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Wise_Writing t1_ixw04cl wrote

So and I admit there's a few caveats im going to drop here, if it's available to you (Any laptop, pc, a good Internet connection, and controller and available where you live ) both Sony and Microsoft offer game streaming services. I'm not saying this is the solution for you but you can sign up to these for a month stream some games for a month, get a feel for what each platform could offer and then make a choice... Your not going to get the full experience of the full console experience but it's a way of test driving some of the different game offerings and then make a choice based on which you enjoyed the most.. Anyone can give you an opinion but your own is the best and this way you get to try them in a restrictive way but for minimum outlay and see what works for you...


Wise_Writing t1_ixw20cy wrote

Actually looks like ps now streaming only really works with ps controllers so scrap that... Totally nonsense.. Its things like that that turn me right off Sony, its a very closed ecosystem