Submitted by ecismyname t3_xuo60j in consoles

Hi all,

need some help here, because I'm in a limbo for some time.

I switched from PC to Playstation about 12 years ago and loved the exclusives like Metal Gear Solid, Uncharted and so on. Most of the time I was playing Call Of Duty. Now I'm rocking a Playstation 4 for some years and with the start of MW2 I'm thinking about switching to a next gen console.

Maybe it is also important to say, that I have a 4K TV, but it is from about 2017, so it has no HDMI 2.1.

The plan was to switch to the PS5 when it came out but as you know, getting a PS5 is not easy and I have no plans to pay overprice for a (used) console.

Now that there are no plans for exclusives like Uncharted, Metal Gear or other intresesting games in the pipeline at Sony, I'm asking myself, schould I switch to XBOX? I can get an Series X everytime for 500€ in my local electronic store.

The thing that is holding me back is:

  • I'm used to the controller and the buttons. The new one has also some neat features.
  • what if there are coming exclusives that I want to play. Eg. Stray was great and I would have missed it on Xbox
  • I have issues letting things go :D

My brains says: go Xbox, you wont get a PS5 in a year or two. my heart says: stick with the family

Did you make the switch? What would you do or did you do?

Whats your take on the whole PS5 situation?

Thanks my friends!



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AxelNoir t1_iqwmqqo wrote

I'll ask you this:


What's your opinion on Gamepass? I think that's one of the dealbreakers for many folks on Xbox including me. If it sounds appealing to you then I'd probably go with XSX or Series S even, Worst (actually, best) case scenario you get XSX and PS5 at some point and have both!


AxelNoir t1_iqws1yz wrote

I don't own a Playstation so haven't been incentivized much to research but took a quick glance, it looks interesting but it kind of falls short for me compared to Gamepass personally. I'm at work so I can give a better response later but I enjoy a lot of the games presented on Gamepass as opposed to the ones I see on PS currently there. Guess it also depends on the kind of games you're into too.


QueasyBrief5498 t1_iqx4adj wrote

I’d grab a series S and gamepass and see how it goes. You might hate gamepass and the Xbox controller and if that’s the case after a couple months, you’re not really out a bunch of money because you can just sell the series S

Keep your ps4 because there are still games for it

Edit: to add, even picking up a second hand series S is great to see how you like it. So many of my friends just play Warzone / COD and they always have COD, and then a couple games on the ssd. It’s small storage wise but with a cheap 1tb HDD it’s great.


burmerg t1_iqx6834 wrote

I did exactly that, switched from PC to PS almost seven years ago and now I’m a proud Xbox Series X user. And I feel like I’ve made right choice.

  • First of all, getting used to new controller has took me like a week, maybe even less. And let me tell you, holding a ps controller feels weird now. I think Xbox controllers are much better, ergonomically.
  • Xbox has also coming up with strong exclusives, especially if you’re into RPGs. Starfield, Avowed, Fables remake, Outer Worlds 2 and possibly future Elder Scrolls and Fallout games. Personally, I’m planning to have the both consoles but if I have to choose one, it would be Xbox.
  • Game pass.

Only downside is the UI. It’s a mess compared to PS UI but it’s not a big deal.


GamerTMTDK t1_iqziswy wrote

I have respect for those of you who have replaced the PC with ps/xbox. I hear many say that PC is the "king of gaming" as you don't have to compromise with frames and graphics. as well as mouse and keyboard options as well as controller options. One of my close friends is PC only and since I also have a hard time letting things go, it's hard for me to switch from PC to ps/console. it must be said that I have both a gaming PC, an XSS and a PS5. but I don't have the time for all three and also thought it was too expensive with all three.


originsspeedrunner t1_iqzkew2 wrote

Keep your ps4, some of the coming exclusives will be on there too

Then you can go for the xbox