Submitted by BayleShira t3_zn3ujd in consoles

I have been a PS user for twenty years, but I am not a hardcore gamer or anything. Still, the anti-consumer crap that PS has been pulling has got me to the point that I may invest in XBOX X as a hanukkah gift for my partner who asked for a PS5. We've been waiting for two years to get one and the PSDirect is glitching out and cancelling my purchase. Scalpers have it up to $800 in most places. Support doesn't care if the website screws you. We're locked out of our PSN accounts for literally no reason. The money-grabs they are instituting have pretty much pushed me to my breaking point.

My question is; anyone else switch to XBOX in the last year as a result of PS's crap?
Second question is: will my spouse divorce me if he finds an XBOX under the tree when he was wanting a PS5? LOL Are the pros vs. cons enough to keep my marriage intact?



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[deleted] t1_j0et5ap wrote

Personally I don't see the need to upgrade from a ps4 to ps5 just yet as there aren't any stand out games worth it that you can't already play on the ps4. I've got a ps4 and will be buying myself the series X after Christmas, I'll still be keeping the ps4 too so I am able to play the console exclusives. The only pro you need about the series X is it has High on Life and PlayStation doesn't 😅


yaboyyake t1_j0f5tm1 wrote

I did. Was a PS2 guy, Xbox 360 guy, PS4 guy, Series X guy. I'm not a fan boy I go for whatever I think is best each generation. I think it's too early to say! The consoles are virtually the same performance and capability wise so it's games that matter. I don't particularly care for the PlayStation exclusives, I bought Xbox this time because of all the studios Microsoft bought and hoping it pays off in the future. They're still making games for last gen and I'm still playing last gen games!

So far I've been impressed by Microsoft, I think they're much more user and customer friendly bc gaming is just a tiny chunk of their business they don't need to milk every dollar out of you. They claim they lose money on every console yet haven't raised the price yet. The Series S is a budget option that's still decent for a lot of people. Games were $60 until now. Game pass is great value. I've been overall impressed by ordering directly from Microsoft, and bought the headset and rechargeable battery as well. Seems like quality at a fair price. Overall with all the acquisitions I just see them moving in the right direction.


chickencordonbleu t1_j0fdzmp wrote

I just saw a couple of PS5s in my local Target, and I heard others same the same about Walmart, FWIW.

XBOX/PS, whatever. It's totally up to the person playing. I went from PS to Xbox to PS.

If this is a gift for someone else, and they actually wanted a PS5, and you don't know them well enough to know that they'd be totally happy with an Xbox, I'd go for that PS5. Or at least have a real talk.

Also, I am always very sus of anything that includes "and they x for literally no reason". There's always a reason. It might be a mistake, sure, but who knows which end that mistake is on. :-)

PS had that leak. Sucked. Pretty much every major website has had some sort of suck at some point. One Christmas I got a whole bunch of Xbox points and redeemed them on my account, and the next day my account was hacked and everything was gone. My account was locked all the way through Christmas, and given back to me a little over a week later, saying "only put the credit you'll use right away on there at a time". I was off that whole time, and wasn't when I got it back. Sucked.


BayleShira OP t1_j0fhfp4 wrote

That was one thing I was taking into consideration. Microsoft seems to have been putting in the time and energy that will get a bigger projected pay-off down the road...


BayleShira OP t1_j0fhzpw wrote

Well, considering that we had our PS4 unplugged and on a shelf for about 6 months and fired it up today and are suddenly locked out of our accounts - yep. It's for LITERALLY no (valid) reason. It's certainly not a mistake I somehow made while my fucking console was shelved, genius. Be sus I guess.

Also as I said, I don't have a "local" anything. I live on a fucking island bruh.

Congratulations, you contributed nothing to this conversation except to be an irritating force in the universe.


NhjusSqizz t1_j0fndvw wrote

I have played both consoles and I will say in my opinion xbox has a more simple ui however playstation has nkre collabs and the subscriptions are cheaper and give you more but some of the xboxs parts are better than the playstation causing better game performance b

As a conclusion i would stick to playstation coming from a current xbox player


Medusas_Kiss t1_j0fno0t wrote

I upgraded from a ps4 to a Xbox series x at the start of this month.

I have been a long time PS user and haven’t used an Xbox since the 360.


The obvious things are the graphics/load times and anything else you would expect from an upgrade and massively noticeable come from one to the other.

All my mates have a PS5 but I can still play the games we played together via crossplay.

