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CerealBringer t1_j0hndyf wrote

I have both and to sum it up I'd say; PS for playstation exclusives, Xbox for gamepass or racing games (PS Plus is however very good now and imo is actually solid competition for gamepass).

PS5 controller is better in every way other than falling slightly behind on ergonomics.

If you already have a gaming PC there's not a huge amount of point in getting an xbox - just get gamepass.

No VR headset support for xbox at all as of right now.

If you don't care about any of the above, pick the one most of your friends play.

Edit: one more thing - UX on both consoles is horrible. It took me a while to familiarise myself with the different menus/features and. If you're already more familiar with one than the other i guess that could be a pro for you.