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gsx_750 t1_iz0hba1 wrote

If you have a pc the ps5 will be far better for exclusives.


normalifelias OP t1_iz0hz20 wrote

Do you notice the performance difference?


theus-sama t1_iz0vglv wrote

Most of the times I feel like the ps5 runs games just as good or better then the series x. Teraflops ain’t everything (I have both btw)


die-microcrap-die t1_iz0mcnz wrote


Just for that reason I will never give Sony a penny in the form of a PS anything.

Bad behavior to encourage.


theus-sama t1_iz0vs8p wrote

You say that, but every platform has exclusives… pc have , xbox have, ps have, Nintendo have. If you can’t stand the idea of exclusive games you shouldn’t game at all


die-microcrap-die t1_iz0yf8k wrote

At this point, i am wasting my time in responding because the point has been lost by many like you here.

Anyways, PC "exclusives" are not even that exclusive, since I can play them regardless of OS, GPU or CPU.

XBOX "exclusives" can be played on PC's and if they dont have that alternative, I simply dont buy them.

One plus of this, I bought several games from the Xbox store and they are available on both my PC and my Series X.

PlayStation exclusives keep you locked and limited to one platform and at their mercy if they decide to do not allow backward compatibility.

But, I know, if I dont blindly follow, I get ostracized. But anyways.


gsx_750 t1_iz22tys wrote

You may think you are making a point but you are not


gsx_750 t1_iz0nk1m wrote

It is also the better console....


reaper527 t1_iz0n08s wrote

> I already have a PC with a RTX 3070 that can run a lot, but yet not everything.

and an xbox is going to do literally nothing to change that. it's going to play the games you can already play. the ps5 at least will give you access to stuff you can't otherwise play.


normalifelias OP t1_iz0qp73 wrote

Wait, can i even get a PS5 until christmas? I can't order one and can't find one either


reaper527 t1_iz0r9g5 wrote

> Wait, can i even get a PS5 until christmas? I can't order one and can't find one either

just keep your eyes open. sony sells lots of them via their playstation direct online store where they'll randomly drop a ton of consoles.

outside of that, it's hoping to win the amazon lottery, or doing one of the walmart/bestbuy/etc. premium memberships.


theus-sama t1_iz0vbzu wrote

If you already have a PC getting an xbox is very stupid, with all due respect.

I have both the series x and a ps5, and it has been 5 months since I last turned my series x on. You can use gamepass on pc as well. Also if your pc has a 3070 it already is better than a series x.

I am crazy to sell my series x since I don’t even use it anymore. The UI is straight up terrible, full of ads and crazy polluted.

Also, having a Pc and a ps5 you would have access to every game both from sony and from Microsoft.

Honestly getting a series x when you have a pc with a 3070 is throwing money in the garbage can


normalifelias OP t1_iz0y0si wrote

Im getting PS5 now. But asking - how? I want to get it for christmas, but i honestly cant find any


theus-sama t1_iz0ynsz wrote

Yeah… depending on where you live it is going to be hard to find. Even more so at this time of the year… you gonna have to be patient and constantly look for it.

But I do recommend you not to give up on the ps5 and get the series x just because it is taking long to find it. There is nothing the series x can’t do better than your PC. Also, if you sign up for the gamepass ultimate you can also play the gamepass games with other friends on xbox through the xcloud. So it really isn’t worth it getting an xbox when you already have a PC


eljonsoon t1_iz0vv5b wrote

PS5 is maybe better for exclusives (Demon Souls!), but I use the xbox series much more because of game pass. Because of game pass and the fact it's the least awful looking of the 2, I'd go with the xbox series X, but performance wise I can't say I've seen a noticeable difference.


VicisSubsisto t1_iz0iwfb wrote

You can get Game Pass on your PC, can't you? Why do you want a console if you're a PC gamer? What do you want the console to do that your PC can't?

