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Anubra_Khan t1_ix8zn75 wrote

I played all of the originals on PS2/PS3 on the hardest difficulty as well as 2018.

Couldn't agree with you less. The old games were great but they ran their course. They were mainly button mashers with QTE's added as finshers. On the hardest difficulty, they required you to parry everything before button mashing. They were super fun and epic but they ran their course.

The combat system introduced in 2018 was way more innovative and the challenge at GMGOW difficulty was way more fulfilling. Ragnarok improves on that combat system in every way. I've played through every Souls game and Sekiro multiple times. I do SL1 runs and can beat DS3 in under 2 hours from character creation to finish without skips. Ragnarok's combat system is insanely more involved than roll, roll swing, roll, roll, swing.


Gay_Charlie OP t1_ix90133 wrote

I have to disagree then and I also don't believe you.


Anubra_Khan t1_ix980ew wrote

You don't have to agree with me but I'm not a liar. You could have just checked my post history.

Here's a few highlights from my last SL1 run.

Just roll and swing. Easy mode if you're leveling a character.


Gay_Charlie OP t1_ix98g4o wrote

Yeah, I just can't believe you sorry. A reasonable person can't have that opinion. It simply can not exist.
