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SipTheVoidJuice t1_iz5fxjk wrote

that's certainly still a great decision! enjoy your game fridge bro


NecessaryQueasy6894 OP t1_iz5goc0 wrote

Lol, I just feel like the ps isn't for me, I've heard some people say the actual console is built cheaper/worse than the Xbox, and I don't wanna pay £70 for every exclusive. I must say, the controller is very cool though. Also the PS5 looks like a WiFi router from the 2000s for me idk why. Don't even get my started on the ps butthurt fanbase. Either way I think both are great and it was a very close call, happy gaming!


SipTheVoidJuice t1_iz5hxf3 wrote

just letting you know, Microsoft will be upping their exclusive price to 70 as well in 2023


NecessaryQueasy6894 OP t1_iz5i8ix wrote

Yeah Ik but they're mostly on gamepass anyways. Also lots of ppl were saying to get a PS5 just for exclusives but i don't wanna spend another 300 just on games lol


AccomplishedTie4791 t1_iz6fol0 wrote

Have you looked at PS Plus? I see people talking about Gamepass all the time but in truth PS Plus in my opinion has an equally good library.

Obviously it does depend on which one has games that you are personally interested inn.


Sea-Anywhere-799 t1_iz6lv6y wrote

All these things you said are preference, and if you already made up your mind from the previous posts you made, then why bother asking if you've already decided. Both sides have butthurt fan bases, one looks like a fridge while the other router, etc. Play the games you want instead of nitpicking on things.


NecessaryQueasy6894 OP t1_iz6m5qc wrote

I've decided but haven't bought it yet so still asking for opinions. Also tbh I don't have anything against either but ps do have a very toxic 12 year old fanbase, the older ppl are normally chill, but the young fanbase is something I don't wanna touch