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Shadow_MD17 t1_iqzq9hj wrote

Ps5 and pc since you can already play all xbox games on pc


Under_no_Control t1_ir07kfu wrote

PC and PS5, you can get most Xbox games on PC with Xbox play anywhere


Lynkylo t1_ir2f0ny wrote

i mean xbox is more « pc » than playstation. but that's just a question of taste: the xbox series x has more storage and has more teraflops than the ps5, but the ps5 has more exclusives. so do you want to focus on exclusivity or on performance? performance is pc and xbox, exclusivity is playstation and pc. also I'm team xbox so if you buy a playstation i will hunt you down and obliterate you with an xbox controller and a goose (just kidding, i'm team xbox and open minded, you got nothing to worry about from me)


Hjcs1 t1_ir2oo4e wrote

This choice must come from taste, because that's right, follow your heart. I prefer Xbox, but as I said, it's personal taste. You must weigh everything, for example, cost-benefit, deductibles, etc. I even take into account the console design.


ZekerNietTijn t1_irjqbz8 wrote

Gaming pc and xbox series x. So you wont need to buy the games again and xbox has a good future


Captobvious75 t1_is3sg8u wrote

Not every game is play everywhere. Only certain ones.


ZekerNietTijn t1_isb0lmi wrote

No i mean that games that you bought on xbox or pc from microsoft dont need to be bought again


ZekerNietTijn t1_isb0ohy wrote

You buy a game with xbox acc on pc you will have it to on xbox


Anubra_Khan t1_iqy0ujp wrote

Xbox series x won't give you access to anything your PC doesn't already have and the game pass ultimate is $15 for Xbox, not $10 like it is for PC.

I have PC and PS5 with an Xbox collecting dust.


ZekerNietTijn t1_irjqpdx wrote

14 dollars each month for xbox pc Phone and everyother device with the xbox app on your acc. What you say is not true. I have both so i can day it. With this pass you ca even do cloudgaming, gaming without doenloading and then you even play on 60 fps on a normal samsung Phone.

Believe me xbox better combi with pc


Anubra_Khan t1_irk94c2 wrote

What I say is true. There are very few xbox games, all of them old, that the PC can't play. And there are a ton of pc games that the Xbox can't. A PC plus PS5 gives you access to so many more games than a PC plus Xbox.


ZekerNietTijn t1_irm0xzg wrote

No thats what you think, this gamepass gives you acces to so many games and almost all of them are playable on xbox and pc


Anubra_Khan t1_irm99as wrote

My point is, having a PC and a PS5 gives you access to way more games than PC and Xbox. It's just a fact, with or without subscriptions.

If you want to add subscription services, game Pass PC is $10 a month or $120 per year for 454 games. Game Pass ultimate on Xbox is $15 a year or $180 for 473 games. Most of the games that aren't included with pc game pass are still available for purchase on PC.

PS Plus Extra is just $100 a year, averaging $8 a month, and has 400 games. Many of which aren't available on PC as they are truly exclusive. PS Plus Premium is $120 a year, averaging $10 a month adds another 340+ games. That's close to 2x the games than the more expensive game pass has and it costs 50% more. This doesn't include the 17 (mostly PS exclusive, not available on PC) games that come with the PS Plus Collection AND 3 - 5 free games every month (36-50 games yeatly).

I have both PC Game Pass and PS Plus Premium. I know very well what each service provides and how much they cost.


ZekerNietTijn t1_it32n7v wrote

Xbox game pass has cloudgaming. But you are right in one thing, you should not get the pc game pass, you should get the ultimate game pass.


Anubra_Khan t1_it37iop wrote

I disagree but I don't have a need for cloud gaming. I don't think the extra $5 a month for Ultimate is worth the 20-30 additional old Xbox games (minus the PC games) and the cloud gaming. PC Game Pass is only $10 a month as opposed to $15 fo Ultimate. I'm sure cloud gaming is worth $5 for some people though, for sure.

Either way, this guy just wants to know if he should buy a PS4 Pro or PS5. I only brought up Game Pass as a cost comparison to the PS Extra subscription.


ZekerNietTijn t1_it390e7 wrote

3$ extra for Phone gaming everywhere, console gaming and online.


ZekerNietTijn t1_it39abg wrote

I have ultimate for a year now and its 13. I have a lot of friends that have ps plus but they rater like game pass


ZekerNietTijn t1_it39sa3 wrote

I can play games like forza horizon 5 to gangbeast and games like chivalry 2 on Phone. So many good games i can play anywhere with cloudgaming with just wifi and (for some games) a controller


Anubra_Khan t1_it3aypj wrote

Got it. The PS App let's you play remote but I never use it.


ZekerNietTijn t1_it3dvn7 wrote

I dont need an xbox to do cloudgaming. You do need an ps to do remote gaming so it is not the same


ZekerNietTijn t1_it3a64d wrote

The ps subscription idea is just taken from microsoft and they even release almost exactly the same games microsoft releases on game pass that microsoft releases months earlier


Anubra_Khan t1_it3e5id wrote

Actually that's incorrect. PS Now launched in 2014. Game Pass launched in 2017.

Currently, PS Premium offers about 800 games for $120 per year and Game Pass Ultimate offers about 470 for $180 per year.


