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BigSmokesCheese t1_jdck75m wrote

Whichevers cheaper


LIZ-Truss-nipple t1_jddhgcv wrote

Is that accounting for resale?


BigSmokesCheese t1_jddholp wrote

No its whichevers cheaper to me at the time for example minecraft physically is approximately £12 where I am whereas minecraft digitally is like £10 so I'd buy it digitally if I were to buy it. I dont actually like minecraft I'm just using it as an example


RobertWayneLewisJr t1_jdcn6w1 wrote

Physical. Feels like I actually own the game.


reaper527 t1_jdf0i40 wrote

> Physical. Feels like I actually own the game.

it's not just feels, it's reals.

people think they own their digital content until they don't. even outside of service shutdowns, people can find that they lost their entire account due to a ban (which isn't even necessarily from doing anything wrong)

like, in that paypal example those people probably got sorted out eventually, but who knows how long it took. there are also cases where accounts get hacked and there's plenty of reports of sony not being willing to reverse fraudulently made transactions on people's accounts in these cases, which leaves people with the choice of "eat the charges, or do a chargeback and get banned".

a physical disc will ALWAYS work. it can't be revoked, and it doesn't care if sony/ms/nintendo shut down their servers.


HungarianNewfy t1_jdfu6y8 wrote

> a physical disc will ALWAYS work. it can't be revoked, and it doesn't care if sony/ms/nintendo shut down their servers.

Yes because thievery, property damage, neglect, or time ever occurs that would cause a physical edition to go missing, become ruined due to household catastrophes, misuse/unintentional damage or misplaced, and what the hell even is disc rot?

There is nothing wrong with preferring what you like. But to say it’s without flaws is just ignorant.

I grew up in the late NES to SNES era and had my share of games. What my parents did to them, I do not know. But I was able to amass some of my old collection (as well as others I never had) since then on many platforms from NES, SNES, N64 and Genesis. I still have my original hardware and games from my Playstation 1, 2, 3, PSP, GameCube, Wii, WiiU, Original Xbox, 360 and I still have PC discs going back as far as the original Warcraft and Diablo. But I’ve been mainly digital since the launch of the Xbox One/Playstation 4 and even longer on PC.

I’ve lost a few of my Will-always-work-and-can’t-be-revoked physical games (and some that have become worth a lot more than I ever thought they would) due to some water damage in my previous house. I most likely will never get those expensive ones back. There are games on the Gameboy that I wish I could have enjoyed, but alas, they’re selling for several hundreds of dollars. But with the closing of the 3DS/WiiU eshops, I found out that one of those 300+ gameboy carts can be purchased for the small sum of $4.99 CAD on the eshop. Well fuck me! I bought that in a heartbeat.

And as for more modern purchases, as I’ve said, I’ve been buying digital for well over 10 years, and as far as I know, I still have access to every one of those games that wasn’t limited by an online server (which wouldn’t change with a hard copy). Only, now everywhere I go, as long as I can find hardware that plays the games I’ve made purchases for, I have access to all of my games.

I’ve never been one for trading in my games, I think it’s a scam, but that’s neither here nor there. I’ve only ever sold a handful of my used games, and only because I had a duplicate hard copy or I bought it digitally. So that aspect has never been a consideration for me when I make my purchases.

Both forms of media have their advantages and their disadvantages. But to say one is better than the other, especially because it will “always” do this or have that…well that’s just foolish talk


bendit07 t1_jdcysdj wrote

Digital, way easier. I like to play lots of different games at once instead of focusing on just one and changing disc’s constantly is annoying. Also disc drives die.


Nymunariya t1_jddh9i8 wrote

discs die too. I had Diablo III as the only game in my Xbox One for about three years, never even removed it, as it was the only physical I owned. Around the start of the pandemic the Xbox wouldn't register the disc anymore and wouldn't start Diablo II.


thedesertnobody t1_jdh5hu7 wrote

Discs can't just die because of how they're professionally pressed. Basically data on the disk is represented by tiny holes or pits physically present in the thread of the data layer. Something had to have happened to the disc if it's not working anymore.


Nymunariya t1_jdh7drb wrote

the drive still reads blurays without problem. It just won't read my Diablo 3 disc.


thedesertnobody t1_jdid9t3 wrote

I didn't say anything about the disc drive. I said something has to be wrong with the disc.


yaboyyake t1_jdcixgo wrote

I've always preferred physical because I grew up before digital copies existed. I usually bought games used and loved browsing all the boxes at the store. I didn't always have a solid internet connection or had limited gigs. Now a disc seems pointless because of the updates and I think they are way too big of files to fit on the disc anyways!


