult as the second I'm in Goatville I suddenly have a hatred for fences, cars, and people's windows, but it is definitely still of the same vein.


Gonch76 OP t1_jcyqyzx wrote

Do you think they just pull suggestions out of a hat and just run with it hahaha


Sl1pz t1_jcz8ml3 wrote

Maybe. Deadmau5 is just kind of in the game too, so is Nyan Cat iirc.


oscarjraw t1_jcyh9lu wrote

What do you do to get it


KrisAxel t1_jd5k32c wrote

In the Xbox version of rec room, you get an achivement for leaving your dorm room (the room you spawn into. It’s a social game.


idkwiorrn t1_jd8ch4w wrote

(UC4) Stage fright trophy be like: