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GR00VYGH0ULIE t1_j0akl66 wrote

You need to buy the digital version for the Series S. Maybe think about the Series X instead.


EvaOver69 t1_j0bqmzy wrote

Nope. Any disc games go to waste when you get series s


[deleted] OP t1_j0c6t95 wrote



Exotics-Edge t1_j0cm2bj wrote

I mean no offence you’re also purposely buying the console without a disc drive? So.


NecessaryQueasy6894 t1_j0d5eak wrote

Piss take? It's a diskless console, and you've got a disk. No matter what company you'd buy from, it'd be the same. Also it's like £8, just rebuy it


Kear_Bear_3747 t1_j0c6mhp wrote

You have to buy GTA again (digital copy)


playboysharted t1_j0c6vex wrote

:(((( thanks


Kear_Bear_3747 t1_j0cg7nw wrote

I would just spring for an SX honestly. It pisses me right off that SS doesn’t target 4K.


playboysharted t1_j0cgedm wrote

dont have 4k monitor so not my biggest issue but yeah if microsoft can they will fuck us over lmao


Kear_Bear_3747 t1_j0cgrwf wrote

I use my SS at my desk with my computer monitors that are 2K rated and it looks great, so you should be fine in that case.


NecessaryQueasy6894 t1_j0d5gai wrote

I mean it's £199, what do you expect?


Kear_Bear_3747 t1_j0ddzek wrote

I expect it to be 4K rated!


NecessaryQueasy6894 t1_j0deiar wrote

I'm guessing that you're being sarcastic, but a 4k 60fps pc would be atleast 1.5k, so considering that the series X (450) targets 4k is crazy. Even for £199, have fun getting a pc that can do 120fps 1080p


Kear_Bear_3747 t1_j0diepc wrote

Why would you need 120fps? That’s like twice the range humans can perceive frames. LOL


NecessaryQueasy6894 t1_j0dilpm wrote

While 60 is enough, 120 is alot better, and while not huge, it is a visible difference (also in input delay). Either way, make me a pc with new parts and 1 year warranty that does 1080p 120fps, for £200. Or one that does 4k 60fps for £450


Kear_Bear_3747 t1_j0diqbj wrote

Sounds like you’re starting to learn that PC components are overpriced compared to their manufacturing cost. LMAO


NecessaryQueasy6894 t1_j0dj22t wrote

That doesn't matter, you expect a £199 console to do 4k, when you'd need a 1.5k minimum pc to do that lmao. I couldn't care less about price to manufacture cost, I'm going off of what you said


playboysharted t1_j0c6r34 wrote

damn, i dont have the money for the x so have to settle for s


ReemThaDreem t1_j0cgtrb wrote

Hold off till after xmas bro, games and consoles always get some half decent discounts and it can be the difference between getting a few additional games added to the package or in your case going for an X instead of S. I have the X and it is good but tbh head to head console wise the PS5 is miles better than the series X. Ive had nothing but problems with my series X controller, on my 3rd one, and had to return my original series X cause it would cut out when playing online. The PS5 meanwhile has been a rock and never gives me any problems when i use it .


NecessaryQueasy6894 t1_j0d59zq wrote

It's like £10 bro


playboysharted t1_j0d5fgl wrote

stfu 10x god knows how many games🤣🤣🤣


NecessaryQueasy6894 t1_j0d5hx3 wrote

Go buy a PS5 mate


playboysharted t1_j0d5jv1 wrote

thats not even a valid arguement bro


NecessaryQueasy6894 t1_j0d5ngj wrote

Ps5 is for idiots, go over there. Wants to play a disk on a diskless console 🤣


playboysharted t1_j0d5rg8 wrote

never said i was gonna shove a disk into a diskless console😩😩😩


NecessaryQueasy6894 t1_j0d5wzz wrote

I mean no shit, but of course they won't give you a free game, just cause you can't afford it. Either buy just digital, or get an x


[deleted] OP t1_j0d63i1 wrote



NecessaryQueasy6894 t1_j0d6dai wrote

Says you ' c-can I play a disk game on a console with no disk 🥺🥺'


playboysharted t1_j0d6jlt wrote

never asked that, wanted to know if youve previously BOUGHT THE DISK can it go digital on connected account? go have a wank and chill tf out


NecessaryQueasy6894 t1_j0d6owu wrote

Re-read that, and tell me that it's not stupid lmao


playboysharted t1_j0d6sj7 wrote

no i dont wanna


NecessaryQueasy6894 t1_j0d6vau wrote

Great English Pal