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You-Slice t1_jdlvq9c wrote

Because it works unlike some others that had to change.


Grey_Beard257 t1_jdlyr9r wrote

Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft all get their analogue stick modules from the same company.


nelisan t1_jdmotvn wrote

I think they’re talking more about the form factor, which hasn’t needed much refinement over the years.


LighttBrite t1_jdq6rgz wrote

What does this comment even mean or add or retort to what you’re replying to whatsoever?


ImBehindYouWasTaken t1_jdny652 wrote

No, it’s just some others are too lazy to innovate and experiment


The_Last_Green_leaf t1_jdqk92o wrote

if it ain't broke don't fix it, the Xbox controller in terms of design is dam near perfect, there's no reason to change it just for the sake of change.


Simba-xiv t1_jdlvv2c wrote

😂😂 and ones just gimmicky bs that’s never implemented in any games


magiclatte t1_jdm1i8h wrote

Gyro is king. I don't play any fps games on console that don't have it.


IdealDevil t1_jdlzjmu wrote

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it


LosRiaso t1_jdm5xk9 wrote

And if it does break, it's much easier to fix.


blakesoner t1_jdpc39h wrote

The D pad is garbage and needs fixed badly, I don’t play platformers on xbox because of that. Having them all connected makes it so easy to make accidental presses, PS does it right by separating them.


Nykoload t1_jdm1l5i wrote

alternatively, why break what you can't fix?


plasma7602 t1_jdnf6f9 wrote

It is broken joysticks drift for both white controller and now the new Xbox series s controller I’m sick of it


HaikusfromBuddha t1_jdlxhbj wrote

The controller has had several improvements to that of the 360 controller. I actually really liked the 360 controller but when going back to it it really feels kinda cheap compared to a series controller.

The dpad, bumpers and triggers have improved. The little textured thumb grips are good. Overall the ergonomics improved as well and I think just carried over from the Xbox One controller.

I read somewhere once that the Xbox One controller had millions of dollars in r&d for its ergonomics so I can see why they stuck with that design. In fact I’d say it’s a really good form fact considering that both PS and Nintendo have taken inspiration from it.

You can’t tell me if you compare a previous PS controller and the current one that it hasn’t taken some influence from Xbox controllers.


DwayneTheBathJohnson t1_jdp8vlg wrote

I'm so tired of people claiming that the Xbox controller hasn't changed since the 360. It has changed, it's just the 360 controller had no fundamental issues so the changes have been minor. I think takes like this are the reason some companies think they need to reinvent the wheel every five years just to keep people interested.


crazy4finalfantasy t1_jdm9pf3 wrote

I'm just glad sony kept the thumb sticks next to each other, I've never liked the Xbox thumb stick placement


wh0else t1_jdm9imz wrote

Said as if Sony hadn't been designing controllers for even longer, and spending heavily on R&D. Childish tribal attitudes make these threads pointless.


CW0RMG4MES t1_jdofg6q wrote

Big man ting yeah, it’s not looking good brav


wh0else t1_jdonabp wrote

Mostly kids who haven't been around for most of the console controller changes over time, they don't know they're born and think they've invented gaming. Bless em, they don't know no better


Mccobsta t1_jdlyg29 wrote

They're pretty much perfected the design there's not realy much they can do to improve it anymore


Phwoa_ t1_jdn32ey wrote

most of the improvements are Internal. The Design itself is pretty much Solid and needs no change


wh0else t1_jdm9zhv wrote

Ps 2 changed the PS1 contollers with sizing, addition of joy sticks and dual shock, then arguably the next change was PS4 adding the touch pad button and gyro. Ps5 is the biggest shift, and it's the comfort king for controllers right now. Xbox controllers have been damn solid since xbone, but you're forgetting how bad the very first Xbox controller was. That thing gave you arthritis if you played more than an hour, MS'll be lucky if we don't class action them! 😁


Nathan-David-Haslett t1_jdmpyl3 wrote

Playstation has been changing their controllers while xbox has been refining theirs. The new xbox controller is different, like it feels noticeably different, they just changed it to improve rather than make something entirely different.


SilentJoe1986 t1_jdp9der wrote

Playstation has been slowly changing their controller to the point it looks like an armored Xbox remote


charlie-_-13 t1_jdlyapy wrote

This that are already good don't need changing


arttaketimegameing t1_jdm2fkl wrote

The problem I have is that the xbox controller cost the same as the ps4 ones do and I have to buy batteries for the xbox and the ps4 I only have to charge in every other day I do nut play my xbox for this reason


LosRiaso t1_jdm64j5 wrote

That means the battery doesn't degrade over time and the controller will have a much longer shelf life. You only have to buy one good set of eneloop batteries every few years, it's really not much of an inconvenience.


