Submitted by RUNELORD_ t3_z4xobk in consoles

I've never really played any video games (strict conservative parents), but have finally got a bit of my own money and would like to buy a video game console. I've been trying to find a PS4 or PS5 for ages, because I tried a Spiderman PS4 demo at a tech shop and enjoyed it, but nobody seems to be selling it (I think there is a chip shortage or smthg, idk). The Switch is on sale on Amazon, would you suggest that? Or should I hold out for a Xbox or PS? What games would you suggest? I'm kinda broke too, so prices of games etc. matters. Thank you for your help in starting my gaming journey!



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Elitrical t1_ixtbh33 wrote

Xbox Series S.

Not Xbox One S.



mxxnz t1_ixtk89a wrote

As a absolute broke person I got my series s through probably the most lucky trade I can say fully the series s is an amazing console around $160-200 second hand and there's always sales ^^def suggest series s

Playstation is still too busy ripping everyone off and tend to fault alot


Elitrical t1_ixtkei8 wrote

Hmm. Haven’t had a fault in my PS5 at all but yeah I think the price hike was unnecessary.


mxxnz t1_ixtkls1 wrote

I'd imagine the ps5 is great I meant like PS4/PS4 pro they love to just die weather it's locking in safe mode or overheating


Elitrical t1_ixtlcg0 wrote

Oh ok. That’s not an issue on PS5 anymore


Irreparable86 t1_ixwdupq wrote

We have been running 2 ps4 and 2 ps4 pro consoles since they released and Never had any issues. As with every console or pc, you have to clean it once in a while b/c of the dust etc. but besides that they have always been running great. PS5 also still going strong after ~18 months of heavy use. Are you sure your ps4 didn’t overheat b/c of built up dust/hair and such?


mxxnz t1_ixwf0nr wrote

uh I agreed ps5 is great but it's not exactly the best option for price but from experience and friends and family experience ps4s even with cleaning have straight up failed after so long compared to ppl ik with Xboxs is I'm not saying it's all of them but so far majority


T4NKYD33 t1_ixtzgku wrote

as far as people saying ps4 is overheating and broke etc...not the case with me...ive had mine since release and its still going strong...but rn as far as next gen ...dont go backwards ....always go forwards ....series x I'd get mann no questions


ImThAtBiTCHSys t1_ixvx1e5 wrote

I’ve had my ps4 for at least 5 years now and never had a problem.


nokian_gage t1_ixup2o6 wrote

I do not recommend a digital only console. While they're nice for budget, the superior versions are not that much more expensive and grant you access to more options when it comes to how you want to experience games, and more importantly, it allows you to trade, sell, and buy games for dirt cheap at secondhand stores. I would recommend the Xbox Series X for a first console.

If you already had the last Xbox, a PS5 would make sense, but the Xbox Series X can play most major releases from all Xbox generations without any streaming nonsense. The Switch is nice and cheap, but it's very low end performance-wise and your game selection will be very limited. Furthermore, the PS5 is more expensive than the Series X as it currently stands. I have all three, but I would say the Series X is the middle ground that best suits a new consumer imo


AmogusBobby t1_ixud5el wrote

Xbox series s then buy game pass and ur game problem is sorted


Cru5tyDu5ty t1_ixv62gz wrote

Game pass is kinda overrated but I see your point.


klljmnnj t1_ixvpd90 wrote

Yeah, it really depends on gaming habits. It is not for everyone.


SwiftDream t1_ixudmbi wrote

Xbox Series S + Game Pass = Ultra Combo


ifyouknowyouknow4 t1_ixuy9u0 wrote

I would recommend the ps5 if you can get your hands on it, but if the Xbox Series is the first one available I don’t think you would regret getting it instead. But there’s no spiderman games☹️


ismet3509 t1_ixv87lx wrote

I'd recommend PlayStation 5.


Fubsy_Fub t1_ixvexc8 wrote

Xbox is nice first console, if you can get hold of a PS5 definitely get one, but an Xbox series S or X is a very cool first console


AstroD3V t1_ixwboid wrote

Switch , everyone can easily get into Nintendo! Recognisable characters and generally simple games across tons of genres! E.g mario kart, breath of the wild etc.


Steward1975 t1_ixum47a wrote

Xbox s/x and gamepass boom games on tap go for the series s if your broke or save a bit more and go for the powerhouse series x


Sea-Anywhere-799 t1_ixvky0q wrote

If the prices of games matter and you want to save money then I'd suggest getting an Xbox series s. Microsoft has a program called Microsoft rewards which lets you earn points for free to get games, hardware, etc


ImThAtBiTCHSys t1_ixvwx28 wrote

Honestly right now, I’d say the series S or a switch. But if you want more range of games I’d say the series S. this is mostly due to the fact that PS4/Ps5 are nearly impossible to get ( I’ve been trying to get a ps5 for 2 years now) you’d just have better luck getting the Xbox. But if the ps5/4 was available I’d say fuck the Xbox. PS all the way ( but that’s just cause i prefer PS )


Wise_Writing t1_ixw04cl wrote

So and I admit there's a few caveats im going to drop here, if it's available to you (Any laptop, pc, a good Internet connection, and controller and available where you live ) both Sony and Microsoft offer game streaming services. I'm not saying this is the solution for you but you can sign up to these for a month stream some games for a month, get a feel for what each platform could offer and then make a choice... Your not going to get the full experience of the full console experience but it's a way of test driving some of the different game offerings and then make a choice based on which you enjoyed the most.. Anyone can give you an opinion but your own is the best and this way you get to try them in a restrictive way but for minimum outlay and see what works for you...


