Submitted by GoofiestGooberest t3_102117q in consoles

Don’t know if this question belongs on this sub. I already have an Xbox series x and really only want to get the ps5 for the exclusives but idk if I should just save my money and get like a gaming PC because I’ve heard they are like the best thing ever for gaming and work. I don’t know to much about pcs other then just the basic parts. I was leaning towards the ps5 because it’s cheaper and I feel like I would play more games on it but then again I may find more games on pc, like I’ve been wanting to play rust for a while. Sorry if this is the wrong type of question for this sub.



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Budfrompsych t1_j2qt9b8 wrote

I actually just posted the opposite question (own a ps5 buying a XSX) I totally think it’s worth it. PS5 exclusives make it more than worth it to me


Dee_Will_112 t1_j2r8rc8 wrote

Thanks for that random information I needed there guys. I really want to get a PS5 but I usually wait because we know what Sony is like. They bring out the more expensive but inferior version first then after a few years a more powerful slim line version will come out. I did that with my PS3 and PS4 and never looked back. I never went for Xbox because of the whole "red button of death" thing was it called? That put me RIGHT off because I still have my very old PS2 and it still works perfectly. Well done to the workmanship at Sony for that 👏 👍


VicisSubsisto t1_j2rqsgm wrote

>we know what Sony is like. They bring out the more expensive but inferior version first then after a few years a more powerful slim line version will come out.

That's not Sony, that's literally just how computing technology advances. (Moore's Law)


spoonard t1_j2r61qw wrote

Get the PC, dump the Xbox Series X, and get the PS5. Once you have a gaming pc with Gamepass PC, there is no need for an Xbox because there are few console exclusive Xbox games.


New-Credit-3955 t1_j2ra9m4 wrote

Ps5 for sure that way you don't have to learn bout modding PC,s and they are a great console.Just played thru Ratchet and Clank the game is like a Pixar movie but better!!!! Crazy fun.


Dylan_Was_Not_Here t1_j2tip1e wrote

Modding pcs? Not unless u want to install mods???. I swear you ppl think pcs are like some massive machine were you have to turn cranks and spin cogs whilst pedalling at just the right time while shoveling coal into its furnace. Literally there as easy as consoles.


Jordo-James t1_j2xwhju wrote

Worked in tech support for 10 years and most people don’t even know how to find a file if they don’t open it right after it’s downloaded. Not bashing pc gaming at all but those of us who have been doing it a long time take that little knowledge for granted, it’s definitely not as straight forward for the average person as most of us think.

That said with a bit of research and dedication or access to someone close with that knowledge it’s definitely worth it.


Dylan_Was_Not_Here t1_j2xwshc wrote

Why do u need to find a file? Why not install xbox app sign in buy pc gamepass then play a game. Once you've done that all you have to do is: turn pc on, put in password, launch game


23crown t1_j2qq841 wrote

Since most of the games you play on xbox are as well in PC, I say you should go for the PS5, but you will be missing freedom and you can't mod games. And most of the Sony exclusive's are launching on PC. Depends of your choice.


Pilko05 t1_j2rrnwh wrote

Xbox has more games. Netflix and any apps rlly on the ps constantly crash an jus turn off so annoying. I don’t get any problems with my Xbox x


ShaddowFoxVX t1_j2tdy5t wrote

I have none of the issues you listed with apps on my PlayStation 5? I would also say that PS5 has a better game library due to the exclusives.


Pilko05 t1_j2th9i8 wrote

Fair enough. Xbox game pass is good 100s of games for 10 quid a month new games on there every month. You can’t beat that tbh. I prefer the PlayStation for actually playing games seems to run a lil smoother but for all round use Netflix music yt all of that i prefer the Xbox. Also does your ps not sound like a fuckin ac130 taking off literally had it a few months. My cousin has the same issue with apps constantly crashing. His room also sounds like an airport when it’s on.


ShaddowFoxVX t1_j2ti81p wrote

PlayStation also has a “game pass” similar to Xbox now, so it’s just as easy to access as Xbox and most of the exclusives are on there.

I’ve never had issues with apps crashing or the PS5 being loud. Good console health comes from taking care of the console and cleaning it. If you clean out the dust from the fans then you’re fine and it won’t overheat, that’s what can cause an app to crash.

Take care of the console and it’ll take care of you .


Automatic_Ad3727 t1_j2rxwr7 wrote

No. Use steam. Cheaper. When you need to buy a PS6, you Will discover that you Will have to buy all your games again from previous PS’s


celcius_451 t1_j2ryw20 wrote

Depends on how much money you can spend. Xbox is great as you know, with gamepass it's the ultimate user-friendly/cheapest game machine ever launched. Yet anybody here could count 10-20 PS games that Xbox has no competition against. It looks like this is going to change but let's be real it's going to take at least a generation for Xbox to have as much heavy hitters as PS.

Personally I have little time for exploring indie games and optimizing graphics settings so I go with consoles and mostly with PS5 and Switch. Their exclusives from Demon's Souls to Mario Odyssey, Uncharted to Zelda, Gran Turismo to Ghost of Tsushima and many more never let me down really. I try smaller games when I'm off the work at summers but my gaming life is like this.

To answer your question, those PS games hold good value. Check them out, even try them out if you can. If you like them PS5 is as great a console as Xbox, you can't go wrong.


Unable_Design48 t1_j2s9n3l wrote

Depends what you play, If you play more single player games I would go with a ps5.. it has better single player and exclusives But if you play more online games go with an Xbox it’s got plenty of online games and it’s build was focused for online multiplayer But generally it’s all up to you my guy 👍🏽


Wise_Writing t1_j2sguy5 wrote

Theres rumours, albeit only rumours but there may be a ps5 pro eventually it may be worth holding out for that if it comes.. At the moment the current gen of consoles can only really manage 30fps with rtx on.. The mid gen consoles if they come will likely manage 60fps rtx on.. So I'd say keep your eyes on the rumours and maybe hold out for now.. Or save for a gaming pc in the meantime.


Brother_Clovis t1_j2t33zs wrote

Get whatever you'd like, and can afford. Both consoles are amazing.


WombatJedi t1_j2t6u6y wrote

There are an awful lot of REALLY good PlayStation exclusives, and they’re definitely worth playing, but if you’ve already got a current-gen console, I don’t think shelling out £450 is worth it. But it depends on how much that kind of money is worth to you. If you can afford it, sure, if you can’t, don’t do it. Also bear in mind that all the exclusives cost a bunch of money too.


denispenis69 t1_j2tb0t2 wrote

It barely has exclusives


ShaddowFoxVX t1_j2te6v8 wrote

Think they’re talking about PlayStation exclusives generally considering they’re an Xbox player. Not ones that are only for the PS5. It would be a whole brand shift, but staying next generation console wise


Anubra_Khan t1_j2tzznd wrote

I have a high end gaming PC for modded single player games and PS5 for everything else. It's a great combo.

Like someone else mentioned, PC with game pass is great. There's really no reason to have an Xbox of you have a PC. The PS Plus subscription has as more games and the exclusives. Having both subscriptions is great.

I recommend you get a ps5 and then start saving for a PC. Once you get close enough, sell the Series X and get the PC.


GoofiestGooberest OP t1_j2ud5gp wrote

I cannot sell the Xbox because it’s more of a family console (even though I bought it lol)