Gammarevived t1_jdmir85 wrote

Yeah, but these rechargeable lithium ion batteries Sony uses last years. The one in my PS3 controller is still working fine.


New_Ad_7804 t1_jdql4xb wrote

Same here. I have a ps5, but I kept my ps3 in another room and the controllers are still perfectly functional. Same with the ps4 ones


Efficient-Engine-684 t1_jdnn26s wrote

Thats what rechargeable AAs are for. They are nice to have and can be used for other things too. You wont ever have to buy a new Xbox controller just cuz of battery issues either


New_Ad_7804 t1_jdql1nw wrote

Ye but they ain’t cheap, and they will stop working eventually


Efficient-Engine-684 t1_jdr7w5b wrote

I have very old still working Xbox One and 360 controllers due to the fact I can change the batteries. PS controllers woulda died long ago


richnbj08 t1_jdohmbk wrote

Needs haptic feedback. Xbox needs to step it up. Dualsense is superior.


hornwalker t1_jdlyjyg wrote

Its perfect, pretty much. No need to change it.


InfiniDrift t1_jdmsk4i wrote

It's not like Sony had the same controller since the PS1 to the PS4 with a few minor changes here and there 🙄


UpAndAdam7414 t1_jdo9zb1 wrote

In fairness, they added analogue sticks mid-gen PS1, revised the design for the PS2 and then changed it for the PS4, but PS2 to PS3 was a joke.


Ivan_The_Wolf t1_jdn3p7r wrote

The PS5 controller feels amazing though, and so did the PS4 controller. Xbox controller is either too bulky compared to the PS4 or has no extra functionality like the PS5 controller. Plus the layout of the PS controllers is personally way better (thumbsticks being diagonal to eachother is a huge Microsoft L imo)


Efficient-Engine-684 t1_jdnk2vr wrote

Xbox controller simply got it right a long time ago. Its so good it hasnt needed much change


Jamesaki t1_jdmarhd wrote

Did the person that made this actually hold a 360 controller and the new one? Or even simply look at them? Not the same lol.


cameronks t1_jdntgaj wrote

As a huge PlayStation fan, I find the skinny sticks of the DualSense hard to deal with and miss the perfection of the DualShock4.


Skrattinn t1_jdph4ml wrote

I really like how the Xbox Series controllers feel in my hands but they're way too noisy for me. It's bad enough that I worry about waking my GF at night and the Dpad is plain dreadful.

Anyway, it's not a competition between Sony and MS anymore. 8bitdo has been making good controllers for a while and their new 'Ultimate Controller' beats the crap out of both of them.

Sony still gets credit for the haptics and it's a genuinely good controller. But the Series controller isn't even in the same league anymore. And I say that as someone who used a 360 controller on PC from 2008-2021.


killercarimo2010 t1_jdm6s8h wrote

Because everyone that plays Xbox preferred it better


TheRealStevo t1_jdmrh4k wrote

Both controller are fine, id use either one. The issue is the shit parts they use to make them. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve had stick drift on PS3, PS4, XBOX360, XBOX One, and series S controllers. The only one it hasn’t happened with is a PS5 cause I never ended up buying one. That shit is so infuriating. Every year I have to get a new controller because of stick drift. And I only play a few hours a day maybe, I’m not excessively using my controller more than I should. It’s bullshit

Edit: forget to mention sometimes the controllers just break, button inputs don’t work, the vibrators fall out of place. The plastic will crack. Obviously it’s not every single controller but I’ve had it happen to at least one or two for each generation of console I’ve had, PS3 was probably the worst


Ace2002101 t1_jdnlwf4 wrote

That just show you there’s no bugs and less issues to be fixed 🤔


oxheycon t1_jdnp1c5 wrote

So what, still an awesome controller


Kratos925 t1_jdnycb1 wrote

Ya and the Xbox controller sucks. Definitely in need of an upgrade.


Brenolr t1_jdm7wtr wrote

you can't improve on perfection


GodIsNull_ t1_jdmghz8 wrote

Microsoft never innovate things, they just buy market share with investments no one else can afford. They do it until all competitors got out of business or been swallowed by MS.


MBJR57 t1_jdo7ymv wrote

How to tell you're a Sony fanboy, without telling you're a Sony fanboy

Almost everyone said here that the controller is almost perfect, Xbox players like the controller, don't have gyro cause the Xbox players are used to analogs, it doesn't have a battery cause we have rechargeable AAs or battery packs, and some people like it this way because they can swap the AAs or Batteries when they end, and just recharge it and continue gaming, the controller don't need a change, so why change it


GodIsNull_ t1_jdo9chf wrote

I own both, Dualsense and Xbox Controller. The Xbox controller has the advantage of replaceable batteries. But the build quality is way worse. The buttons are very loud and clicky, same with analogue sticks, overall it feels very cheap. And yes, they miss a lot of features the dualsense have, but the build quality is the main point i don't like the controller very much.

