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skernstation t1_iuzkj6j wrote

I bought me one second hand - works fine - it depends on your luck though


amcman15 t1_iv2bcxy wrote

110 is a bit pricey. If its a slim and not a super slim and you want it, sure! Just so you know, I have my doubts the shop will have done much if any work on it.

Please please mod it. Most people are running their system with the stock thermal paste but the only way to check temps and control fan speed is to mod it. There's good step by step guides on how to mod but it will likely take a day of reading before you're comfortable with it.

If it has the original drive be prepared to replace it. In fact, if this is gonna see heavy-ish use, I'd swap the HDD day one and blow out the dust. Consider repasting if comfortable.

If you are 100% gonna mod it, it is worth checking the slim's serial number. While a vast majority of slims can run custom firmware (as opposed to HEN which superslims have), my recollection is some late slims cannot run CFE and can only do HEN.


skernstation t1_ivem1nm wrote

Can you send a link to see what you write about in detail - I bought my ps3 slim but haven’t done anything to it with old thermal paste and it’s just fine - want to know if I do something to it or leave it as is - it works fine for me