Submitted by [deleted] t3_z47u49 in consoles

So I’ve been feeling off about the Switch for some time now. Ever since I finished Bayonetta 3 I realized I haven’t put that much time into the console at all and I’m kind of done with it.

Outside of 13 sentinels and TMNT, I don’t care for the system and I’m realizing Nintendo isn’t a company I’m big on their IP’s on. So I feel like I wasted my money on the system even though I picked it up late and played all the games that grabbed my attention on the console. Add to the fact I can’t stand Nintendo fans anymore, I’m sort of just debating what to do with the device.

So now I’m just trying to decide whether I should sell it or keep it for nostalgia’s sake for the future. But I won’t be going back to the system anytime soon.



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The-Switcher t1_ixq9yfn wrote

As it’s almost December already , times are tough for everyone , you don’t like switch anyways , maybe you could simply donate it to orphanage or something like that ? At least you would make your money work !


Empty_Housing_8788 t1_ixr7uuh wrote

That’s actually something I could do, there’s lot of hospitals close to me.


Exotics-Edge t1_ixsiwl7 wrote

Donate it to me :) jk my stepdad has a switch and we love it, it’s kinda boring by urself but if you have friends / family to play with it’s acc really fun bro


A_Sleuthing_Duck t1_ixqcs6q wrote

Typically I go by the hour per pound rule.

For every pound I spend on a console or game, I should spend at least an hour using it.

The moment I break even is when it has been a worthwhile purchase


Isero2345 t1_ixths7d wrote

I use a variation of this rule for EVERYTHING. For eg,

Console/electronics - £1/hour Clothing/shoes - £1/wear


Joshooahh t1_ixpmdx0 wrote

The whole system is very niche, i personally don't have any interest in the games they offer, so idk sell it


dented42ford t1_ixpzob3 wrote

I wouldn't call any system that has sold over 100m units "niche"...


Joshooahh t1_ixq0p2h wrote

I knew they would be one person to pull apart my comment


dented42ford t1_ixq1zeg wrote

I mean, how can you consider what might become the best selling console family of all time "niche"? It just doesn't make much sense.

That isn't to say your distaste for the software is wrong in any way - you do you - but to call it "only interesting to a small audience" (the definition of NICHE) just goes against common sense.


Joshooahh t1_ixq9b4d wrote

Call down son, it's just a piece of plastic, maybe iys the endless mario and pokemon games with the odd zelda that they have been doing for over 20 fucking years might be a given, if you like that shit then fine, in my eyes it is typically targeted towards children, weebs and people who ...erm idk like to play on a train for whatever reason ? Fuck knows maybe niche wasn't the right word but i aint getting one lol


dented42ford t1_ixqb05o wrote

For one thing, my Switch is metal and glass...

For another, I have no horse in this race, owning all the current gen consoles, a Steam Deck, and a PC (and a Mac for work). And all of the previous gens back to the NES, as well, with a few exceptions (dunno where my Jaguar went, and never got an Xbox One). I just like games, I don't make my like of particular kinds a part of my identity.

I suspect I also have at least 10 years on you, if not more. The "targeted towards children and weebs" in particular doesn't come off as, shall we say, mature. Son.

The entire reason for my reply was to point out your logical inconsistency, no more, no less. That is not a defense of said console.


Joshooahh t1_ixqbjga wrote

You are mad at my opinion for not liking the switch. I just like games too But i dont like there games


A_Sleuthing_Duck t1_ixqcfwn wrote

No, they corrected your misappropriation of the term "niche".

They aren't mad for you not liking the switch.

Stop trying to deflect. Just admit that you were wrong in your selection of words and move on.

Learn to use English properly.


dented42ford t1_ixqd404 wrote

Oh, I think he used it correctly within his own mind, he just is so blinded by his own little niche - used correctly - that he doesn't comprehend that the larger industry and culture isn't just what he sees.

In other words, he seems to be deafened in his echo chamber.


Joshooahh t1_ixqf3vu wrote

I Literally said maybe niche wasn't the right word to use


dented42ford t1_ixqczts wrote

I'm not in any way angry or upset, just a bit puzzled at how you could hold such a self-evidently incorrect view of the state of the industry.


