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Ashnine t1_izgko2e wrote

It definitely is. Just really depends on how you want to go about it. For the most part it will take a daisy chain of devices. Screw terminal to coaxial adapter. Then most vcr's will have the ability to take an RCA input out to that coax adapter. So from there you just need an HDMI to RCA. There are easier ways and more convoluted was for sure.


RBTropical t1_iziv2je wrote

The VCR is doing RF modulation if you wanna get a stand-alone box for that.


RBTropical t1_iziuztn wrote

Yes, but it would take a series of adapters with likely enough input lag it wouldn’t be usable, or high end adapters with a fairly painful price tag.

  1. HDMI - AV composite
  2. AV composite - RF modulator
  3. IEC coax/F plug/BNC (depending on what your modular connector is) to screw terminal adapter cable. You could probs MacGyver this by chopping up a cable.

If you got a decent high end low lag version of number 1, number 2 shouldn’t add much/any lag and number 3 is just a cable, so you MIGHT be ok. You’d be better off finding a CRT with component though and adapting HDMI to that.

This is a cheap box that claims to do it all - you’d just need an IEC coax to screw terminal cable - but I’d imagine the HDMI to composite part of the box’s conversion is poor and would cause input lag. If you just want this for a meme or to watch movies though it would work.


TheSogo64 t1_izhrvvr wrote

Yup you can get a cheap HDMI to AV off AliExpress input lag will be a problem though


RBTropical t1_iziuqrq wrote

This wouldn’t do the job. You’d need to take the composite output and convert this to RF with another box, and then adapt F plug (likely) or BNC or coax AC to screw terminals.


TheSogo64 t1_izj3lqu wrote

Oops didn't read it wasn't just a a Tv with composite