Submitted by Gay_Charlie t3_zluekg in consoles

  1. Ghost of Tsushima - After the first act I really lost motivation to continue after seeing the same mission padding that didn't uniquely change combat wise.

  2. Returnal - I'm just not a fan of rogue-like games and this one didn't change my mind on them.

  3. Blasphemous - The bland level design couldn't keep me motivated to continue even though the gameplay and aesthetics were outstanding.

  4. Hollow Knight - Same thing reason as Blasphemous.

  5. Celeste - The abundance of accessibility features was wildy discouraging for me to care.



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nowhereman1223 t1_j07965p wrote

the Mad Max game from a few years ago. Too much repetition.

GTAV as it is just too filled with BS and as many ways as possible to get money out of you.

COD & Battlefield games. I loved campaigns and both have lost their way on those and prioritize getting more money from you as opposed to providing a solid single player game.

Destiny 2. Destiny 1 was fantastic and while it was a bit grindy at least it was rewarding and fun. Destiny 2 went too far the other way and pushed too hard on micro transactions. Now I see all the other crap they are pulling and I am glad I left.


klljmnnj t1_j07ly6f wrote

Hades - great game but after few hours it becomes boring going through same levels over and over.


jorjeporridge t1_j096fob wrote

Yeah… almost like if you take a good rogue-like - and then make a real video game out of it, with progression instead of repetition - you get a better game.

Any rogue-like is improved by not being a rogue-like. Laziest genre in the industry.


Ty-douken t1_j0buayg wrote

Thank you! I've been saying this for years. I also don't know why they're isn't an option in rogue-like games to have a more like this. Have both so there's more content for those who want it & a fun weekend game for those that want to beat it & move on. You get people's money the same both ways.


pigeonsringpiece t1_j089sgs wrote

All of them , i just feel burned out and unable to enjoy them no matter how hyped up they get


HungarianNewfy t1_j09xdih wrote

The Last of Us - had a great story and characters up to as far as I got. But the monotonous gameplay really pulled me out of it all

Breath of the Wild - the breaking weapons is such a shitty mechanic, at least the way it was implemented in this game (at least give me a few extra swings!!), that goes against my adventure/rpg play style. I tend to save all of my good items for “when I might need them later” or the final boss which means I was always using boko sticks because I didn’t want to lose my good weapons to grunts

GTA V - this one is mainly due to my buddies I played with. Early on, when heists were the best way to make money (legitimately) they’d just rinse and repeat the same heists over and over. But if someone fucked up along the way, we’d have to start it all over again, cut scenes and all…it grew old very fast and killed my motivation to play it all together.


Ty-douken t1_j0buuc8 wrote

I felt the exact same way about BOTW & event took numerous sessions over 5 years to beat it. My best advice is to invest in health upgrades & then find the Master Sword as it has a recharge period after it "breaks", so you rarely need to use your other weapons & can safely use your good ones & just keep one of each elemental type weapon in you.

This changed the game & made me finish it without interruption after getting it.


[deleted] t1_j07efqv wrote

Elder Scrolls and Fallout, have given both franchises a try and I couldn’t keep interested an hour into them.


amcman15 t1_j09urh0 wrote

>Celeste - The abundance of accessibility features was wildy discouraging for me to care.

This one confuses me... just don't turn them on?


ChihuahuaMonte2010 t1_j0b1kwb wrote

Kingdom come. I just couldn’t get into it. Jury is still out on Chernobylite, just not engaging with it. (Not what l expected).


ForFuckHonor2 t1_j0b5u6p wrote

For honor, too many things being wrong; ran out of stamina? A quick power nap will refresh you


Swimming_You7980 t1_j0bf1sr wrote

Earthbound the beginning on nes. Too much similitudes with Earthbound on snes (wich i played and loved). Plus this sensitive trigger that pushes you in battle mode every step you make on this gigantic map. I think about it and i'm so bored.


Ty-douken t1_j0btzzh wrote

  1. Multiversus; I had a blast at launch & was playing nightly with a friend at who. We'd win about 70% of our matches, but that eventually went down a bit to 64% (this wasn't why we stopped). We stopped due to fighting the same small pool of characters that aren't balanced, too simple & too powerful compared to more interesting characters. We also were fighting people with level 40 characters when we were level 1-10 (perks not fully unlocked). Also the dailies took forever to do.

  2. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze; Great game but it just didn't bring me back to my SNES days like I was hoping it would. I've given this game another chance & went in without predetermined bias, which had made me really enjoy it. I figured out that the issue is its too explorative with long levels. The thing I loved about the original DKC Trilogy was that it was a tight, challenging rhythmic platformer. Tropical Freeze is more a spiritual successor to Mario World in DK clothes.

  3. Red Dead Redemption 2; I devoured the first RDR, but number 2 having an emphasis on so much size activity to upgrade things & being a very immersive but slow experience meant I just got distracted by a number of other games. I do plan to go back to it & finish at some point, but I'll be focusing on story & only doing side quests not activities.


Jlaw118 t1_j0g1ge7 wrote

Weirdly enough, The Simpsons Game.

I had this for Nintendo DS as a kid and completed it loads of times. But I got it for PS2 as well and couldn’t get past the first level! I tried it again about three years ago on PS3 thinking it would be easier now I’m an adult and still couldn’t 😂

Which makes it a rock solid first mission or I’m just thick