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CouldBeYouNeverKnow t1_j2hjely wrote

Performance wise, both machines are pretty much the same. They both have areas where they outperform the other. The difference is negligible.

So it is mostly a case of which games and hardware suit you best. Yes, at the minute, Sony has a better lineup of exclusives. That will change starting this year. Microsoft have purchased a lot of big studios over the last few years, and you will really start to see their exclusive library explode in these next couple of years.

My honest opinion, keep the Series X. Save up for a PS5. There will always be exclusives on the other side that you want. No matter which team you pick.

Edit, got my consoles mixed up at the end there.


Amelia210192 t1_j2htz86 wrote

I hear this comment, I own both personally… the exclusives are better on PS and although Xbox may have some new studios that doesn’t mean to say that the games will be better now with the newer studios. It’s still a risk.


UsableIdiot t1_j2ij51u wrote

Yea people keep saying 'the studios the studios' but they aren't actually producing anything noteworthy.


Amelia210192 t1_j2ijehs wrote

The “noteworthy” games are car games… forza which to be totally honest doesn’t appeal to me. I find Xbox very much a shooter gamer type console if you’re mostly online and mostly into car… shooters and similar it’s probably better… but for me I prefer RPG, JRPG so yeah


Budfrompsych t1_j2ljt5g wrote

Well Microsoft did recently acquire Bethesda. So even beginning this year, the exclusives will be better for XSX. So when elder scrolls 6 comes out, it will most likely be exclusive.


Amelia210192 t1_j2lzj6l wrote

Why would it most likely be exclusive There’s no evidence to say it will be This is an assumption There’s monopolising laws so it’s unlikely they’ll suddenly do that Developers also don’t like exclusive games Miyazaki is an example hence the reason we had dark souls after demon souls


Budfrompsych t1_j2m2vlh wrote

Starfield is already confirmed Microsoft exclusive


Amelia210192 t1_j2m2z6f wrote

So? One game doesn’t mean the whole studio is only releasing Xbox exclusives 😂 don’t be so ridiculous


Budfrompsych t1_j2m368p wrote

Okay, what about red fall? Another Bethesda published game going Microsoft exclusive


Amelia210192 t1_j2m39c3 wrote

A first person shooter I had to google to know what it was… yeah ok


IIIIKNOIIII OP t1_j2hjiqu wrote

Ya I have seen this a lot , I guess I will just keep the XSX for now. Thanks for the response!


FunkinDonutzz t1_j2ih6sl wrote

Microsoft buying studios (and let's not forget the Acti-Blizz deal is under a lot of scrutiny and hasn't actually been finalised) won't magically produce good games. If Halo - their flagship title - is anything to go by, and the fact that they've so far managed all of three "next gen" games in the last two years (only one of which is actually exclusive to the Series platform), there's a serious issue with mismanagement of their studios.

Sony have already proven they know how to pump out high quality titles at on a consistent basis, and there's nothing to suggest that's about to change.


CouldBeYouNeverKnow t1_j2is5xa wrote

Yeah nahh, I'm not arguing against the PS5 here. It's the console I use the most. My main point is that there will always be exclusives on the other side that you want. So get both.


FunkinDonutzz t1_j2iwv3n wrote

I've got both myself and over two years into the gen there's absolutely nothing in terms of exclusives I want on the Series X. Halo Infinite is my biggest gaming disappointment in years, console is not a good way to play Flight Sim (especially at 30FPS) and while Forza Horizon 5 is fine, it's basically glorified DLC for 4.

I'm hoping Starfield is good (although it coming from Bethesda I'm not exactly hopeful due to bugs/optimization) because as it is my Series X is mostly used to play Sleeping Dogs and Sonic Team Racing Transformed at 60FPS.