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nonnationalist_brit t1_jdhnuu5 wrote

First of all, I hate the term "serious gamer." It is, in my opinion, a gatekeeping term used by touchebag, wannabe twitch streamers that mostly play warzone and fortnite.

If you game, you're a gamer, end of story.

Secondly, I personally think the Xbox is pointless. If you're going down the microsoft route, get a PC.

If you just want a console, I would go PS5. It has better exclusives.


yaboyyake t1_jdi3zo3 wrote

That doesn't match what OP is looking for so it sounds like you answered your belief more than what they asked. They want to enjoy short simple games with family and friends so not a PC, nor the single player deep story driven PS5 exclusives. I think series S makes a lot of sense for just fun multiplayer games, not playing too often or heavily and not wanting the top performance. But if you want the disc drive you need Series X or PS5.

The best way to decide is by looking at the games each one offers. The current gen top consoles are honestly overkill for basic Nintendo-like games but if money isn't an object go for it.


PrinceDizzy t1_jdiszyt wrote

I'd recommend Xbox over PC, you get the ease of use and all round less hassle of a console, having the option of buying physical games, no hackers ruining games, split screen/local co-op, quick resume features, better portability and 4k blu-ray.


bocologist OP t1_jdjt90s wrote

Yeah, I'm definitely not getting a PC for gaming. Want something for the family room, not too expensive ($500 for Xbox is a lot more affordable than double that or more for a gaming PC), and I'm just looking to play games like Mario Kart, Sonic the Hedgehog, Madden football, NBA 2k, etc. Simple games that you can play in 10 minutes to an hour. I'd be happy to try out Xbox exclusives if there are any along these lines. The kinds of games I've tended to see advertised lately look like they have incredible graphics but might be more involved than I have bandwidth for at the moment (I dunno, things like Call of Duty, Final Fantasy, God of War, etc.). I haven't actually played these, so I could be mistaken, but they look like a steep learning curve.