Joshooahh t1_ixqgnuq wrote

I literally dont give a fuck mate. Niche not niche whatever consoles a bag of shite anyway


alijaalija t1_ixqzdk8 wrote

They literally sold because "omgosh! portable witcher! portable bioshock from 2007 running at 576p! my dream! yeah pokemon! 2d platformers! so excited for badly emulated SM64 with black bars and borders!"


dented42ford t1_ixr4laa wrote

Looking at sales figures, I'd say it is more likely it sold well because it had software people wanted at a lower price point than the rest of the industry. Also, there is some truth to the "kids" thing - which has long worked for Nintendo, and I don't know why that makes "seereeus gaymerz" so personally affronted by its success.

Mario Kart 8 alone has sold almost as much as the Xbox One! The majority of people buying it don't care about specs or graphics nearly as much as games they want to play.

I mean, the PS5 hasn't really had an exclusive killer app yet, 3 years into its life. The XBSX doesn't have exclusives at all due to Microsoft's new strategy. Gaming PC's are not exactly mass-market, though I suspect Valve's gambit may pay off over the mid-term if they can sell the concept to the non-enthusiast.

Even as an enthusiast, I probably play my Switch as much as my other consoles combined and about equal to my "PC's" (including the deck). It has games I want to play, and the portability is handy with a toddler in the house and living in a place where I take trains everywhere (Europe).


Empty_Housing_8788 t1_ixr9xnj wrote

I'm just not big on Nintendo IP's and I brought it on a whim because I wanted to play new games outside of my gaming PC. But now after trying new games on it I realized i really don't care for Nintendo and how expensive their stuff is.


dented42ford t1_ixraje5 wrote

That's fair, other than the expensive point - they are on the surface cheaper than any of the other "consoles", at least for titles at launch and hardware.

No one says you have to like their games! It is another thing to, as the guy I responded to did, say that the system is "shite" because it doesn't fit your subjective and arbitrary definition of good. It didn't work for you. That is fine, even good, and good on you for realizing. You do you!

PC just murders all of them on software price point, which is why I love my Steam Deck for indie stuff and the things it runs well. I tend to play my XBSX a lot more than my PS5, as well, since I developed something of a problem with Forza Horizon 5...


sec713 t1_ixrx4b8 wrote

Funny thing about the "affordability" of a Switch is all the money that's saved on buying the console gets burnt up on games that never get any significant discounts.


Old_Yogurtcloset_564 t1_ixsnrgo wrote

The first party games admittedly don't get discounted really, However, you can get alot of great deals on the eshop regularly


sec713 t1_ixrwnu3 wrote

If my Switch was my only console, I'd be upset with the purchase. It makes a great supplementary gaming device, but it leaves a whole lot to be desired as a primary gaming device. In your case, if you're not interested in Nintendo IPs, there's almost no reason to have a Switch. Any other system will play multiplatform games better than a Switch and won't have as janky of an online play system.


i_eat_to_much_food t1_ixpt418 wrote

just sell it while it's still slightly popular I guess


kor0k_hunter t1_ixqa5fl wrote

Have you tried any of their exclusives? Or some of the great indie games on their store?


Empty_Housing_8788 t1_ixqb4hs wrote

So far I’ve played Mario odyssey, Breath of the Wild, Bowsers Fury, Astral Chain, Bayonetta 2/3, Mario Kart, Metroid Dread, Age of Calamity, Hyrule Warriors and Animal Crossing.

Everything else doesn’t really interest under Pokémon.


A_Sleuthing_Duck t1_ixqczlq wrote

Try the xenoblade Chronicles games and sword art online games


kor0k_hunter t1_ixqducu wrote

Also neir automata came out on switch and it runs great. There's also ender lillies which is also pretty good


Content_Dream_481 t1_ixqbv89 wrote

Your switch is meant to sit there gathering dust while you use your ps5 or pc, until an absolute gem of a Nintendo game comes out, that’s its ONLY use, for Nintendo first party games, which are some of the best games money can buy imo


Gasarakiiii t1_ixq4ts0 wrote

I love the Switch personally, but had the same experience as you with a different console this year. I ended up giving it one more month, told myself if I didn’t play it this month I’d sell it. In the end I sold the console, if you don’t enjoy it or use it get back your money while you can.