ZekerNietTijn t1_it3f7d8 wrote

12 * 13 = 156 but if it is your first time 11 * 13 + 1 = 144 What u get .game everywhere .online .80% of all good games On xbox and pc

.discount .the special edition of every game you have included with this pass. ultimate editions and premium editions

(And i know i cant talk english)


Anubra_Khan t1_it3l4qe wrote

Maybe you've got a better rate in your area. I looked before I posted and it's still $1 for the first month and $14.99 for each additional month for me. PC Game Pass was $1 for my first month and $9.99 each additional.

For that price, someone could technically get PC Game Pass and PS Essentials with the PS5 Collection. For me, Game Pass PC and PS Premium is the best value but there's something for everyone.

English is fine. I understand you.


n1keym1key t1_iqzq54x wrote

That statement is just wrong, you get differing games on PC and Xbox. Yes a lot are on both but there are games that are on one or the other.

Gamepass Ultimate will give the possibility of playing the games on either the PC or Xbox, a lot share their saved game so you can play on either machine and have the same progress/save game. The xbox and PC will compliment each other.


I have PC and Series X with ps5 UNOPENED and shoved in the loft.


Shadow_MD17 t1_iqzq8s4 wrote

They wont complement each other if you can only play the same games


n1keym1key t1_iqzqoyb wrote

How dumb are you dude, thats exactly why they will complement each other. OP says he wants a console for the bedroom. IE his PC is not in the bedroom.

Let me explain it in simple terms for you.


OP plays game on PC, saves progress. Later on, goes to bedroom, fancies playing said game again, switches on Xbox, plays game with SAME SAVED GAME PROGRESS as PC , carries on from where he left off.

How is that not complimenting each other.


Also as I previously said, there are differing games on both PC and Xbox gamepass. There are also games that are on both and work as I described above. Both services are NOT exactly the same.


Anyway, isn't time you went back of to r/ps5 and joined the rest of the fanboys.....


Shadow_MD17 t1_iqzr4dz wrote

Still, if you already have a pc and can only play the same games, its worth more to buy a PS5 for the seperate library. Pc for xbox and pc exclusives, ps5 for PlayStation exclusives


n1keym1key t1_iqzridd wrote

Oh you mean those PS exclusives that Sony are slowly bringing across to PC to try and combat MS and Gamepass?

OP if you can afford it then buy both consoles. But if your an avid PC gamer then the xbox will complement that.


Lynkylo t1_ir2fnyi wrote

chill bro i'm team xbox and i don't insult team playstation, so I think you should be able to do the same.


h3w1tt84 OP t1_ir2fsfx wrote

This is exactly what I'm thinking. My desk is downstairs and I have a 4k qled 32" monitor (thinking of getting ultrawide soon) Upstairs in bedroom I have the Samsung oled s95b. So would like to play one game on pc and the same again in bed later once kids asleep. I think il go with Xbox. I have played all PS4 exclusives and will sure miss out on a few especially the new god of war. But Starfield interests me more and the cross save will come in handy! Saves taking my pc upstairs!


Anubra_Khan t1_iqzur04 wrote

PC has everything available to xbox and more. It's just a fact. Seems like a waste of money to have both but I'm glad it works for you.


n1keym1key t1_iqzxj86 wrote

Did you read the original post at all?

Quite clearly the OP wants a CONSOLE for his bedroom so clearly has the funds to buy one. They also already see the benefit of having gamepass on console and PC.


Anubra_Khan t1_ir000ep wrote

Obviously I did. He asked if he should buy a PS5.

I'm not sure that the 80 - 100 old games that xbox game pass has over pc game pass (most of which can still be bought and played on PC) is worth a $500 console and an additional $60 a year.

For that same price, you can get the PS5 and PS Plus collection. For another $40 a year, you get another 400+ games, including many PS exclusives. Perfect for anyone who wants to get caught up if they are new to the system. This is cheaper than Game Pass Ultimate, has about the same amount of games and way more games that are not available on PC.

It also gives him access to exclusives that may or may not be released in 1 - 3 years after release on PC.

So yeah, I read his post and provided my recommendation along with the logic behind it. Have fun raging about it for no reason and providing very little logic to support your stance.


n1keym1key t1_ir0191c wrote

Ok you make a good case there but my point still also stands. Being able to share game progress between PC and console is big plus for GPU.

Sony are lagging behind in this battle this time around. PS Plus is a reactionary response to Gamepass. Sony have repeatedly stated NO AAA games on day one.

On a side note...... One thing I really don't understand, every time there is a discussion around Xbox/PS5/Gamepass etc, the Sony fans always point out exclusives as the MAJOR selling point of the PS5 (Just as you have done above). While at the same time contradicting themselves by screaming blue murder that MS might make some Activision games "Exclusive". I don't play COD but I kinda hope they do make it exclusive as an "up yours" to all the "Sony is allowed to have exclusives but MS is not" crew.

I have no stake in the console wars btw as I have both current gen machines plus a gaming PC. May even open up and unbox my PS5 soon as it seems the jailbreaking scene is hotting up there and it wont be long before all those exclusives will be up for grabs on the net for free anyway!


Anubra_Khan t1_ir02465 wrote

There is no console war. For somebody who has no stake in it, you sure are bringing up a lot of Xbox vs PS topics that no one asked for.

I'm just giving OP an honest recommendation based on the info he give us. If he didn't have a PC and couldn't afford one, I could just as easily recommend a series X over PS5.


n1keym1key t1_ir03elz wrote

And I gave an honest opinion that differed from yours.

Also just looked through your post history and it seems you have a history of being arrogant/belittling on various posts. Now I understand this whole thread.