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KnowerOf40k t1_j2ml8qr wrote

according to Citizens Advice. Items that firms send to you, but you didn't actually order are called "unsolicited goods". You're well within your rights to keep them. You have no obligation to send them back to the company or to pay for them.


RBTropical t1_j2ndf78 wrote

This is incorrect. It doesn’t come under unsolicited goods because he did in fact order something, but received the wrong item. He must return the PS5.


KnowerOf40k t1_j2ne4rk wrote

He did not solicit a PS5, they sent him one. He is actually only due to be compensated for the PS4 he ordered. The company in fact still owes him a PS4


RBTropical t1_j2ner0o wrote

Completely irrelevant- the unsolicited goods act does not apply if they sent him the wrong item for the right order. He must return the incorrect item if requested


RBTropical t1_j2nfapp wrote

More here:

“But this doesn't apply to items sent to you by mistake (as happened to Robert); if the order was sent to you twice; or if there's extra stuff on top of what you ordered. If a firm has left goods with you that weren't unsolicited goods, they still belong to the trader and you should try to give them back.”


RBTropical t1_j2nexw4 wrote

“Not unsolicited goods

  1. If you have been sent items by mistake; such as a duplicate order or additional items, mistaken identity, wrong address, in your name but you didn’t order them, any kind of fraud”

“5) If you have had any contact with any company and you have any order with them and they send you something different/additional”

Additional items or wrong items in an order you did place with a merchant you are expecting items from is NOT unsolicited goods.