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spoonard t1_ixpnnvh wrote

There are some really dumb things about how MS handles account stuff. Some for Sony too, but in my time with PS (since release day of PS1) I have never had an issue. 99% of people don't ever have an issue. But when they do, they come straight here to tell everyone about it. Just like you're doing.


Bob2222234 t1_ixqucrx wrote

I’ve had this issue for 3 years I am telling people about it in case anyone has a solution you fucking baby


mxxnz t1_ixsvi2c wrote

Why are you so mad takes 10mins to change the account email homie go look it up on Microsoft support or something


Bob2222234 t1_ixt0in1 wrote

Did you even read my post???


mxxnz t1_ixt150a wrote

Yes simply set your mom up a new email and sit with her and change everything with her for the small price of not losing an account you've spent 1k without that many login attempts you think you'd maybe make a new one common sense


Bob2222234 t1_ixt1loo wrote

Gonna take a little more than 10 mins to do that but I’ll try lmao all her work shits on there


mxxnz t1_ixt42zq wrote

It'll Def be worth it In the end if her work stuff is on there