Submitted by [deleted] t3_y5igph in consoles

Hey guys, first post here on Reddit. I’ve been debating on buying the ps5 and then it hit me the other day, maybe I should wait until Sony start releasing let’s say the ‘ps5 slim ‘ etc etc. any thoughts/advice on this ?



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A_lost_10mm_socket t1_isjr5d5 wrote

The purpose of "slim" versions is to reduce cost of production by eliminating as many parts as possible. Right now the digital edition only has one moving part, the fan. If they do make a slim it will be in years time.


Glenith02 t1_isjua1y wrote

But the savings cost in buying the digital edition is soon lost in the savings you can make buying prowned games, so at this point in time OP might as well buy the disc version now rather than wait for the possibility of a slim version


spoonard t1_isk3p26 wrote

It's not a bad idea. A slim is due in a year or so, maybe less. Ignore all these dummy early adopters that say there won't be a slim. Of course there will be a slim model. And a Pro model. They've already proven they can sell slims and mid-gen upgrades. So why would they not capitalize on that?


[deleted] OP t1_isk55z6 wrote

I think I’ll hang out a while longer…. Maybe wait into the new year and decide then. I haven’t had a console in years but I’m eager to get one now.


FunkinDonutzz t1_isl0wdq wrote

Because the PS4 had a notoriously weak CPU the day it came out. The PS5 doesn't, and it is a much more balanced console. The mid-gen refresh was also partially because of 4K TVs going mainstream and the base consoles being far too underpowered to take advantage. There's no such shift in screen tech this time around.

"Dummy" indeed.


SilverbackGaming2 t1_isljcll wrote

Wait it’s really no games u have to get a ps5 for that a ps4 can’t play


celcius_451 t1_isns99e wrote

I rocked my thicc og PS4 since day one to my PS5 purchase last year.

Some people want the best performance they can get which I totally understand and respect.

For me, even though I understand what that improved hardware brings in I just want to run my games plug&play style nothing more.

So, to answer your question I think it boils down to what you enjoy. If you don't want to wait for all the games that are already out just get one, I think ps5 hardware can support this generation smoothly to the end. (Except Gotham Knights lol) But if you are seeking native 4k+ray tracing+unlocked fps kind of experience simply just wait.


blazinlow86 t1_ispks3f wrote

I'd wait, they will likely make yet another revision that increases the power and decreasestge shape/dimensions to be able to compete better with the series X.


FunkinDonutzz t1_isqcm4o wrote

>Considerably weak

LOL, care to back that up with proof? Pretty much every video Digital Foundry and NX Gamer have done have shown them to be more or less equal, with the PS5 slightly more performant.


FunkinDonutzz t1_iss2qpf wrote

Ah, so you're one of those people that think having a higher teraflop number makes it more powerful? You also made it out like there's a massive difference in spec?

If it's "just the facts" then you're more than welcome to provide proof of those facts like I asked... what's that, you can't?


blazinlow86 t1_istbldx wrote

And as I already said you can do Google the PS5 specs versus the Xbox series X specs and see for yourself. It's no secret that the series X is considerably more powerful than the PS5. The numbers don't lie 👍


FunkinDonutzz t1_istcdyy wrote

For one, it's not "considerably" more powerful. You're also ignoring the fact that the PS5 is more performant in some ways - but I get the impression you're the type of person that sees one bigger number and automatically assumes it's better because you don't actually understand shit.

And also ignoring the fact that the games usually perform better on PS5 - again, show me real world evidence that the Series X is "conSidErabLY moRe poWEfuL". Again - you can't, because it isn't.