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yaboyyake t1_j1mrrmh wrote

I'm gonna be honest I have no idea what you're talking about and neither do you lol. If you don't already have an account you make one. That's it. If you do, you log in. I'm an Xbox guy now but I also have a PS4 and a PS2 so I'm not a fan boy. I can think of several real reasons why you might choose a PS5 over an Xbox but I'm not sure what they mean by Xbox hates us or what you're referring to.

It sounds like you made up your mind already but don't have any reasons or idea why lol.


PhysicalAd8456 OP t1_j1mu9aa wrote

yea, i really don’t. i’m just trying to start on a console and deal with two devoted fans in my ear. thank you for your input tho, do you really think there’s no difference in how easy the consoles are to set up and use?


yaboyyake t1_j1mv1ii wrote

As far as I know yeah. It's just like making an account for anything else nowadays. You make a username, put in some basic stuff like name age DOB, they'll want a credit card for buying games and subscriptions, the usual. Setting up my new Xbox I just plugged it in, put in the wifi, connected the controller, logged in to my account, it did a quick update, download games, done.

If you really want one over the other that's fine, they're both great. The real thing you should evaluate is which console has the games you want to play. Performance, UI, storage, all that is pretty negligible in my book. Controller if that's a big deal to you.


PhysicalAd8456 OP t1_j1mvd5a wrote

thank you, realest advice i’ve gotten this far


godsxmessenger t1_j1nokly wrote

Xbox is more backwards compatible, the whole "easier to jump in if you don't have an established past with them" is taking Sony's lack of maintaining a feature and acting like it's an attractive selling point.

Sony has some great first party exclusives, Xbox has some greater utility that spreads back to older generations, the PC, and a multi use controller that connects to PC and smart phones easily

Both are always comparable, play the one where your friends are at the most.


ed8breakfast t1_j1os9d9 wrote

Both systems are pretty easy to use, I have an Xbox series x and a ps4 so I’m not a fanboy of either, I personally prefer the Xbox OS but that’s just me.