Submitted by Ambitious-Finish5364 t3_zvnydx in consoles

I am looking at getting a console, there is an Xbox1 for 199 or a PS5 for 400. I want to get one in order to play Elden Ring, Bannerlord, and occasionally a casual shooter like CoD. Is the PS5 worth the extra 200? Or should I take the deal here?



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PSPHAXXOR t1_j1q3wjs wrote

You should absolutely not pay $200 for an Xbox One. Get it used for around $100 or less.


housethemous t1_j1q8061 wrote

The new one is a SERIES S or X... not JUST Xbox ONE.

Don't buy the last generation model by mistake ;)


Douchieus t1_j1qadjt wrote

PS5 all the way as far as consoles go.


New-Credit-3955 t1_j1qco9j wrote

Ps5 it's awesome bit of kit I've got the disc edition, playing Ratchet and Clank at the moment it's by far the best platformer and uses haptic feedback.Pushes the console to the max, CRAZY game!!!!!


FunkinDonutzz t1_j1qeu30 wrote

The Xbox One is total garbage in 2022. PS5 here, no contest.


razbainyks t1_j1qezf0 wrote

400 for PS5 is too good to be true, 200 for xb1 is too pricey


Dr_FartBalls t1_j1qkeg9 wrote

Get an xbox series s for £250 or $300, budget but still current gen


spoonard t1_j1qmy73 wrote

PS5 for the controller and exclusive games. The non-exclusives are indistinguishable from Series X games (I have both and wish I hadn't wasted money on an X.) GamePass has LESS games than PS+ and is overall more expensive.


DancesWithFraggles t1_j1qo1zh wrote

If you’re going for the age of an XBO, you’d be better with a PS4 but only for previous gen games. If a PS5 digital is beyond your budget, save for a Xbox Series S for current gen.


razbainyks t1_j1qowqk wrote

Yes it is, 400 is too good to be true price for a PS5. Even though you are looking at 2x price, PS5 is notebaly newer than xb1, 2013 vs 2020 release. So not only you are getting several times better and faster hardware, which is very notable during load times and general performance and graphics fidelity, you will get a generally less worn hardware 9 years vs 2 years. So it should last you longer, this is purely from casual play perpsective.

Also make sure 400 for PS5 is not a scam


Memeusboi t1_j1qr0lh wrote

Get Xbox series s it’s like 240 now


JakeDV69 t1_j1qxqn9 wrote

is it the original xbox 1 ?? if yes not worth it at all


Backdoor_Visit_747 t1_j1r92il wrote

It's a mater of personal choice. I'm ps right from day one. Games I preferred,controller was better. Dont like the xbox menu either.however I have a 360 halo edition for playing halo and for a occasionally


SaudiKingdom t1_j1rjn9z wrote

TAKE THE PS5!!!!! 400 is wayyyy cheap and definitely get it before it gets out of stock


benitaapplebum t1_j1rn05d wrote

The difference in games though is silly plus you get pretty much everything free on Xbox if you pay monthly for game pass. I’m on ps5 but the exclusives just aren’t holding up apart from GoW and game pass on Xbox is just too OP in my opinion I’ll be switching soon


FunkinDonutzz t1_j1ropet wrote

GamePass is great if you haven't owned a console in the last ten years. And there's hundreds more games on PS Premium vs. GamePass.

I've got a Series X and a PS5 - if you think the exclusives aren't holding up on PS5, oh boy do I have bad news for you about the Xbox.


benitaapplebum t1_j1rp0qq wrote

Ps premium games are literal dog water unless you like games about cats and fighting sims that ain’t had a solid fan base since early 2000s. Both consoles need a sharp retuning there’s not a single game for either coming out that excites me


FunkinDonutzz t1_j1rppcb wrote

Sounds like an issue with your taste in games. And I happen to like fighting games. You must've missed the latest Tekken selling over 10 million and it getting a sequel.

But sure, no "solid fanbase" in the last two decades.


benitaapplebum t1_j1rquin wrote

Oh yeah well please tell me one ps exclusive that gives you a hard on maybe I’ll believe you?

I’m not talking about that I’m talking about the endless sea of pointless arcade games and turn based games they ram ps premium with that are just dead. Game pass got all the old gears games, halos, pretty much any shooter, horror, online or multiplayer, survival games, dead space, all the dishonoureds, all the dooms, all the dragon ages, all the fables. I could keep going. Not to mention all the old classics you can replay

Premier has absolutely jack shit in comparison. I’ll be PlayStation for a while at least till forespoken, but defending Sony and their shit treatment of fans like you and me isn’t getting gaming anywhere. Premier has only been a thing for less than a year and before that the ps plus choices were god awful. Plus you didn’t name a single game that you enjoyed on premium or exclusive to ps. High on life is just the latest in a long line of Xbox exclusives that they get for free because Microsoft clearly are running their shit


FunkinDonutzz t1_j1rrj59 wrote

Last ten games according to my profile I've played are;

Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Redout 2

Mass Effect 3


GoW Ragnarok

Resident Evil 2


Samurai Showdown Neo-Geo Collection


Wonderful 101 Remastered.

None of these sound remotely like FIFA.


FunkinDonutzz t1_j1rwz8u wrote

I like most PS exclusives. Are you really having trouble understanding people like massively popular games?

Halo and Gears haven't been good since the 360 days (especially Halo, Infinite is straight garbage).

> space, all the dishonoureds, all the dooms, all the dragon ages, all the fables. I could keep going. Not to mention all the old classics you can replay

Again, they're all cool if you haven't owned a console or PC in the last decade. Played them all to death already.

Microsoft are clearly spunking money on their garbage subscription service so they can hook suckers in for life. And here's you, applauding it.


YeetsupRedditAltAlt t1_j1sc52t wrote

Which brand do you trust more? Which one have you bought a console from and liked jt?


ZekerNietTijn t1_j1sn36f wrote

How expensive is the xbox series x? If it is cheaper then ps5 you must buy it. It is stronger then the ps5. Sorry for my english


BigSmokesCheese t1_j1spopt wrote

The PS5 is way better value for money. Can get a series s for the price of that basic xbox 1


FunkinDonutzz t1_j1srpxq wrote

Define "beat"? Because PS5 has been consistently outselling it since day one, has way more exclusives, has better regarded exclusives, has more hype for upcoming exclusives, is usually more performant in multiformat games, has a more innovative controller, has PSVR2 on the way...

Sounds like it has already curbstomped the Xbox, much like every other generation before.


theus-sama t1_j1ssvu3 wrote

That question was so stupid, that I want you to buy the xbox one and waste 200 bucks the stupidest way possible. Go for the xbox one please. You need some regret in ur life to learn some lessons.


BlackCondor24 t1_j2d1w5k wrote

A lot of Xbox One games (minus some exclusives) are on the PS4 as well. The PS5 is almost fully backwards compatible with PS4 games (physical and digital) that can be found super cheap, and it also plays newer PS5 games too.

So 400 bucks or not, you'll get way more mileage and value from the PS5 with access to 2 console libraries. Only, check if the price is legit. The PS5 is 550 new, and it's tough to find, so if this is true, it's a steal. If you prefer Xbox, the Series S and X will still give you more value than an Xbox One (again all the games from there are playable on the Series, plus some OG Xbox and 360 games).