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Anubra_Khan t1_j0fx0jp wrote

Xbox Series X/S only has 4 current gen-only titles. Everything else is available on Xbox One. PS5 has way more going for it. Even the subscription service has more games for less.

For the exclusives, just look up GOTY nominees over the past 12 years. They have 1-3 nominees every single year compared to xbox's zero. Pretty sure it's zero anyway, maybe 1 of the Gears games got nominated once. And they often win.

I'd recommend saving for a PC over getting an Xbox. I've got mine hooked up like a console next to the PS5 and haven't fired up the Xbox in 2 years.


BayleShira OP t1_j0k3m34 wrote

I agree about the PC but he already has a gaming laptop. The console is more of a family option so he can play with the kids.

I wish I was more aware of which titles he actually wants to play. That would probably be helpful in making a decision...


Anubra_Khan t1_j0k94xf wrote

I see. The gaming laptop can basically be an Xbox. He can plug that into your TV and play with the family that way using xbox or PS controllers. If he doesn't have it already, you can get him the PC version of the Xbox GamePass subscription. It's about 400+ games for $10 a month. The Xbox version of this (which he will likely get if you get him the xbox) is $15 a month.

Not trying to sway you one way or the other, just letting you know your options.


BayleShira OP t1_j0km1g4 wrote

Really? I didn't even know that was a thing.

Damn. I really let myself go when I stopped gaming.


Anubra_Khan t1_j0kopth wrote

It's never too late to pick it back up. There are so many different options and affordable ways to play games now. The trick is finding what system (or combination of systems) works best for your situation.

For me, it's PC with game pass and PS5 with PS Plus hooked up to my TV. But the optimal setup will be different for everyone.