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penzos t1_iyxs6fh wrote

Ps5 without a question. You can find a third party controller for ps5 that has a layout like an xbox controller. Choosing a console over a controller ain't the brightest idea btw.


NecessaryQueasy6894 OP t1_iyxshft wrote

I went with Xbox. Not just cause of the controller, but it wins in looks, the menu is better , performance is slightly better and overall I like it more. Also i hate the ps fanbase


penzos t1_iz1uf94 wrote

I mean those are really dumb reasons to choose a console over. The point arises, if you're going to play it at all. Ain't the whole point of the console the games it has? And also fanbase, what a dumb reason. I salute to you mister. I haven't heard such a dumb reason in a while.

But listen. You can always get a ps as well. So it's not the end of the world. I've had ps4 and now ps5 for a while. And I'm kind of done with it to be honest. It's basically the same thing one after the other. I might get an xbox at some point, but I might as well sell what I have and be done with games in general.

For a ps4 owner, I would not recommend ps5, because you will end up playing the same games you played on ps4. Literally the same games, with some fancy improvements. Core experience a carbon copy.

I also disagree with your assessment that the xbox menu looks better. It looks ugly as shit.


NecessaryQueasy6894 OP t1_iz4ck4x wrote

First of all, they aren't dumb reasons, as what other reasons except for looks, performance and design are there? I only wanted to play 2 exclusive games so I won't miss out on much. Also the fanbase is important, I don't wanna be surrounded by butthurt 13 year olds whenever I go online or ask a question in the sub. Xbox>


penzos t1_izit7e8 wrote

What does the fanbase have to do with playing games? Especially single player games. And those are the same people that own xbox or ps. Children will be children no matter what brand their parents bought them.

Looks of what? Console? You care more about that than games? That is dumb my friend. Performance is practically identical. Some games run better at ps some at xbox. But it's such a minimal difference that it's not even worth of consideration.
And yes, you won't be able to play those 2 games. But if you didn't get an xbox, you wouldn't be missing out on anything basically, since they don't release anything, and if they do, it's not good in most cases.

You literally chose looks of the console and menu over games that you wanted to play. And you were in a market of buying a console for GAMES.
I don't know man, sounds pretty dumb to me.


NecessaryQueasy6894 OP t1_izitj7b wrote

🤣 if you think fanbase doesn't matter you're delusional, that's a very important aspect, especially online. also i never said I chose based on looks, but overall I prefer the Xbox look, doesn't mean that's the reason I chose it. You sound like a dumb ps fanboy. 🤣🤣🤣Wanker