Submitted by sillycuzwhynot1998 t3_zcuji7 in consoles

growing up I used to own a psp and ds but got rid of them in a bad way cuz I was sick and tired of playing same games over and over again and I never knew you could access wifi and internet on psp not until a month after I got rid of them. My ds got taken away from me



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NatureBoyyWoo t1_iyzeama wrote

Ok buddy time for bed now


sillycuzwhynot1998 OP t1_iyzenbl wrote

I’m 24 you can’t tell a 24 year old when to go to bed 😂 I can sleep whenever I want


NatureBoyyWoo t1_iyzfpjd wrote

Yeah 2+4 you not fooling me


sillycuzwhynot1998 OP t1_iyzh6xp wrote

your not funny keep it up actually try and make me laugh


LearnDifferenceBot t1_iyzha5o wrote

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Inevitable_Phone8568 t1_iyzl1vf wrote

If it makes you happy buy another one n some games, then when you're done again sell em on your have the nostalgia hit you want and not lose any or much money after the fact, I'm doing the same atm with ps2 and all the Simpsons games I found all my stuff and once I've replayed everything I wanna ima sell it all


sillycuzwhynot1998 OP t1_iyzo46z wrote

where can I buy them that’s the question


miguel_gd t1_iz03vof wrote

FB Marketplace, ebay, other second hand online stores or physical retro gaming and second hand stores.


Inevitable_Phone8568 t1_iz09eys wrote

I second that say on Ebay look at what you want look at what the recent sold price of that item is and try get that item at that price or less to make sure you dont lose money in the long run, luckily these things only seem to go up in price over time.


Cru5tyDu5ty t1_iz1b3ts wrote

If that’s the question why didn’t you, ya know, ask it?


RedRoker t1_iz1ona0 wrote

Okay? And? Buy new ones, I'm sure you can find them relatively cheap


sillycuzwhynot1998 OP t1_iz277v1 wrote

If I ever do buy a new used ps2 or psp or ds I’m definitely saving them this time, cuz I’ve thrown away plenty of consoles before never used to save things unless I used them


RedRoker t1_iz2ajpy wrote

I've never sold a console. I still have every one from NES to PS5 with the exception of the newer Xbox ones. There have been plenty of games that I've sold and regretted though.


sepseven t1_iyyxpps wrote

That sucks, maybe look into getting a vita, they're great for playing psp games and older Nintendo games if you mod them. Not DS really but you wouldn't run out of stuff to download and play, that's for sure.


mxxnz t1_iyzglg8 wrote

Is it still worth home-brewing and emulating? Some vita's are cheaper than psps secondhand atm I was thinking of getting one for this


SossinSossy t1_iyznrzn wrote

Ask your mom nicely for a new one, maybe Santa will bring you one


Jaded-Shower5862 t1_iz0qhh7 wrote

Some adults are helpless. Did you ever think to go buy more games? How did your DS get taken away?


sillycuzwhynot1998 OP t1_iz26vis wrote

My little cousin wanted my ds I didn’t want to give it away but his dad took it from me and goes ur not a kid u don’t even use it, my psp I got bored of playing the same game over again it cracked somehow then I just got pissed and threw it broke it more and threw it away. i regret it now badly cuz I never knew you could access wifi and stuff on psp idk if I didn’t use something back then I never saved it