PS5 has, off the top of my head, Ghost of Tsushima, Returnal, inFamous: Second Son, Final Fantasy XVI will be a timed exclusive when it comes out... I have a hard time keeping track of what's also on PC because I tend to prefer console versions, but there might be more.

Honestly though, if there were an exclusive game that you really wanted, you'd probably already know what it was...

I always tell people here, if you play multiplayer games, get whatever your friends have. You'll be able to play system-locked multiplayer, or they can bring their controllers to your house for couch multiplayer. Every system has plenty of great games these days, so that's really the only major distinguishing factor unless you have a specific game in mind.


normalifelias OP t1_iz0jvjx wrote

My friends use both consoles. Is there a notable performance difference between the consoles?


VicisSubsisto t1_iz0ls6o wrote

Not a major one, it would generally depend on the game. Developers often have a "target system", sometimes the original system for which a game was developed before they decided to go multiplatform, sometimes from a manufacturer who's sponsoring the game development, sometimes just the producer's personal favorite. The game will usually run better on that system.

It's similar to how you can have two PC games which should be comparable performance wise, but one runs better on AMD and one runs better on NVIDIA/Intel. It depends on which one the developers spent more time optimizing.

If you're just looking for performance, you're probably better off upgrading your PC instead of getting a console. So again, what do you want from a console that you can't get from your PC?


klljmnnj t1_iz13hzj wrote

I curious what game rtx 3070 can't run?


normalifelias OP t1_iz13o0c wrote

It always has difficulties with Raytracing and often wirh best settings.


klljmnnj t1_iz159rj wrote

Ok, so it just can't run everything max settings. I am in opposite situation, I have xbox and looking into getting pc. Regarding your question, check some PS exclusives games gameplay on youtube and if you like them then get PS. Otherwise get xbox. Btw, some sony games are also on pc now and more will come.


MixedMessagesDJ t1_iz148ts wrote

As a user of both the Xbox one S and PS5, I can confidently say thus far I’ve used my Xbox more, but I can assure you that I much prefer the PS5 console, as soon as discord voice is on PS5 my time on the Xbox will be reduced drastically


Anubra_Khan t1_iz16vie wrote

I see no reason for Xbox if you have a PC. I have xbox game pass on my PC and it sits next to my PS5 connected to an LG CX Oled. It's just a big xbox that plays pc games, mods, pays bills and all of the other stuff PC's do.

If you want to see Playstation exclusives just Google GOTY nominees every year for the past 12 years and you'll find 2 or 3 almost every year.


G666Mac t1_iz0iu85 wrote

I have both the PS5 and a series X, I was always a playstation die hard from 2 years old and had the first playstation 1.

Having both, I will say the Xbox's user interface is alot better, easier to navigate, more to show, screenshots, videos, clubs, chats, game deals and so much more, the playstation just has an xmb which is awkward to navigate if you don't know what your doing and literally just lists the games across the screen.

I have also noticed that cross platform games perform and look better on the Xbox and the Xbox exclusives look insane, the Xbox is slightly faster.

I've had more issues with the PS5 glitching out, freezing, slowing down etc but the exclusives are way better.


VicisSubsisto t1_iz0mb8o wrote

Interesting. Part of the reason I'm a PS user is I find the Xbox UI slow, overcrowded, and awkward, ever since back when they redesigned the 360's UI.


theus-sama t1_iz0w495 wrote

Funny. I see as the complete opposite. I also have both series x and ps5, and I absolutely hate the xbox ui. It is sluggish, confusing, polluted and ugly, not to mention the completely unpleasant and disturbing ads. I had issues of shutting down, freezing and glitches with the series x, and my ps5 never gave me a single problem (I have both since release).


G666Mac t1_iz0zi1r wrote

Suppose everyone has there own perforations, Playstation could have done alot more in my opinion it's just a PS4 Pron not much games even use the haptic feed back controller and the trigger system is minimal and only works on certain games, to be honest it's your own personal preference mate ,


theus-sama t1_iz1200i wrote

I love the ps5 minimal UI. It works perfectly for me. Easy access to stuff without pollution on my screen