Overall-Mud9906 t1_jde94yp wrote

Remember the manuals, the last game with a cool manual I saw was fallout 3


thefadedline1 t1_jdctdv8 wrote

Physical because having a big stack of games gives me the happy chemical. Also means I've got something to sell if I'm in a pinch.

99% of the time I buy digitally nowadays though because I'm a lazy sack of shit and I can preinstall most games.


elliethestaffy t1_jdcpeet wrote

Have been all digital this and the last gen both on Xbox and PlayStation


TwisBeats t1_jdd44ta wrote

I’m from the old school, physical all the way, you can’t resell or loan out a digital copy. Plus it’s nice to feel like you’ve actually purchased something.


Reggae4Triceratops t1_jdd4vgj wrote

Oh people will try to resell digital though, it's the goofiest thing having them try to sell their account info to you.


TwisBeats t1_jdd53kd wrote

People sell their accounts because they’re finished with a game??? Maybe I really am old because that’s insane. I wonder how much my account would be worth, I’ve bought plenty of games and had it since 2008.


Reggae4Triceratops t1_jddgulz wrote

Well finished with the console, and sell the console to you with the login info to keep the digitals. It's sketchy and I've personally never made any transaction with someone like that.


reaper527 t1_jderti1 wrote

> Oh people will try to resell digital though, it’s the goofiest thing having them try to sell their account info to you.

Lots of times those are scams. Its accounts that purchased the game through fraudulent means (stolen credit cards) and the profile will get banned.


Reggae4Triceratops t1_jdevc9b wrote

The particular circumstance I was thinking of was a person I saw selling a Switch, and had significantly increased the price because they were selling the account with the digital games too. Could still be a scam 🤷‍♂️


Simba-xiv t1_jddpovq wrote

Digital saves on storage space and I don’t have to deal with shopping or waiting on deliveries. I typically only play a game 1/2 times then I’m done with it.


Nawara_Ven t1_jde0ryq wrote

It's not for nothin' how much space a few years' worth of game cases can take up. A prolific gamer basically needs a spare room to fill if they both insist on physical games, and never part with them.


Simba-xiv t1_jde1pk8 wrote

I have 3 massive boxes of Ps2 games from the old days I know they take up way too much


PrinceDizzy t1_jddx1jz wrote

I like having the option of buying physical copies and being able to sell and trade games or lend and swap them with friends as I wish and I also enjoy having my own physical games collection and some come with collectors editions, steelbooks, booklets, guides or other goodies like maps etc.

Having the option of buying physical is one of the reasons why I prefer console over PC for gaming.


slimshady713 t1_jdckpox wrote

usually physical unless digital is much cheaper


Zazzazz t1_jdcoya3 wrote

Digital, since I move/travel a lot, so having less stuff to bring around is always appreciated.


Mccobsta t1_jdcq8qy wrote

Physical I own an actual coppy and not a licence


adam17712 t1_jdcqikf wrote

Physical because if I get tired of the game I can resell the game


Drariestor t1_jdctbb0 wrote

I prefer physical....but if digital is more


Reggae4Triceratops t1_jdd4les wrote

Physical. Mostly for the ability to resell one day (which admittedly rarely happens...) Been shopping for used Switch bundles and it's so goofy seeing people selling their account information to include their digital games.


Gonch76 t1_jdd519e wrote

Physical as technically you don't own the digital version. So if they decide to delist it, you won't be able to download it again. This very thing happened to me with Driveclub on the PlayStation. I do buy digital if heavily reduced.


fjfjfhfnfbchfbf t1_jdd956u wrote

I prefer pysical because if you accidentally break your console you can keep the game.


HungarianNewfy t1_jdfumgv wrote

If you accidentally break your console, you still have your digital games too.


arttaketimegameing t1_jdddtj5 wrote

Physical the I play lots of games and I like to try games out it's harder to get money back or sell a digital game if it's nut your cup of tea


Kiesey t1_jddho6o wrote

I have gone all digital since I would say 2015 /2016, yes it is nice to have the physical copy of a game and display your games on a shelf or whatever.

I find having having digital games is just more convenient, all your games are right there ready to load, also with the newer console’s you can have the games auto update so you don’t have to wait for them to update when you put the disc in.


