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MrJizac t1_iuq6gq6 wrote

The biggest bug I've encountered is that the Xbox has deleted games on me. Like literally removed the game from the console completely and I have had to redownload the entire file. Apparently this has happened to Xbox in the past but what the hell kind of issue is that and why isn't it resolved? The controllers are having input issues to the system and I've encountered frame drops etc with performance. I'm not sure if it's my Xbox but the conclusion I have come to is that it's software related. I have some buddies with the Series X and they have reported similiar issues. Not single complaint or issue with my PS5 btw - it's worth the wait. Plus they have the new Pro Controller coming out which is going to be amazing. I have the Elite 2 Xbox controller and it's garbage on the Xbox but fantastic on my PC so again - software related. Hope this helps.


Elitrical t1_iuq6m9h wrote

Been with Xbox for over a decade and have never had it delete a game on me.


uprightshark t1_iur3w4b wrote

I have been on XBOX since the first brick and I have never had any issues like this.