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G666Mac t1_iz0iu85 wrote

I have both the PS5 and a series X, I was always a playstation die hard from 2 years old and had the first playstation 1.

Having both, I will say the Xbox's user interface is alot better, easier to navigate, more to show, screenshots, videos, clubs, chats, game deals and so much more, the playstation just has an xmb which is awkward to navigate if you don't know what your doing and literally just lists the games across the screen.

I have also noticed that cross platform games perform and look better on the Xbox and the Xbox exclusives look insane, the Xbox is slightly faster.

I've had more issues with the PS5 glitching out, freezing, slowing down etc but the exclusives are way better.


VicisSubsisto t1_iz0mb8o wrote

Interesting. Part of the reason I'm a PS user is I find the Xbox UI slow, overcrowded, and awkward, ever since back when they redesigned the 360's UI.


theus-sama t1_iz0w495 wrote

Funny. I see as the complete opposite. I also have both series x and ps5, and I absolutely hate the xbox ui. It is sluggish, confusing, polluted and ugly, not to mention the completely unpleasant and disturbing ads. I had issues of shutting down, freezing and glitches with the series x, and my ps5 never gave me a single problem (I have both since release).


G666Mac t1_iz0zi1r wrote

Suppose everyone has there own perforations, Playstation could have done alot more in my opinion it's just a PS4 Pron not much games even use the haptic feed back controller and the trigger system is minimal and only works on certain games, to be honest it's your own personal preference mate ,


theus-sama t1_iz1200i wrote

I love the ps5 minimal UI. It works perfectly for me. Easy access to stuff without pollution on my screen