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AceP1ne t1_izy5c51 wrote

Gonna sound pretty basic, but it’s gotta be Zelda botw


RobertWayneLewisJr t1_izy6oeo wrote

Ark: Survival Evolved

It is also my most HATED video game of all time :)


c0_sm0 t1_izy7w8m wrote

RDR2, followed closely by MGS4


RobertWayneLewisJr t1_izyatqx wrote

Neither do I... But I hear it being described as such:

Pokemon, but you forcibly catch the Pokemon by shooting narcotics into them, shoving food up their ass, and then incest breeding them until they make very powerful babies to defeat God.


HideoSpartan t1_izyf3lc wrote

I probably couldn’t select one title, though I guess if I did it would probably be MGS1 or 3.

However uncharted 2&3


[deleted] t1_izygofc wrote

Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.


0rganised_chaos_ t1_izywzl5 wrote

Zelda Majora's mask, could play that game over and over again. I love that I know the characters movements at any given time....


JakeHarry21 t1_izyyxcj wrote

Super mario 3d world + browsers fury


overtly-Grrl t1_izzpxvn wrote

fzero snes for sure

edit. the music just HITS


celcius_451 t1_izzq481 wrote

The Last of Us Remastered, I probably have at least 400 hours on it

Followed closely by Fallout 4


1991thestorm t1_j00l7ue wrote

I see mgs already mentioned so I’ll go for my close second, vagrant story


Ty-douken t1_j00rzf2 wrote

Donkey Kong Country / Chrono Trigger / Mario RPG. It's a tie because I enjoy them the same for different reasons & I'm ok with myself have 3 tied at the top because base 3 is number used in Most Nintendo gsmes of the SNES Era.

It's possible that Sifu may dethrone or join at some point, but it's still early days for that one.


Ty-douken t1_j00sc4q wrote

I didn't personally put this in the same category as Chrono Trigger until I recently replayed it. It's such a great JRPG & is so unique. I always enjoyed it, but yeah I got a new appreciation for it.


CnamhaCnamha t1_j00uakq wrote

Probably still Ocarina of Time. But just about. Hades and BOTW in the past few years alone have given it a run for its money.


HelenAngel t1_j00y8b4 wrote

Minecraft - This game changed my life considerably for the better. I have my wonderful partner because of it as we met while both working at Mojang Studios. Microsoft Solitaire is a close second, again because working on the game changed my life for the better.


Walker_blehhh t1_j011utv wrote

RDR2 bc I love wild western type things and horses.

MC bc I've been playing it for 10 year.

Spider Man PS4 (insomniac) bc I love Spidey


[deleted] t1_j014lcd wrote

The original Spyro! It was the first proper 3D game I played. Really got me interested in gaming.


MrFreak-976 t1_j0162ul wrote

Such a tough question. Either Halo Combat evolved or Lord Of the Rings Shadow of Mordor.


0_1-0 t1_j01772n wrote

The monster hunter franchise


Badmanbadger t1_j01bcaj wrote

Command and Conquer Red Alert was the best game of all time..... 🛠


Chiller2185 t1_j01hhf6 wrote

Spyro: A Heros Tail for GameCube


Xioheh t1_j01vc96 wrote

Have to agree about RDR2. I have passed 1700 hours on multiple playthroughs, plus as someone who was 43 at the time of first completion and has played games since the early 80's a game has never ever reduced me to tears before.

Except maybe double dragon on the C64. That reduced me to tears as my younger self was expecting an arcade quality conversion :-)


LMar2015 t1_j028le0 wrote

Skyrim. Could play this 100 times and still discover new things 😊


ed8breakfast t1_j028vqn wrote

It changes from time to time, but currently Elden Ring


_bradders t1_j028xco wrote

Probably majoras mask, or yakuza 5 depending on the day.


big-brummie777_77 t1_j02kqb8 wrote

Medieval on the original playstation, still play it now 👍


Swimming_You7980 t1_j0eeyx6 wrote

Snes, Legend of Zelda : a link to the past. I cannot count the number of time i replayed the game.