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Ty-douken t1_j0btzzh wrote

  1. Multiversus; I had a blast at launch & was playing nightly with a friend at who. We'd win about 70% of our matches, but that eventually went down a bit to 64% (this wasn't why we stopped). We stopped due to fighting the same small pool of characters that aren't balanced, too simple & too powerful compared to more interesting characters. We also were fighting people with level 40 characters when we were level 1-10 (perks not fully unlocked). Also the dailies took forever to do.

  2. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze; Great game but it just didn't bring me back to my SNES days like I was hoping it would. I've given this game another chance & went in without predetermined bias, which had made me really enjoy it. I figured out that the issue is its too explorative with long levels. The thing I loved about the original DKC Trilogy was that it was a tight, challenging rhythmic platformer. Tropical Freeze is more a spiritual successor to Mario World in DK clothes.

  3. Red Dead Redemption 2; I devoured the first RDR, but number 2 having an emphasis on so much size activity to upgrade things & being a very immersive but slow experience meant I just got distracted by a number of other games. I do plan to go back to it & finish at some point, but I'll be focusing on story & only doing side quests not activities.