And maybe you tell me where microsoft is innovative, cause i can not see it.


MBJR57 t1_jdob61d wrote

We don't need any innovation in controles, we need usefulness, like the elite controllers do, the build quality I can agree, the triggers I can too, but tell me, what do the track pad is useful that an analog can't do, yeah, paying the same price for both isn't near fair, and I I exaggerated when I called "Sony fanboy", but of the functions of the playstation controller, most new ones aren't as useful, yeah, I would love to have adaptive triggers but let's be honest, most things on the Dualsense just are there, being useful just for a handful of games, and Microsoft is innovative, Gamepass, Xcloud, the Xbox live when it came out, yeah, they are Innovative, but not on putting extra things on a controller


GodIsNull_ t1_jdogimw wrote

Games subscriptions were not invented by Microsofts Gamepass, they just copied what other publishers already had and threw money on it. They still make losses with it.

Cloud gaming weren´t invented by microsoft either, they did what they always do, they took an existing product, copied it and put a lot of money into it.

Xbox Live, really? Online services for console to download games, connect players through online gaming already had been around in the 1980s and 90s. Online gaming were also heavily used in the PC market already.

Microsoft did not invent any of these things. They are good at taking ideas from others, invest lots of money in it and maybe advance some of the technology from time to time. That is not what i would call innovation. But there were many products where they tried the same thing and failed horribly.

And i won´t say that Sony is the most innovative in the sector either, but their overall impact with many systems and Games was much bigger than MS in the past. Especially the PS1 opened the market to a whole new audience of adult players.

The most impact with new hardware products through decades imho had Nintendo with NES reviving the console market after the game crash, first widely adopted mobile gaming handheld GameBoy, Analogue Sticks on N64, motion controls with Wii, dual Display with touch on 3DS and the modernized mobile handheld Switch.


MBJR57 t1_jdoy0k3 wrote

Microsoft didn't invented, but found a way to improve it, many people buy Microsoft consoles just because of gamepass, Xbox Live were and still is the best console multiplayer subscription out there, Xcloud is the cloud gaming service that have better servers (at least in my country), but Nintendo did the same thing Microsoft did, the Japanese master system launched before the Famicon, but the Famicon became more popular, The GameBoy was the first popular one but just the Game Gear had colors 7 years before the GameBoy color and was launched just one year after, the analog stick was made first in a videogame called vectrex, the dual display DS was really an revolution but we had the motion technology way before the Wii (the television controllers literally used the same system but simpler and the power glove was a shit of a motion controller but still), and the concept for creating a thing similar to the Switch was created way before the Switch but no one had the money to do it. Nintendo just did the same thing as Xbox and just gained all the fame for all the things that they stole (except DS and GameBoy), and now Nintendo is selling really expensive games that in my country people can't buy, I have a switch and have just two games, the joy cons aquire drift very easily, and it's just not worth it here, we can't even think of carrying one of those on the road with the fear to get robbed, the switch is great but the games and the console are too expensive to even mind buying one, there it must be different, but here Nintendo is almost an EA, and it isn't even near to being innovative as so much people think.


Drariestor t1_jdmih2g wrote

why change something if it works perfectly??


jarazmek t1_jdmjuie wrote

I was provided some interesting information a few weeks back. I asked why Xbox uses analog sticks over hall effect sensors. The reason isn't a great one, because it seems lazy, but it's also not what I thought. (It's not cost)

Xbox controller prototypes were made with hall effect sensors as well as analog sticks.

The issue is production. Microsoft isn't a manufacturer. They take off the shelf parts and assemble them more or less, which is true of Nintendo and Sony.

The reason hall effect sensors aren't the mainstream is simply because of a lack of a completed assembly, i.e., circuit board, thumb stick, and hall effect sensors. Analog sticks are.

Microsoft actually tried hall effect sensors and requested that the manufacturer build the completed stick assembly for production. The vendors didn't want to do it at that time or still don't, and the ones we see on the market are actually companies building their sticks from parts.


Shinm0h t1_jdmrhz3 wrote

Maybe because for them it simply works?


Pyramid64 t1_jdmuvuj wrote

PlayStation was the same for a long time too


wallaceaugper t1_jdsyur9 wrote

From PS1 to PS3, the controller was basically the same.
R2 and L2 buttons on PS3 controller were horrible. X360 triggers worked way better.


