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Amelia210192 t1_j2hubne wrote

Personally and not to be a dick - probably should have thought about this pre-purchase of the Xbox. If you sell up you’ll lose value which isn’t what you want ultimately. Having said that you are missing out on exclusives and you’re reducing your gaming experience because of that. It would be a personal choice. It also depends on your financial situation, if you can afford to save and pay for a ps5 then do that and keep the Xbox in the event that you’ll want to play exclusives on the Xbox. Additionally you can use the gamepass and psnow to open up more “free” games that you can play at any point (as long as they’re in the library) At present deadspace is on gamepass for free as well as the fable games… there are others as well and it’s seeming good for what it is. In terms of ps you have castlevania, ps1 games like Toy Story, demon souls and you have other really good games on psplus