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Anubra_Khan t1_is0qyqp wrote

Gaming PC plus PS5 is the way. Get the ps5 and save for your PC. Hopefully you can get your pc by the time the Bethesda and Activision exclusives start dropping.


WyattTheSarcastic06 t1_is1qbxf wrote

He asked about getting a console. And besides, good PCs are stupid expensive. And the price point is one of the major allures of having a console. And besides, Sony is starting to put their games on PC, so eventually the argument could be made that you don't need a console. But consoles have always been more popular for a reason. Even though PCs can do more, most people want a simple way to play their games.


Anubra_Khan t1_is1scfb wrote

And I gave him an answer. Maybe by the time Sony gets their superior library to PC (it is multiple years away), he can afford a PC.

I have a PC setup on my OLED. It's just a console to me.


WyattTheSarcastic06 t1_is1tlq6 wrote

I'm just saying, not everyone can afford a good PC. And so I don't think it's fair to tell someone to get a PC instead of a Xbox. And if he is asking to get one console out of two, I don't think it's completely fair to just write one of them off and say "get a PC".


ElectricalStrength35 t1_is6ya2u wrote

Honestly i agree with the part of having a pc and a playstation, however i will admit that having even a mid range pc is still a bit expensive, i had to buy mine off a friend.


Anubra_Khan t1_is1un40 wrote

I didn't tell them to get a pc. I told them to get a PS5.