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celcius_451 t1_j2ryw20 wrote

Depends on how much money you can spend. Xbox is great as you know, with gamepass it's the ultimate user-friendly/cheapest game machine ever launched. Yet anybody here could count 10-20 PS games that Xbox has no competition against. It looks like this is going to change but let's be real it's going to take at least a generation for Xbox to have as much heavy hitters as PS.

Personally I have little time for exploring indie games and optimizing graphics settings so I go with consoles and mostly with PS5 and Switch. Their exclusives from Demon's Souls to Mario Odyssey, Uncharted to Zelda, Gran Turismo to Ghost of Tsushima and many more never let me down really. I try smaller games when I'm off the work at summers but my gaming life is like this.

To answer your question, those PS games hold good value. Check them out, even try them out if you can. If you like them PS5 is as great a console as Xbox, you can't go wrong.