Game pass….it’s just amazing

Console is so quiet it makes me smile when I realised that there I sent a turbo jet trying ti take off from my table


Controller….don’t get me wrong, the controller layout is great but it feels so cheap. From the trigger buttons feeling horrible to the vibration being so bad it’s the first thing I turn off in games all the way to the Xbox button needing to be pressed very specifically to register that you are actually pressing it. it’s just not a good controller imo.

The dashboard. This is something that has taken me weeks to fully understand. Coming from the ps4 where things were clean, you will be coming into a world of chaos and confusion, from randomly ads to really bad customisation.

I have learnt over the weeks to just got to one specific tab which shows all my games and apps…why there isn’t an option just to open to that I don’t know.

All that being said, I love the Xbox. I can forgive the controller and crappy UI now that I have gotten used to it.

If there is any disappointment from your spouse just tell them that’s it’s the more powerful console then looks then in the eyes, pull them close and whisper “elder scrolls six” that should get the juices flowing


[deleted] t1_j0frs20 wrote

I’ve always been a loyal PlayStation user, and that’s not going to change. Nothing wrong with Xbox, I just stick with what I know.


Dienda-dis-dk t1_j0fteky wrote

120 fps on a lot of games(including MW2)which I play which is why I upgraded from ps4 to ps5 but apart from that there's not too much more to it other than the nice new menu screen and the controller


Anubra_Khan t1_j0fx0jp wrote

Xbox Series X/S only has 4 current gen-only titles. Everything else is available on Xbox One. PS5 has way more going for it. Even the subscription service has more games for less.

For the exclusives, just look up GOTY nominees over the past 12 years. They have 1-3 nominees every single year compared to xbox's zero. Pretty sure it's zero anyway, maybe 1 of the Gears games got nominated once. And they often win.

I'd recommend saving for a PC over getting an Xbox. I've got mine hooked up like a console next to the PS5 and haven't fired up the Xbox in 2 years.


[deleted] t1_j0g1tj9 wrote

That's all down to preference too I guess. As much as I love seeing PC set ups and know how much more powerful they are I don't think I'd ever go out my way to buy one


Anubra_Khan t1_j0g300o wrote

I just got one 2 years ago when I realized how expensive this console gen will be, especially when factoring pro models. It's basically just a big xbox next to my ps5 that also plays pc games, has mods and household utility functions.


PissedPistol t1_j0gdyqf wrote

Xbox X is currently the best choice. Xbox Live is the Point !!! The best Multiplayer Platform and much much more


Drakullin t1_j0gpnw6 wrote

I have switched from PS to Xbox in the PS3 gen and I would say that I not regret it. It is true that Sony exclusives won't be on Xbox, but you win other advantages like its fenomenal retro and a library that your spouse didn't play before.

In my case, I really like the hardware, it's really solid and with the Gamepass he will play lots of titles that otherwise he will not play. But, I will mention that lastly I feel a bit concerned about the release planning of the Xbox division...

It's up to you, but in case you want to not mistake in the decision, instead of going for a Series X, my sugestion is going for a Series S, which is more affordable and all actual videogames can be played there. Once the PS5 offer stabilizes, then he can thing whether is a good idea to go for a Series X or a PS5. But in the meantime, he can play everything :)


Ok_Adhesiveness9549 t1_j0gu0s3 wrote

I did because I couldn’t get a ps5. Xbox is amazing and it’s designed in North America something to be proud of. That being said PlayStation has a special place in my heart and I purchased a pa5 when I found one and even though it’s the weaker GPU it has an amazing audio chip and SSD don’t forget the hepatic feed back in the controller. the exclusives and just overall user experience is great I feel more connected to friends online. Both are amazing you can’t go wrong.


BrownsVM t1_j0gxkae wrote

I literally just went to right now and was able to add a PS5 into my cart. With the god of war game bundle.


BrownsVM t1_j0gy64x wrote

By the way. I’ve gotten 2 friends an Xbox series X. I helped get a ps5 for 1 of them for their partner. And all he does is use his wife’s PS5 lol. My other friend ditched his Xbox and gave his gf the Xbox and got a PC instead.


FunkinDonutzz t1_j0hawvf wrote

If I asked for a PS5 and was handed an Xbox, I'd be handing the Xbox back.


CerealBringer t1_j0hndyf wrote

I have both and to sum it up I'd say; PS for playstation exclusives, Xbox for gamepass or racing games (PS Plus is however very good now and imo is actually solid competition for gamepass).

PS5 controller is better in every way other than falling slightly behind on ergonomics.

If you already have a gaming PC there's not a huge amount of point in getting an xbox - just get gamepass.

No VR headset support for xbox at all as of right now.

If you don't care about any of the above, pick the one most of your friends play.

