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rlhrlh t1_iy4ck60 wrote

Might be cliche but a Xenogears remake or a legit, 3rd Chrono Trigger game.


slimshady713 t1_iy4dhqf wrote

Watch Dogs 4, Even though Legion Sucked, and a GTA 4 remaster, I think the graphics are fine but it would greatly benefit from a remaster or even remake


jorjeporridge t1_iy4ejdo wrote

Blood borne 2.

Arkham City next gen patch.

Axiom Verge 3.

Hyper light drifter 2


venturousperson t1_iy4f8n3 wrote

SimCity… i remember checking SimCity News every day for almost 3 years. There were so many leaks from secret employees telling everyone “OmG gUYs ItS ReaLLy CoMIng ThIs TImE!!!” (This isn’t console I don’t think but it’s still my top 1 dream)

New Lara Croft game would be cool but it’s already in development. A remake of underworld or other older games would be sick

Bully 2


AdMelodic6055 t1_iy4obia wrote

I would like a GTA4 remake not remaster. That’s what they should of done with the GTA3 trilogy. I don’t think 20 year old games can be just remastered. GTA 4 is 14 years old I believe. Would benefit a lot more from a remake. I would love that. It’s my favourite GTA game


Mini_Leon t1_iy4tw64 wrote

I’d love a new Metal Gear Solid. Only if the Kojima magic was there.


Bag_of_Whales t1_iy4uwgr wrote

Revival of MegaMan Legends 3 has been my top request since it was cancelled. I originally had a second answer of a sequel to Chocobo Racing on PS1 but the monkey's paw really curled on that one. But for something more realistic, I would love to see Symphony of the Night ported to Switch. It seems like a slam dunk so idk why they never did.


AssistanceSoft7967 t1_iy576pr wrote

I think a remaster adding checkpoints to certain missions with some improvements to graphics would be great.

I replayed IV recently on PC and it has aged far better than I'd expected it to.

I'm one of the few people who like the driving controls in this one better than V's.


BAYKON8R t1_iy57k1v wrote

A group separated from bioware and one of my neighbours is a developer at said company, they have been working on a game for 3-4 years now and not a word has been said about it. I'm excited


AssistanceSoft7967 t1_iy57p9k wrote

I would really like a remake of the Mother/Earthbound series that modernizes the first two games and really solidifies the connections and lore between all three games.


Wolverine78 t1_iy5a0vc wrote

I sometimes wish that after GTAVI Rockstar develops a new IP set during the golden age of piracy.


OblivionTranscender t1_iy5ekak wrote

-3rd DKC game or whatever Retro Studios was working on before taking over development of Metroid Prime 4

-F-Zero NX for Switch

-A “definitive” Batman Arkham collection of 4k/60fps current gen remasters of all 4 games, including Origins and all DLC. Would be a great send-off to the excellent Arkham series.

-Resident Evil 4 VR for PSVR2 (port of the existing Quest 2 version, not the already-announced “vr content” for the remake)


sec713 t1_iy5gnoe wrote

Nintendo working with Microsoft to allow Switches to work as Gamepass Ultimate streaming devices. It'd be nice, but I'm not holding my breath on this one. A guy can dream, though, right?


AssistanceSoft7967 t1_iy5ipzl wrote

I loved the second one SNES and played it a bit when it was new growing up.

Finding out there were more games in the series was so cool to me and finding out the extra lore between games really adds a ton when playing the games.


TheOnlyU1 t1_iy5k1mf wrote

Black and white 3

Timesplitters 4

Oh how I yearn for these. If wishes come in threes then a Star Wars battlefront 3 that does justice to the OG’s on PS2 (no unlockable paywall crap. Tone down the multiplayer, more bots etc)


zezoza t1_iy5obby wrote

Somethin from Valve with a 3 on it.


RocketBobcat t1_iy5q45j wrote

MGS classics collection 1-4 on PC and modern consoles.

Timesplitters sequel

N64 era wrestling game.

Mass readoption of light gun technology (it’s better than VR) Sinden gun? Silent Scope, Time Crisis, point blank


Hitman classics remake silent assassin, contracts, Blood Money.

OG splinter cell games remakes.



AdMelodic6055 t1_iy5qen6 wrote

Maybe a remaster would be enough then. I played it on Xbox 360 and that has not aged well! It looks terrible now. I loved the darker themes and grittier look to the game. It’s my favourite GTA game and the one I’ve played the most. I was disappointed when GTA5 came out after being so excited. I got 100% game completion on 5 so I have had a good go at it and while it is a great game I just felt like something was missing idk I even played it again on PS4 but I would much rather of played GTA4 again. I’m like you, I didn’t have a problem with the cars in 4 either. At first I thought they were a bit floaty but I soon got used to them.

Unfortunately I don’t know if we will see GTA4 remaster or remake anytime soon after the bad reception of the GTA3 remaster! They definitely needed a remake though. Also Rockstar should of handed the project to a team who were capable of the project


ravenadsl t1_iy5vgfa wrote

Stargate. There was a rumored MMORPG at one point but it was shut down probably due to lack of funding from MGM.

Would be cool to see stargate version of star citizen, full free roam, multiple planets and a gate system.


AssistanceSoft7967 t1_iy5yqfs wrote

I remember when it was suddenly announced and constantly looking at the official site for every detail that would get released fully knowing it would probably never get released (it came out after the DS was released and the GBA was sort of dying).

Really wish I had a job back then (I was a teenager) and was able to get my hands on that Mother 3 Gameboy Micro.


Phunkman t1_iy5zcgp wrote

Where the F is my Onimusha?


Honduriel t1_iy6wdlr wrote

Scalebound and a new Mega Man X in 2D. A man can dream.


ISpitSaliva t1_iy6y0l3 wrote

Star Wars game with "realistic" lightsaber combat. Like when you can actually cut your opponent into MGS Revengeance style little pieces or at least just limbs but with that kind of resolution. Oh and use your lightsaber to cut doors


kingt34 t1_iy79a1k wrote

Oh dude I’m with you 100%. 8 had such a cool world, cool designs, and nothing beats how cool the gun blade is. Here’s hoping in the future man. Though I hope they do it right and have it as one single release, not this multi-part 7 remake release they’re doing.


Djmcfries t1_iy7hxgq wrote

Next Canon arkham game playing as terry mcguiness


SmujLive t1_iy7rw7f wrote

Dragon Quest 9 remake, with online cross platform play. I’d love to play it with my friends cause I missed the golden years where the online was active without having to edit the connection. (Plus it’s literally my favourite game ever)


CCGamesSteve t1_iy83qag wrote

PEGGLE. 3!!!!! *jumps really awkwardly on stage


bearattack79 t1_iy85kt7 wrote

I wish more games were announced and released shortly after announcement. Like they did with Fallout 4.


GnokDoorsmasher t1_iy8avso wrote

Remakes of Pokemon Black and White that are actually good. I loved Gen 5 so much.