Submitted by PhysicalAd8456 t3_zv18m5 in consoles

my brothers are into different systems and i’m trying to decide on one but they’re pretty devoted to ps and xbox ( respectively ) so it’s been tense. my favorite game is a ps exclusive and i like the controller, but the xbox x is smaller and has always been easier for me to navigate. they make me switch between their old consoles when we play so i’m not committed to either one, just want my own. any advice? kinda wanna just buy a switch to piss them off



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Ok-Caterpillar6251 t1_j1mhj3b wrote

I’m an Xbox user. Xbox hates us. Don’t buy an Xbox.

I hope this helps


yaboyyake t1_j1mjwev wrote

What does this mean lol


PhysicalAd8456 OP t1_j1mksvd wrote

i like the xbox x for the size and look of the console but my brother had mentioned microsoft making things harder for its users. just reaffirmed that the ps5 is probably what i need.


yaboyyake t1_j1ml9qi wrote

What is Microsoft making harder and how? Lol I still have no idea what you guys are talking about


PhysicalAd8456 OP t1_j1mmism wrote

i guess i don’t remember specifics, just that if you don’t already have an account and years of achievements it’s easier to start with playstation. do you disagree? i’d like your thoughts


yaboyyake t1_j1mrrmh wrote

I'm gonna be honest I have no idea what you're talking about and neither do you lol. If you don't already have an account you make one. That's it. If you do, you log in. I'm an Xbox guy now but I also have a PS4 and a PS2 so I'm not a fan boy. I can think of several real reasons why you might choose a PS5 over an Xbox but I'm not sure what they mean by Xbox hates us or what you're referring to.

It sounds like you made up your mind already but don't have any reasons or idea why lol.


PhysicalAd8456 OP t1_j1mu9aa wrote

yea, i really don’t. i’m just trying to start on a console and deal with two devoted fans in my ear. thank you for your input tho, do you really think there’s no difference in how easy the consoles are to set up and use?


yaboyyake t1_j1mv1ii wrote

As far as I know yeah. It's just like making an account for anything else nowadays. You make a username, put in some basic stuff like name age DOB, they'll want a credit card for buying games and subscriptions, the usual. Setting up my new Xbox I just plugged it in, put in the wifi, connected the controller, logged in to my account, it did a quick update, download games, done.

If you really want one over the other that's fine, they're both great. The real thing you should evaluate is which console has the games you want to play. Performance, UI, storage, all that is pretty negligible in my book. Controller if that's a big deal to you.


PhysicalAd8456 OP t1_j1mvd5a wrote

thank you, realest advice i’ve gotten this far


godsxmessenger t1_j1nokly wrote

Xbox is more backwards compatible, the whole "easier to jump in if you don't have an established past with them" is taking Sony's lack of maintaining a feature and acting like it's an attractive selling point.

Sony has some great first party exclusives, Xbox has some greater utility that spreads back to older generations, the PC, and a multi use controller that connects to PC and smart phones easily

Both are always comparable, play the one where your friends are at the most.


ed8breakfast t1_j1os9d9 wrote

Both systems are pretty easy to use, I have an Xbox series x and a ps4 so I’m not a fanboy of either, I personally prefer the Xbox OS but that’s just me.


frankthetank2023 t1_j1omf2l wrote

This is false.

Xbox is easy.

If anything PS makes it harder for 3rd party controllers and such as its more of a Sony echo system.


Ok-Caterpillar6251 t1_j1n7y1d wrote

I find the lifespan of the consoles is just getting shorter and shorter. The 360 lasted me around 12 years, good on gaming. And then it was great for another 4 to entertain my younger cousins and Netflix for my grandparents.

My Xbox one lasted me about 6 years, and I will admit it was a great space heater for the really cold nights. But it slowed down the last 2 years and then just blatantly died.

I am now on the series S. i got it November 2021, and while I’m sure I have a few years with it yet, I think I see it going as far as 4 years, from what other people have been saying their lifespan doesn’t really get your moneys worth for the console.

Not only that, but Xbox support went from being reasonable, to slow, to rude, to non existent.

My experience has just gone downhill more than up, my next gaming system is probably not going to be xbox


yaboyyake t1_j1nbcax wrote

I mean to be fair the Xbox one was just a bad generation from Microsoft. Same way how PS3 wasn't so hot compared to the 360 in my opinion. The S is a budget console so yeah it clearly isn't meant to be future proof or last. My Series X though I absolutely expect to keep for a long time. My 360 lasted forever, PS4 is still going strong, and this gen hasn't even started until games start coming out that are exclusively next gen.

So far the Xbox is proving to be just as good as the PS5 if not better. Performance, cooling, storage, all that and it's already been a couple years to prove it.


ed8breakfast t1_j1osxxc wrote

Same, I’ve had my Xbox series x since 2 weeks after launch, and I haven’t noticed any changes since I got it. My Xbox One S hasn’t slowed since I got it 6 years ago, and that was using it heavily and forgetting to dust the vents.


ApprehensiveTrade819 t1_j1mzy4y wrote

I was in a similar situation, struggling to choose one. Even though I've always had PlayStations and recently been a pc player since 2016, I ended up getting an Xbox. Main reason was that it was easier to get hold of and that it's possible to get gamepass for around £1/2 a month using third party sites, whereas there's no cheaper way of obtaining any of the ps plus tiers.

I was originally leaning towards a ps5 as I prefer the controller layout as that's what I'm used to, and the fact that it takes normal gen 4 nvme drives is a huge bonus and like 50% cheaper for a gen 4 drive, but in the long run, the Xbox ends up being cheaper for me. Xbox was £400 compared to 396 for the ps5 (digital 389 + £6 postage) but then 2 years of gamepass ultimate is gonna cost roughly £50 compared to 160 for ps+ extra. Making the Xbox cost 450 over two years while the ps5 would cost £556 roughly. Money isn't really an issue, but I do prefer to save money where I can.

Exclusives are definitely better on ps, but I don't feel like I'm really missing out on anything.

Ultimately go with your gut. You can't go wrong with either system, they're both great and have their own advantages and disadvantages but you'll be happy with either one.


NUM_13 t1_j1nxc7c wrote

Buy a steam deck lol


Nightryder88 t1_j1oadp2 wrote

Sounds like you need a PC. Nailed it!


Anubra_Khan t1_j1n1fua wrote

Xbox Series X/S only has 3 current gen exclusive games and one of those is available on PS5. You can play every game on an Xbox One.


dattebayo_7 t1_j1pr9ls wrote

Go buy stream deck and get eternity.😇


MisakiAmi21 t1_j1puhqo wrote

It's seriously up to you. I grew up on Nintendo GameCube, 3ds, and the PS2. I 100% want a PS5, and the switch.

It's personal opinion, but I don't like xbox and I'm not very fond of PC. So I'd choose, the switch or PS.