Powerful_Cow9818 t1_jddigh4 wrote

Physical if it’s cheaper than digital, digital normally because it removes the hassle of putting discs in and shit


charlie-_-13 t1_jddq13i wrote

Physical because if you download it takes ages to be downloaded enough to play and having Physical it just satisfying when you first buy it


Tizer887 t1_jdeg2gh wrote

Majority of my games are physical, I would say so I can always re sell and make some money back but I don't think I've ever sold a game unless I completely switched console.


goat_screamPS4 t1_jdek6wl wrote

A mix, physical to resell if a new release / AAA price but if there’s digital for £15 or under then I tend just to buy in that format. Occasionally I’ll buy digital on a new release if I know I’ll put 100+ hours in (The Division and Battlefield 1, I’m looking at you)


Owlmouse11 t1_jdew398 wrote

Physical so I can resell it


LSesay t1_jdewe4a wrote

Used to buy physical. Got a series x and found out about cd keys. Never brought a disc game again. As for my ps5, got the digital one because I’m used to it now.

And no I don’t watch films on my consoles, I have a dedicated 4k player for that.


Nocterjo t1_jdfcx1m wrote

Digital. Lack of space for physical boxes.


Zirea3L t1_jdfq7ix wrote

Physical. So I actually own it. Also love keeping some good tech nostalgia


DerpyEyelessRat t1_jdfv7rc wrote


Because you don’t really own the digital. If they decided to take it off the digital store, you’re sol.

There’s not enough space on my console to keep all my games, so it needs to be deleted if I want to play new games.

Even purchasing cloud space has its limits, games files are huge these days.


imnobodyspecial t1_jdfwtzw wrote

Digital because I can't commit to playing just one game, so I need to be able to switch without getting off my couch


sk8erjim t1_jdg0sif wrote

Physical as of recent.

I’ve had to revert to a digital Xbox loaned from my brother as my one s slowly died through the pandemic, but now games like black ops 3 for example are de-listed from the Xbox store so I can’t play it until I can finally afford the series x…


Dienowwww t1_jdg3r0m wrote

Physical for console, so I can sell them while they still have value on their current console.

Digital for PC, for cost saving and to play them anywhere (Like with steam deck)


CnamhaCnamha t1_jdgbypq wrote

If it's something I really want to keep rather than something I really want to play, I'll get physical. So TOTK, Metroid Prime, Fight Forever, stuff like that will all be physical.

But if it's just something I want to play the handiness of downloading is hard to beat. Even if it's slightly more expensive, it annoys me because they don't have a physical game to produce but I'll still download it.


amora78 t1_jdgjlaf wrote

I rather physical, but you can't nock those digital deals!


Aromatic_Hawk4652 t1_jdglp9j wrote

Physical disc, always cost less than digital. Like to have something I can see. Trade in value if required. Also with digital your also only the owner while it’s on the store. If it’s removed and you haven’t got it downloaded you haven’t got it anymore. Same with all store based media (films/tv shows etc) once a licensing deal is up with store owner your done.


Frogettheegghead t1_jdgwtx7 wrote

Digital cuz theres less chance of it braking and i cant lose it


thedesertnobody t1_jdh6bgv wrote

I go for a mix of both. But then I dump them as either roms or isos and play them on a soft modded console. I swore off purchasing games digitally a while ago.


WallaceninWilliam t1_jdh8u1f wrote

Digital. Because it’s cheaper and even cheaper with 80% percent sales etc.


Juicebox74 t1_jdhg0jw wrote

Either depending on price


physicallydisabled t1_jdir49x wrote

Physical normally because I feel safer knowing if I ever get a new switch I can keep it. But digital is growing om me because physical copies are easily lost


Jdog_265 t1_jdjlq8e wrote

Depends, but when you buy with your own money physical way makes you feel more rewarding


GarethGazzGravey t1_jdjqmth wrote

Digital. I don’t have room in my house for shelves, so buying digitally allows me to have a good library of games without taking up room


ImBehindYouWasTaken t1_jdk4x4w wrote

Digital for convenience and speed. My internet is fairly fast so by the time I’ve gone to the shops to get the physical edition, my digital download would be well finished.


Straight-Kick7113 t1_jdlrtf1 wrote

Digital so I can play with them the other half with only one copy rather than buying 2


Professional_Band_10 t1_jddr43e wrote

I always buy digital because of game sharing on xbox but if I really like the game then I'll buy a copy and just keep it sealed


reaper527 t1_jdeqv9i wrote

Physical, because i actually own it and no glitch, server shut down, or revocation can ever change that.

Also, i can loan/sell if desired.


PalhotaG t1_jdfbvgu wrote

Physical, because it’s impossible to have a real collection if you have all digital games. And if I lose access to my account I can always play the game because I have it physical. I thinks it’s just the best way to have games.