Submitted by BulletRisen t3_zjwx5a in consoles

Hi all,

I need a second console for upstairs, it'll be used for some light gaming, mainly call of duty MP with our main console. Is the difference between 1440p and 4k that noticeable?


I wasn't sure if I it's worth spending more for the X considering I already have a PS5 downstairs?


Edit: thanks for your help everyone. I shall be going with the Series S and save the money for a psvr2 next year!



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Anubra_Khan t1_izwq9l9 wrote

The X will give you access to physical copies of games which can be dirt cheap. Get a few $5 thrift store deals or borrow a few games that are $60 digitally and that $200 difference dissipates pretty quickly.


DetectiveGuybrush t1_izwo2hp wrote

The S is a brilliant little console perfect for 'second' console use. Obviously, the X is much better, but you have to think about the price tag in this situation. Do you have a 4k screen upstairs? and consider how close you sit to it. If, for instance, it's at the end of your bed (I'm guessing) then you won't get the benefit of 4k unless it's a big screen and you really won't notice the diffrence.

Buy what you can afford comfortably, but sounds like the S would be a perfect choice. Just don't forget it's disc-less.


BulletRisen OP t1_izwoo00 wrote

Thank you, that’s very helpful ! Screen upstairs is 50inch 4k and I’ll be sitting roughly 7 feet away. I have a tendency to always go for the top spec but the price difference between these makes the S seem like the clear winner.

I’m assuming apart from the resolution , the games will run without lag or too much of a performance hit ?


Frankie-is-broke t1_izx9h9t wrote

For Call of Duty, it should do 60fps fine, but 120 is hopeless. If playing other games on it becomes a possibility, keep in mind an incresing number of titles are 30fps only on Series S.


Cattafino t1_izwv3y6 wrote

If you have the possibility to buy the x buy it because has much features than the s, and has a better hardware


dented42ford t1_izx11sf wrote

Do you have a 4k TV/monitor? Then get the X, full stop.

Do you plan on getting one? X.

Can you afford the extra $200? X.

Will you ever buy disks? X.

Interested in playing old Xbox/360 games? X (due to disks).

Basically, get the X unless you specifically know you won't use the features.


BulletRisen OP t1_izx4fgp wrote

I'm inclined to go with the S to be honest, although my upstairs TV is 4k 50 inch it'll rarely be used, as my main gaming will be done on the PS5. I will also likely be getting the PSVR2 so that's more $ later next year. In terms of discs and old games I doubt it, haven't bought a physical game in years and game pass seems to have more than I need.


dented42ford t1_izx7057 wrote

You know your use case better than some randos in the interwebz.

My advice is predicated on the concept of avoiding future regret. If the S does what you want/need, go for it.


JayScramble t1_izxopfj wrote

Having an X and a 4K TV, I’d recommend the Series S. 1440p and 120FPS is as good/good enough at half the cost.


Joshooahh t1_izxa22e wrote

Series x, dont cheap out, spend that little bit extra and it will last you longer in terms of keeping up with what future games might offer


BulletRisen OP t1_j01a4jt wrote

Thing is that’s what the PS5 is for, this one’s just for the odd multiplayer in Cod or to keep the kids occupied lol


RealDriftySmifty t1_izxazub wrote

Me personally would say the x, the money you can and will save overtime is much worth it. If you go to somewhere like cex or GameStop you can save a ton of money on games that would otherwise be fully price digitally.


johnis187 t1_izx0ii9 wrote

I was on a similar situation I already had the PlayStation 5 I was all going to get an xbox the thing that swayed me was with the series s being less powerful would I really play it? I have a 60 inch 4k TV I felt that I'd be less inclined to play a series s over my PlayStation I eventually shelled out for the series x and I feel I made the right decision although xbox game pass is a must. Don't count out the ps5 it's an amazing console haptic feedback and the new psvr 2 is looking impressive.


MTB__TV t1_izyae15 wrote

I’d say series x because in the s there is no disc slot and if you have a disc game saved on a ext hard drive you can’t play the game on the series s. I have no idea why it just is the way it works for some reason


ImGonnaCrumb1 t1_j00yixh wrote

I have a series S, which suits me just fine. I mainly use it for game pass, which is stupidly good value and lets me play a bunch of new games I otherwise wouldn't bother with due to their price tag. I reckon it makes a great 2nd console!


SnakebiteSus t1_izysgi5 wrote

X. S is like the xbox one. X is has much better graphics and stuff and is just better


AirsoftIsKindaCool t1_j0045yv wrote

Bro I can't even afford xbox one im still using the 360 wth💀


BulletRisen OP t1_j01a1ln wrote

Don’t worry bro you’ll get there, I didn’t have much growing up


alexwins71 t1_j00dpng wrote

Get the X if you can, for one you’ll save yourself the trouble of having to buy additional storage. Also you’ll have access to games sales in both the digital and physical market.


Icy_Demand_8079 t1_j01acut wrote

I would advise getting the Seroes S if you don't want to spend much, and it is less likely to overheat than the Xbox Srries X, шнісн І шоцІd recommend if you want 4K hraphics, fastrr speed at the cost of a very hogh pri e.


femmeleaf t1_j01gl0i wrote

get an x!!! compatibility for s is terrible and many games dont actually support it rn


BulletRisen OP t1_j01he5p wrote

Any examples ? I’m only using it for call of duty


TEE_l t1_izx6cvj wrote

Well what monitor is going with it ? If it’s not 4k 60fps capable then I’d get the s


TEE_l t1_izx6dyd wrote

Well what monitor is going with it ? If it’s not 4k 60fps capable then I’d get the s