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FunkinDonutzz t1_j1r5fxs wrote

They are. See also - the Xbox One was kinda garbage even in 2013.


BritishUnicorn69 t1_j1r5sia wrote

Xbox was never good


FunkinDonutzz t1_j1r5xdv wrote

That's the point I'm making.


benitaapplebum t1_j1rn05d wrote

The difference in games though is silly plus you get pretty much everything free on Xbox if you pay monthly for game pass. I’m on ps5 but the exclusives just aren’t holding up apart from GoW and game pass on Xbox is just too OP in my opinion I’ll be switching soon


FunkinDonutzz t1_j1ropet wrote

GamePass is great if you haven't owned a console in the last ten years. And there's hundreds more games on PS Premium vs. GamePass.

I've got a Series X and a PS5 - if you think the exclusives aren't holding up on PS5, oh boy do I have bad news for you about the Xbox.


benitaapplebum t1_j1rp0qq wrote

Ps premium games are literal dog water unless you like games about cats and fighting sims that ain’t had a solid fan base since early 2000s. Both consoles need a sharp retuning there’s not a single game for either coming out that excites me


FunkinDonutzz t1_j1rppcb wrote

Sounds like an issue with your taste in games. And I happen to like fighting games. You must've missed the latest Tekken selling over 10 million and it getting a sequel.

But sure, no "solid fanbase" in the last two decades.


benitaapplebum t1_j1rqy24 wrote

And you can’t call out my taste in games and not drop your own. Probably on fifa 24 fucking 7


FunkinDonutzz t1_j1rrj59 wrote

Last ten games according to my profile I've played are;

Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Redout 2

Mass Effect 3


GoW Ragnarok

Resident Evil 2


Samurai Showdown Neo-Geo Collection


Wonderful 101 Remastered.

None of these sound remotely like FIFA.


benitaapplebum t1_j1rrsje wrote

Way to completely ignore every good point I made shit face and confirming you’re not worth the argument L


FunkinDonutzz t1_j1rsnz1 wrote

Is that the sound of someone furiously backpedaling because they just lost the argument? Why yes, yes it fucking is.

Lol, try harder next time, or maybe learn to take the L.


benitaapplebum t1_j1rquin wrote

Oh yeah well please tell me one ps exclusive that gives you a hard on maybe I’ll believe you?

I’m not talking about that I’m talking about the endless sea of pointless arcade games and turn based games they ram ps premium with that are just dead. Game pass got all the old gears games, halos, pretty much any shooter, horror, online or multiplayer, survival games, dead space, all the dishonoureds, all the dooms, all the dragon ages, all the fables. I could keep going. Not to mention all the old classics you can replay

Premier has absolutely jack shit in comparison. I’ll be PlayStation for a while at least till forespoken, but defending Sony and their shit treatment of fans like you and me isn’t getting gaming anywhere. Premier has only been a thing for less than a year and before that the ps plus choices were god awful. Plus you didn’t name a single game that you enjoyed on premium or exclusive to ps. High on life is just the latest in a long line of Xbox exclusives that they get for free because Microsoft clearly are running their shit


FunkinDonutzz t1_j1rwz8u wrote

I like most PS exclusives. Are you really having trouble understanding people like massively popular games?

Halo and Gears haven't been good since the 360 days (especially Halo, Infinite is straight garbage).

> space, all the dishonoureds, all the dooms, all the dragon ages, all the fables. I could keep going. Not to mention all the old classics you can replay

Again, they're all cool if you haven't owned a console or PC in the last decade. Played them all to death already.

Microsoft are clearly spunking money on their garbage subscription service so they can hook suckers in for life. And here's you, applauding it.


Separate-Eye5179 t1_j1sc7zc wrote

Na. The Xbox was a great console in 2013, all the way up until the release of the Xbox One X.


FunkinDonutzz t1_j1selir wrote

Nah. Demonstrably less performant than the PS4, and almost no exclusives (with even less worth mentioning). Not to mention it was 100 bucks more and had mandatory Kinect.