Edit: one more thing - UX on both consoles is horrible. It took me a while to familiarise myself with the different menus/features and. If you're already more familiar with one than the other i guess that could be a pro for you.


Lukakuisbeast t1_j0hqdlv wrote

I have owned both Xbox and PlayStation consoles throughout my life.

The controllers are better on Xbox and certainly better for adult hands. I find the Playstation ones too small. The game pass is great but recently its been filled with mostly cheaper games and no big hitters. Although some are real hidden gems like Hollow Knight and Subnautica.

I also think Playstation is always the cool console to own. Whereas most people have one and its what you 'should get' Ive always felt Xbox was left field. Even dating back to the PS1 you seem more sophisticated and popular some how.

Anyway and I'm not being biased you should 100% get an XBOX X. My reason for you is if you've never had an Xbox, there's so many backwards combatable games for you to get through as well. You dont just get the new games you get 20 years worth of games you've missed out on. This is why I actually got a PS4 as I didn't own a PS3. Xbox are being slow with the exclusives. But by the time you get through the older games. There should be Starfield and Forza 8, followed by perfect dark reboot (Play the first one) and Elder Scrolls.


Lukakuisbeast t1_j0hqsw5 wrote

Neither are worth it at the minute to be honest. In a couple of years yes. But for OP who has never owned an Xbox he gets to play a lot of older games on gamepass that he has never played. Like Halo, Forza horizons, Banjo Kazooie, Perfect Dark etc.

By the time PS6 comes out he can get that and then play the PS5 games


Lukakuisbeast t1_j0hr5yu wrote

Whats the elite controller like if you know? Ive always preferred the Xbox controllers as my hands are massive lol. I agree with the dashboard, own a PS4 and Xbox One and the dashboard on PlayStation is so much better.


countymanTX t1_j0hrxnw wrote

I have a PC, switch, ps5 and series X. My series X doesn't see much use because I can play all those games on PC. PS5 has more exclusives than xbox does.


Medusas_Kiss t1_j0i694w wrote

Haven’t tried an elite controller yet. I want to get hands on with it before I order one because if they are anything like the stock controller in build quality I can’t imagine it being worth the money, for me anyway.

You know what they say about big hands right?….big controllers!


BayleShira OP t1_j0k1x4t wrote

That was kind of what I was thinking.

But then I also was thinking - he can just buy a PS5 whenever he gets a chance. I'm finding it nearly impossible, so maybe he won't throw me down the stairs if I hand him the Xbox in light of those circumstances.


BayleShira OP t1_j0k3m34 wrote

I agree about the PC but he already has a gaming laptop. The console is more of a family option so he can play with the kids.

I wish I was more aware of which titles he actually wants to play. That would probably be helpful in making a decision...


Anubra_Khan t1_j0k94xf wrote

I see. The gaming laptop can basically be an Xbox. He can plug that into your TV and play with the family that way using xbox or PS controllers. If he doesn't have it already, you can get him the PC version of the Xbox GamePass subscription. It's about 400+ games for $10 a month. The Xbox version of this (which he will likely get if you get him the xbox) is $15 a month.

Not trying to sway you one way or the other, just letting you know your options.


Medusas_Kiss t1_j0kidaw wrote

Haha everyone has their own tastes in games but that’s a big one for any scrolls fans. Plus star citizen. I won’t be going back to PS any time soon, I still play games with all my mates who got a PS5 with no issues.


FunkinDonutzz t1_j0klnsp wrote

I think not actually being able to secure a PS5 is fair. I do have both myself, and the only thing I really like about the Series X is it runs some older titles really well. At the same time "playing the Xbox 360 version of Dead Space 2 at 60FPS" probably isn't the greatest selling point for a console in 2022.

Some people love GamePass - I have it too and find it kinda meh. Most of the content on it is old and I've played it already. With the new content, I'd rather just buy whatever the odd game on it I actually want.


BayleShira OP t1_j0kofyj wrote

I didnt fucking ask if you thought they were condescending. I don't want your opinion. I know when someone is being condescending and I don't fuck with that. Downvote me all you want, idgaf.


Anubra_Khan t1_j0kopth wrote

It's never too late to pick it back up. There are so many different options and affordable ways to play games now. The trick is finding what system (or combination of systems) works best for your situation.

For me, it's PC with game pass and PS5 with PS Plus hooked up to my TV. But the optimal setup will be different for everyone.


BayleShira OP t1_j0o5oor wrote

Did y'all seriously downvote a response where I said I don't like Elder Scrolls, but I'll mention it to my spouse? Jesus fucking Christ 🤣