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PixelBits89 t1_iyt3cvw wrote

Ahh, you’re that kind of guy. You only care about graphics and think the switch is for kids. Games are about fun. Just because it doesn’t have every title be m rated or focus on graphics doesn’t make it bad. The sales speak for itself. Nintendos decision to focus on the fun and innovation of the switch was clearly the right choice. I don’t see why you can’t comprehend that graphics aren’t everything. What do you want? For every console to be the exact same? For them all to only focus on making stationary boxes of just good graphics? The console market would have less life if it was just ps and Xbox. The switch brings a fun colourful and portable option to the table. There’s a reason the switch appeals to general audiences more than either of the other ones.


NecessaryQueasy6894 t1_iyt3tbv wrote

I said that if you're happy playing with potato graphics, at 720p, with 30fps and you're happy to pay over 300 for that, you're dumb