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Prize-Emu-6761 t1_ir0951e wrote

Didn't even know this was a thing. Sorry can't help. It just seems a ps5 would be awkward to lug around šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


VicisSubsisto t1_ir0vnw0 wrote

Not something to play on a train or airplane, but if you're someone who's in a "permanent travel" job, and don't like the Nintendo Switch, it's handy.

The Xbox 360/PS2/PS3 versions of these were popular in the Navy when I was in. I still have a PS2 one in a drawer.


ihatewiiplaymotion t1_ir0zok7 wrote

Iā€™d rather get a steam deck than a $500 console + a $300 screen


VicisSubsisto t1_ir1y1zh wrote

Trying to use Steam with spotty or restricted Wi-Fi is a big part of what turned me into a console gamer.


Prize-Emu-6761 t1_ir15foy wrote

I remember the ps2 version. Didn't buy one though. I guess the switch isn't for everyone.


n1keym1key t1_ir17b6h wrote

Those consoles were also a LOT smaller than the stupidly oversized PS5 lol


VicisSubsisto t1_ir1ykt9 wrote

I found that out when I tried to put a PS5 in the spot my PS4 and PS3 had previously occupied.


TalkingRaccoon t1_ir0p0tq wrote

15" is small enough that you won't tell the difference between a 4k screen and a 2k screen. But you will tell the difference on 60h vs 120hz. So I'd say go with the 2k 120hz one


VicisSubsisto t1_ir0vtmr wrote

This is a good point. I hope the 120hz one has adaptive framerate though...


A_lost_10mm_socket t1_ir0m37y wrote


I am somewhat doubtful of this thing. First off PS5 can't really game that well at 4k, but since they are the same price (which is sus) you might as well get the 4k one.

I want to see pics when this is done.


Mccobsta t1_ir1a4io wrote

Like 80s portable computers


spoonard OP t1_ir2e588 wrote

I had a "portable" Commodore64! Look that beast up!


spoonard OP t1_ir04utr wrote

Which one should I get? I'm leaning towards the 4k60Hz one.


Bedu009 t1_ir0np4j wrote

Are you an image quality guy or a framerate guy?


__Cmason__ t1_ir3kb4z wrote

4k on a screen that size is completely useless.