Wise_Writing t1_ixw20cy wrote

Actually looks like ps now streaming only really works with ps controllers so scrap that... Totally nonsense.. Its things like that that turn me right off Sony, its a very closed ecosystem


No_Clip117 t1_ixw23lw wrote

Don't be a duel shock wanker


slimshady713 t1_ixxgi0b wrote

Xbox series X or PS5, Walmart had some a couple days ago but idk if they still do. Also possibly series s but be warned that since it’s digital only, you won’t be able to save money by getting used games, and it has only half the storage of the series x


T4NKYD33 t1_ixtz3i4 wrote

I have had PCs its expensive..if you have a decent setup tv etc thats 1440 or 4k..then go for the series x ive had them all and honestly this machine is one of the best ive ever had..straight out of the box the packaging everything feels next gen.and I swear to you ive not had 1 issue not a crash nothing..and ive had it since release and played some very old and graphical games for it aswell....if you dont have a decent setup tv etc then the series s is a brilliant start bare in mind tho that the series s is digital only...what this means is you can only buy games from the store on the console....the ps 5 is great but I got errors on the machine alot sound dropping out too...the series x looks better graphically amd performs better imho...I'm not trying to start wars I have a yt catered for ps ...I just think they dropped the ball with ps5 big time..I'm an old gamer ive had over 30 consoles from Atari to Dreamcast to ps to xbox so I know what I'm talking of...if you want a decent tv I'm 9n the sonybravia oled 43 inch its pricey but it is a gorgeous picture..and runs 4k 120 too and the sound through the built in speakers is crisp and punchey too...anyway I really hope this helps ...and remember what ever console you go for if youre enjoying it....its all that matters mann...happy gaming and happy holidays 🎄


Cru5tyDu5ty t1_ixv5yw0 wrote

The Nintendo Switch is a great place to start, you can find em for relatively cheap and the games are pretty beginner friendly and easier to understand, but they aren’t too easy either also if you get switch online you can get a bunch of NES SNES and N64 games too.


Suchysuchson t1_ixttkfq wrote

Personally, I would suggest building a PC and even if you don’t know how to, just watch a vid online. It has many more games then consoles (and mouse and keyboard is obv better (but it’s your own preference)). Nevertheless, I would go for probably Xbox Series X or PS4 as they cost less and if second handed even less, but still provide a similar experience to the new consoles.

I hope that helped 👍


Cru5tyDu5ty t1_ixv7006 wrote

idk why you’re getting downvoted, unlike the other guy you actually gave a meaningful contribution to the thread so thanks for that, Reddit will be Reddit I guess


IssueRecent9134 t1_ixubvmw wrote

Save up for a gaming PC.


Separate_Onion9645 t1_ixunqp7 wrote

you don’t belong here


IssueRecent9134 t1_ixunt7u wrote

Sue me.

Instead of wasting money on a device that will eventually get stuck in time, I was suggesting they make their money go further and get a gaming computer, far superior.


nokian_gage t1_ixup7t9 wrote

As if a computer doesn't become obsolete within half a decade requiring frequent expensive maintenance and part replacement lmfao


IssueRecent9134 t1_ixupmor wrote

That why you save up and get one that has good enough hardware to last 1 - 2 generations. An RTX 4070 will last upwards of 7 years.

You also don’t have to pay to access your on internet and pay hundreds of pounds a year to play online.

Either way you look at it, PC in the long term is a cheaper option and a more versatile device.

A console is something you’d buy for your 10 year old son, they are toys, a computer is a complex piece of equipment.


nokian_gage t1_ixupy1p wrote

Playing online costs like 60 bucks not hundreds of pounds lol quit talking about shit you know nothing about the guy wants a console and that's his business you don't have to be obnoxious about it


IssueRecent9134 t1_ixuqe6c wrote

Game pass is upwards of 120+ a year. Multiply that by how many years a generation is in addition to the base console and the pro versions that come out, you are talking thousands of pounds.

You can spend barley over 1k to get a gaming computer that can provide a good gaming experience.

Erm you should re read your comment because you were being aggressive yet you want me to stop being obnoxious?

And it’s his business that he posted on Reddit that anyone can reply to.

Did you complete high school kid?


nokian_gage t1_ixuqtqn wrote

Gamepass =/= playing online lol gold is 60 bucks

Like I said, you have no idea what you're talking about. So quit talking about it


IssueRecent9134 t1_ixuqy44 wrote

I know more than you do, I’m also not stupid enough to have to pay to access my own internet though like you apparently.

Do some about it. Make me shut up, oh wait you can’t, begone thot.


Cru5tyDu5ty t1_ixv6osl wrote

You’re on a console sub, people will get annoyed about you suggesting a PC move on.


IssueRecent9134 t1_ixv6v8u wrote

I moved on about 2 hours ago until you responded, just down vote me and move on if you don’t agree.


Cru5tyDu5ty t1_ixv6ijd wrote

With this logic my DELL black tower of doom running windows xp with like 2gb hard drive or something is better than an Xbox series or ps5, yeah I’m not so sure about that…


IssueRecent9134 t1_ixv6oew wrote

My pc didn’t cost anything more than 1300 and it’s hardware is better than the series X.


Cru5tyDu5ty t1_ixv6bim wrote

Not everyone wants a fucking gaming PC you annoying pricks, especially not on a subreddit named after and specifically for CONSOLES.


crashdude_ t1_ixuegfc wrote

Glad to see another one of us in these comments keep fighting brother
