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TheTasteOfInk05 t1_ix0wen6 wrote

Since the launch of the PS4 I have gamed exclusively on PlayStation, over this time I have acquired 200+ games to my library. My trophy level is pretty high, some I have spent countless hours grinding for platinums. So I have a pretty big investment in it both financially and mentally. I back in the early 2000s I played mostly on original xbox and on to the 360. Had it not been for the Doritos man himself Don Mattrick and his bad Xbox one unveil I would have kept with the Xbox, but now that the series x has come along and how xbox is buying up all these studios I feel this would be the perfect opportunity to start over. I don’t really game online and game pass isn’t something I would probably sign up for. I guess what I’m wanting to know, is a bad move to switch to Xbox at this point?


VoshkovRabbit t1_ix0z5pc wrote

There's no difference these days. Just a logo and if you have some preference between one mega Corp v another. Take your pick


jaxkjaxk t1_ix10dse wrote

Just keep your Playstation, buy series S


itsJohn97 t1_ix1127b wrote

I'd say no but if you can afford both consoles why not


crashdude_ t1_ix14vt5 wrote

You don't switch to another console, you switch to PC, don't waste your money going from a limiting system to another limiting system, free yourself, I will personally guide you through the process if that's what it takes


MasterChrom t1_ix15xsk wrote

Why would you even wanna do that? PlayStation is a vastly better platform.


MasterChrom t1_ix16dsi wrote

There is a difference. PlayStation is a much better social platform with shareplay and screen share. PlayStation also offers some of the best exclusive titles in the industry. Xbox offers GamePass which has a vast catalog of games and day one Microsoft exclusives.


BackdoorForSure t1_ix1a8mj wrote

It’s never too late to venture into the unknown when it comes to gaming!!! DO ITT!!!


imnobodyspecial t1_ix1cjx9 wrote

Of course it's not to late. This question is making my head spin. Why on earth would it be to late? There are exclusive xbox games you can get into, and there will be more down the road


WillyLo t1_ix3f1jt wrote

Definitely not, arguable this is the best time to get into the Xbox ecosystem. With Game Pass it makes it so easy to experience games from generations prior to current and with minimal cost of entry!