RBTropical t1_jdn7hbe wrote

It’s literally not though? Got a big redesign for the Xbox One as well as a revamp for the release of the Xbox One S. Few minor tweaks for Series X and a new button + upgrade to USB C.

Meanwhile Sony controllers were identical PS1-3 with only small changes for PS4…


New_Ad_7804 t1_jdqlj4v wrote

“Small changes” Really? Look at the difference between ps3 and PS5


RBTropical t1_jdqlyt5 wrote

Yes, and look at the changes between 360 and Series X. Quite a few… if you hold the two it’s very clear they’re different shapes, and that’s before you factor in charging port, texture changes, trigger changes, different D pad etc etc. Battery bulge gone too.

Helps that the PS3 controller was a poor design and the 360 wasn’t - less to change


New_Ad_7804 t1_jdqm2wu wrote

Yes, but did the Xbox controller get ANY new feature? Really, any?


RBTropical t1_jdqmpf5 wrote

Adaptive haptic triggers? USB controller function for PC? Bluetooth support? Li-Po battery support? 3.5mm headset support?

The PS controller got a trackpad no one uses during that time. Are you seriously trying to claim either has gained major, groundbreaking features?

There’s a reason most PC players use an Xbox controller bud.


Jonesy69_ t1_jdn809t wrote

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.


tim_fox_32 t1_jdnysjs wrote

Well. If you think about it, the PS5 controller isn't much different from the PS4. Yes, some new improvements, but same layout with an updated design to match the console. Honestly, both are good controllers. Just depends on personal preference (or console choice)


uprightshark t1_jdo2pqb wrote

Still the #1 controller IMO. Don't fix what isn't broken


[deleted] t1_jdoe7ed wrote

it works and solves the problem


sevendet t1_jdoif6r wrote

Being a gamer across all brands including PC for the better part of 20 years, i can say that the xbox controller always felt better in my hand. But i will always prefer mouse and keyboard and wish that the consoles (at least ps5 and xbox) would make it so all their games play with mouse and keyboard.


InsertStupidityHere t1_jdp62oi wrote

Fool they added a knew button.. The screen shot button which is in the worst place you could ever put it


SilentJoe1986 t1_jdp91w8 wrote

Because xbox controllers are a great design. It why Sony's new controller looks a lot like an armored Xbox controller.


TxTDiamond t1_jdp9863 wrote

I love the Xbox controller but hate RB and LB, so awkward to hold them, I wish the Xbox controller had button like the PS l1 and r1


Impossible_Number_74 t1_jdq4gtc wrote

Maybe I'm in the minority but I've always hated the Xbox pad.

I hate the lack of symmetry and it isn't comfortable to hold at all.


TheOkamiKami t1_jdq4k1x wrote

Dual sense is cool and the haptics are a nice feature but I still prefer my Xbox controller over my PS5. Sits perfectly in your hand and the movement joystick being easier to reach with your thumb is just chef’s kiss.


lawbringer_man t1_jdqo8yw wrote

Why change the best controller ever made ?


GilgaMax305 t1_jdqpjon wrote

Why change what already works?


Prog_metal_guy t1_jdrk4rx wrote

But what’s your point? I mean, I have all of the next-gen consoles, and own or owned most of the retroconsoles, and I gotta say that the Xbox controller is much better for general use. The PS4/PS5 touch pad is almost useless, and it’s used mainly for gimmick. It even reminds me a bit of some Nintendo gimmick experiences, but in a bad way. I mean, I love the DualShock/DualSense greatly, but I gotta be honest about the inclusion of its touchpad.


cpxcth t1_jdrmli5 wrote

because it's a good controller, it doesn't need any changes


Green_Damage_8453 t1_jdrtc2c wrote

The new PS5 controller is vastly superior. And I've had xbox my whole life pretty much except the first Playstation


trsoares t1_jds30vd wrote

Xbox controller was great (and the besta until this gen IMO) since 360, they dont need to change layout. They could improve techonology like adaptativa triggers, haptic feedback and só on. And they really should adopt rechargable batteries.


reddito1009 t1_jdlytoc wrote

Tf you talking about Sony added joysticks after ps1 and said " ima head out"


Mynameisgustavoclon t1_jdmxx6y wrote

Playstation ook example on Xbox, nowboh consoles are the same except for the exclusives and that the series X is a little more powerful


EyesLikeBuscemi t1_jdnunwx wrote

Sony felt like people didn’t remember Betamax so they picked up features from the discontinued failure of a controller (Steam Controller) with features that most people don’t give a shit about to see how long until they change things back to what people want and use.


banananananbatman t1_jdmkzyq wrote

Have both, ps5 controller feels more premium and love the haptic triggers. The d-pad on the xbx controller feels very cheap, otherwise it’s a solid controller
