Submitted by MrCubeKing t3_y0j3g3 in consoles

So to clarify, I am not much of a gamer. For the past 5 years all my gaming has been done on my Nintendo Switch that I had since launch, and I still use it frequently. I have played some AAA games that were released on it, such as The Witcher 3, but mostly I stick to the Nintendo exclusives (Pokémon, Zelda etc.). I also rarely play online games, my friends are urging me to get the PS5 I can play with them (altough one of them also have a Xbox series S) so but i don't really play multiplayer, I usually stick to single player games.

I have recently got a craving to play some more AAA games though, and I am not sure which console to get.

I used to have a PS2 and later a PS3, so I have more experience with those. Also some of the exclusive games I wanna check out are only on PS5, such as Spider-Man and God of War. But the PS5 is ridiculously expensive here, and that is if you are able to find one (they sell out in seconds here).

So thats why I looked at the Xbox Series X. It is cheaper here (around 100 USD cheaper), it has more base storage and it is almost always available. Furthermore, it grants me access to the old 360 games, some of which I really wanna check out like The Witcher 2 (which i never tried).

Both consoles will give me access to most AAA games that I wanna check out. One will give me access to more exclusives i wanna try while the other is cheaper and more easily accessible.

Which should I get?



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Separate-Eye5179 t1_irs2p04 wrote

For your use cases I’d go with the Xbox. However if you are willing to try multiplayer go with the PS5. Cross play is becoming more commonplace but it’s not on all games.


MrCubeKing OP t1_irs37yt wrote

Thank you for your reply. I am leaning more towards the Xbox yeah.


Eggnaug_13 t1_irsehit wrote

Ps5 is king when it comes to single player games. I say stick it out and try to get one.


MrCubeKing OP t1_irsf7bc wrote

I hear you, I just might. But the price and availability are not making it easy haha!


i-ate-a-sock t1_irsngeg wrote



MrCubeKing OP t1_irswnfd wrote

Well that would be an option, but i do not live in the US.


EvanFreezy t1_irto1s7 wrote

Get the one your friends have. You can’t pass up on making those memories.


MrCubeKing OP t1_iruw5jk wrote

Good argument. But i really don't enjoy multiplayer games (online ones)


EvanFreezy t1_irwls1j wrote

It’s a whole different ball game when you’re with your best buddies!


MrCubeKing OP t1_irwr0md wrote

Agreed! But when i do gaming with my friends it is usually local multiplayer, like a game night with fighting games etc. For my own console i prefer storybased single player games.


RetheHenney t1_irsfl0s wrote

Useless answer I know but both are amazing, have pro and cons, and are two really good pieces of hardware with great games and services. So, don’t overthink and take the first one available and you’ll be happy.


MrCubeKing OP t1_irsiwja wrote

It is not a useless answer. What you are talking about is the very reason i ask the question in the first place. Thank you for your input!


unnatixlr8 t1_irtmh62 wrote

You should get whatever is available at the moment. Basically time is limited. Better to play something at the moment and try to get the other one later.


[deleted] t1_irvthkl wrote

Get a Series X, more power, more games better value for money! I've only ever had one Xbox before but Microsoft are killing it this time round, they care about us!


Ehallo13 t1_irvwrwn wrote

Xbox Microsoft is planning buying more video game companys


OkStrawberry6341 t1_irs6ea6 wrote

I will give you MY opinion. I got a Ps5 and I couldn't be happier... Everything is perfect about It... There's a lot of little details that makes it so great. I live in Brasil so the console and the games are ridiculously expensives but worth it.. Sorry about my english.


MrCubeKing OP t1_irsd15b wrote

Thank you for your feedback, your English is great!


Idonotunderstand1 t1_irsieq6 wrote

Hey, I also live in Brasil and I wanted ask where did you buy ps5 and is there any that has price lower ( also relate to how consoles like Nintendo switch are really expensive here)


OkStrawberry6341 t1_irsjtcl wrote

After a lot of research, I bought it from I bought it with gran turismo 7 and it was much cheaper than in other stores without any game. It got here real quick, free delivery.


ZekerNietTijn t1_irv90yn wrote

Xbox series x


ZekerNietTijn t1_irvfknh wrote

U should buy the console game pass for 5 each month. U get online and 80% of all good games


Corona5677 t1_irvom0r wrote

Xbox series s


MrCubeKing OP t1_irvqzpb wrote

What a twist! Haha i did consider it, but i wanna have access to a disc drive so i can play 360 games


VenomousA23 t1_irw8z2c wrote

I think that you should get the xbox. Tbh, I am in the same position as you with the switch and stuff and the ps3 BUT, the reason why I say this is because it's specs are better and the games on it will eventually become exclusive.


