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Anubra_Khan t1_j1z60pu wrote

No. Get the system you want or regret it. As soon as you upgrade the Series S memory or buy a few $60 digital games that are available on disc for $5, you've paid more for the Series X or PS5 Disc version.


Ok_Adhesiveness9549 t1_j21l6cr wrote

Get ps5 it’s a great experience. The controller is amazing with the hepatic feedback and it’s overall UI is great. The 3D audio is the best too. You won’t regret saving for the PS5


GR00VYGH0ULIE t1_j20nwvy wrote

If you have your eyes on the PS5 which you mentioned first I think you would end up disappointed by the Series S. If you're interested in Xbox the Series X is the way to go if you go that route.


spoonard t1_j21x0p2 wrote

Go for the PS5, it's literally better in EVERY way.


PrinceDizzy t1_j203ftj wrote

I'd don't think you can go wrong with either PS5 or Xbox, although you may want to consider the Series X.


Lukakuisbeast t1_j24lpdh wrote

What console did you have last? If you didn't own Xbox then I would go for the series S. The reason being is hardly no games are out for either Xbox or Playstation. But if you didnt own the Xbox One then you get to play A LOT of games you missed out on with the gamepass or downloading cheap games in sales. I would then over the next 3 years lets say save up for the PS5, then that will have plenty of games out by then.


crashdude_ t1_j1zjp3q wrote

If you truly value your money you should get a preowned PC


Commercial_Shoe8588 t1_j22ugjk wrote

I'm gonna catch so many hands with this comment. But PC or PS5. My guy. I'm sorry, but Xbox is dead. It's just a gimmick at this point. The UI is horrible as usual. it's just Windows 8.1 on a TV. With a few exclusive games. Once PS5s are readily available, that's all anyones gonna buy. Series X's are too easy to pick up as well. Honestly, go with your gut and just go with your first option. The original Xbox was literally just a tower computer with a custom case lmao. And that's all it's ever been. Playstation is all about user experience. The UI reflects that. You'll literally jizz your pants when you turn on a PS5 for the first time. The experience is unmatched. Xbox is all about utility. Nothing wrong with that. But it's really not for gaming anymore. It's just a Netflix hub.


A_lost_10mm_socket t1_j1z8v4x wrote

PS5 and Series X are essentially the same console. The series S is technically a last gen machine but it' still a great choice. You should look at what games you're interested in for each and choose from that.


MahatmaAndhi t1_j1zjj1i wrote

How is a Series S last gen? It's far more powerful than the One X or PS4 Pro and it's capable of running all current gen games. It's not on the same level as the Series X or PS5, but it isn't technically last gen at all.

As for the OP's question, Game Pass is great. The PS5 exclusives are also great. You'll have to pick one. If you have a lot of friends on a particular console, that might help away you. Personally, I bought a Series X, then a PS5. I sold my PS5 because I was playing Xbox so much more and a lot of the exclusives make it to PC anyway.


Shadow_MD17 t1_j1znkez wrote

I feel the playstation game pass or whatever is better if you're a fan of games similiar to ps exclusives (third person action)


A_lost_10mm_socket t1_j208ezc wrote

Series X is the current generation xbox. Anything that came before is last gen.


MahatmaAndhi t1_j208r8a wrote

They came out at the same time. Despite the difference in power, the Series S and X are the game generation.