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FunkinDonutzz t1_iv360jh wrote

Reply to comment by ClownKirby in console vs console by verysmartboy101

I've a Series X and a PS5. While the pimped out older games on Series X is nice, it's a pretty fucking lame selling point for a new console in 2022.

If I want to play PS3 and PS2 games, I have a PS3 and PS2 (turns out, I've already played most of them to death, so I don't actually want to play them).


ClownKirby t1_iv37gm5 wrote

Okay good for you, most people don't have a PS3 and a PS2. To me, nothing but exclusives kinda sucks. That's a pretty lame selling point especially when a majority of exclusives end up going to other platforms anyway.


FunkinDonutzz t1_iv54rwu wrote

But it's not "nothing but exclusives", it's still got all the other games. You might also want to review your use of the word "majority" here, because the majority of PS exclusives are still exclusives to PlayStation.

And if you're salty about that, let's look at Xbox using the same criteria - it effectively doesn't have exclusives.


ClownKirby t1_iv6aqoc wrote

Hey listen. I get you're a console fanboy so you're unable to think past ps good Xbox bad but like I said, I like both. I just don't care about exclusives and that's their biggest selling point. Also idk why you're stupid enough to assume I didn't know there's other games like? Nothing but exclusives refers to their selling points since I have to make this easier for you to understand.

"It effectively doesn't have exclusives" Well no shit I said I don't care about them. And sure, if it'll make you stop crying, my bad for using the word majority.

Like do you get off arguing about consoles? Idk get why both console fans hate each other so much. You're acting like a child and your comprehension is also on the level of a child.

Lemme just state it again because I know you're just going to bitch about Xbox and say I'm hating on ps. BOTH ARE GOOD.


FunkinDonutzz t1_iv7p92p wrote

Wow, someone didn't get their Cheerios this morning.

Edit - blocked because of course you're a fragile Redditor.


ClownKirby t1_iv7pgdf wrote

You were rude first. Someone has never interacted with a woman