CyberKiller40 t1_ixqhm0o wrote

Well yes, you wasted your money, but on the bright side, it would be wasted in any case of a games console. To invest means to put money in, in order to get more money out, consoles don't do that. They give you fun, but that's not investing, that's simply buying. Perhaps if you wait a few decades and then try to sell it, you might get more money for it being a retro thing. 🙂

Jokes aside, if you don't like it, then get rid of it. Chances are you could get a different used console for the money you get from selling this one.


nathanwyer t1_ixqw5kf wrote

The Switch is a great family console. I've played it quite a bit for BOW and a few other titles, but we primarily use it to all play mario party / kart together. I don't think you can really compare it to a ps/xbox, it's a handheld at the end of the day. Overall, great piece of kit.

It sounds like you just need a ps or xbox instead.


[deleted] OP t1_ixqwdmv wrote



UsableIdiot t1_ixrafzj wrote

I'd disagree there. In theory with Gamepass yea, but in reality the games just aren't there. I'm neutral and PS still has better original titles in my opinion. And the controller is great.


Stansonlip4 t1_ixr7cx4 wrote

The Zelda game on it is supposed to be good.get that and it may change your mind.though don't take my word for it.i smoke crack on the daily


dsonger20 t1_ixrewi8 wrote

I found that switch games I couldn't sit down and play for more than an hour. This leads me to touch my switch once in 2 months and not again for another 2.


EaterofSoulz t1_ixsokhn wrote

I’ll take it off your hands. My son would love a switch for Christmas.


JayScramble t1_ixt9fy1 wrote

It's my Pokemon console.

I sold my OG switch last year preparing for the Switch 2.0 (that never came). I've been debating buying a Switch (again) just to play the new Pokemon. I just cant talk myself into spending more money on console that's older and cost more than a Xbox Series S.


Empty_Housing_8788 t1_ixtdjbh wrote

If you have a decent PC just emulate since the performance is terrible on an switch anyways. You’d probably get a more enjoyable experience out of it.


akadros t1_ixth5bn wrote

I have the same problem. I have had every Nintendo system since the nes. To me the last one that I felt was really worth my money was the N64. Every one since has been pretty much to play whatever Mario and Zelda game that came out. I don't really care for any of the rest of Nintendo IPs. And for non-exclusive games, I always feel like I should buy them on other systems for cheaper. This is particularly the case now that the Steam Deck is available


Commercial-Virus-429 t1_ixsd6s4 wrote

Sorry but a Nintendo Switch is not a investment. Unless you are making money from it.


[deleted] OP t1_ixpvyo9 wrote



[deleted] OP t1_ixptki9 wrote

Couldn't think of a worse way to waste my money than on a switch. I don't remotely understand the appeal. Had all my mates boast about having one then systematicly not play it and there 6-10 year old kids would. So basicly it's a kids console?


spoonard t1_ixpn1ds wrote

Nintendo needs to quit with the "Teehee, look a how CUTE I am!" nonsense and just make a real console again. Ever since they dropped out of competition with the rest of the industry, they have been off my radar.


denispenis69 t1_ixq06on wrote

When they made a “real console” you guys didn’t buy it lol


spoonard t1_ixquzum wrote

I owned every Nintendo console up to the Wii. The Wii was cool for about a month until I realized Nintendo's shitty game plan.


Althalos t1_ixr7ful wrote

To be fair, everyone and their mom already had a Wii. Nintendo's marketing for the Wii U was absolute dogshit for making the casual audience know what the difference was.


CallMomOnHerBirthday t1_ixpufzs wrote

If Nintendo makes a console that can actually compete in power with Playstation and Xbox, it has the games to make it work, Mario, Pokemon, Smash Bros. They can carry a console if the console itself is good.


dented42ford t1_ixrn62e wrote

The last time they tried that they lost the generation handily - though with characteristic Nintendo bullheadness that hurt. Not putting a DVD drive in the GCN was dumb to the point of almost sinking them in the home console market.