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p4rc0pr3s1s t1_it4dfyj wrote

I have both and I have to say, that's a tough choice to make but I would lean towards the Playstation 5.

I love the PS5 controller. When the haptic feedback in the triggers is incorporated properly into a game, it really does feel like an evolution forward in controls. The other aspect of the PS5 is Playstation VR 2. Not sure how you feel about VR but from what I've read and seen, it looks like it's going to really help VR take off and will definitely offer unique experiences that you can only get on Playstation.

The Xbox is nice, but it is sometimes too familiar of an experience for me. The controller is mostly unchanged. The UI is still awful. Halo and Forza really are my main reasons for owning one and I can not wait for the new Forza.

I think in the end, if you're purely gaming on console, the Playstation 5 offers more of a next generation console experience. The difference between my One X and Series X is more akin to upgrading your phone after a year or two. Yea, it's better specs and everything, but there's nothing really transformative about it. The way you interact with it is the same.

The Playstation 5 is truly a different experience from the Playstation 4. Menu, features, controller all make playing even familiar games feel different.