_Arcsine_ t1_irsws6n wrote

I don't have either but I've played the PS5 a bit and the controller is awesome


MrCubeKing OP t1_iruw0gx wrote

I have also played some PS5 with friends, the controller is really nice! But i wont chose based on the controller


SirGallyo t1_irtkmat wrote

Yeah maybe if God sent you one. Don’t know where you’ll even find a ps5…


MrCubeKing OP t1_iruw16b wrote



SirGallyo t1_irv3uok wrote

But genuinely if you do have an option of buying it. I would. I use a Xbox series X and I find no problems with it. Just a better stock to be honest. Then next year cod games might go on game pass so


MrCubeKing OP t1_irv5xzs wrote

Don't really play CoD, but yeah i agree. If i do get one its leaning toward Xbox.


LiteratureNo4594 t1_irto86b wrote

I have both Xbox X and PS5 and I'm selling my XBox as PS5 is better for me as I've got more friends on there. Multi player is more for PS5 than XBox, IMO


MrCubeKing OP t1_iruw3mz wrote

Hmm well seeing as i don't do multiplayer that makes it easy haha


SIR1U5 t1_irv71vj wrote

Typically I’ve found or heard that if someone doesn’t have a gaming PC they are usually more attracted to the Series X as it’s “more than just a gaming platform” if you already have a PC then you won’t get much out of a Series X and you can get a good amount of the games on it or even play cross play with other Microsoft users on your PC so there is no point getting a X box console in this generation. The PS5 major selling point as always is the exclusives but hold on most of those are being brought to the PC these days much to the annoyance of some of the loyal Sony players. Another factor is that the PS5 and the Digital Only version are both likely to dominate your tv stand or anywhere you put it (it’s not a tiny thing) neither is the Series X but it’s more square design makes it easier to fit into places and since it’s not shining white (at least when you first get it, like the ps5) it easily blends in. The only thing is just be conscious of the top of the console where spillages, dust and maybe even food could fall inside, it won’t go near the important stuff but will make it a pain to clean or an embarrassment.


MrCubeKing OP t1_irv82pp wrote

Well i don't own a gaming pc and have never been interested in PC gaming, i always use apple computers (just my preference). I only game on consoles, so i basically just need a good "next-gen" console to play the recent AAA games on, thats it.


down_with_the_cistem t1_irvxcmr wrote

If you're not much of a hardcore gamer I'd just get a secondhand Xbox one or PS4 before spending all that money on a system you dont even know if you'll like. You make really good points for getting either, which I also considered myself and I ended up on xbox one because more of the titles i wanted were on xbox rather than the 2 games I wanted on ps4


MrCubeKing OP t1_irwa4yn wrote

Fair points and good arguments. But one of the major points is that i want a next gen console to play games for years to come.


down_with_the_cistem t1_irwackg wrote

In that case definitely depends on which games you want more. I will say xbox game pass has so many good games, including many of the big titles as well


thehandsomeraider t1_irvc8ts wrote

Go with a PS5. And if you feel like playing any xbox game, you can always get a PC. You already have a switch so it will be a complete combo. The best combo in my opinion.


MrCubeKing OP t1_irvd39t wrote

I will never get a PC haha, i am an apple user all the way. But thanks for your input!


Boogieman_bn t1_irvld8e wrote

PS5, great for singleplayer and great for multyplayer


MrCubeKing OP t1_irvlnsl wrote

Yeah, i agree! Thing is, i am only (or mostly) interested in single player.


Boogieman_bn t1_irvlurw wrote

Then PS5 is the way to go, you got God of War, Spider-Man, Horizon, Rachet amd Clank, Uncharted and the list goes on


MrCubeKing OP t1_irvm3rr wrote

Honestly only the first two you mentioned are ones i wanna play, the rest are available on both platforms.


Boogieman_bn t1_irvm840 wrote

No they aren't, I was listing only playstation exclusives.


MrCubeKing OP t1_irvmdvd wrote

No i know that, i meant that out of the games you mentioned i am only interested in the first two. The other games i wanna play are available on both like AC valhalla, RDR2 witcher next gen etc.


Boogieman_bn t1_irvmm0y wrote

Oh, ok. I would still choose the ps5, but take a look at both consoles and the exclusives that are available, and see what games you want to play more